Douluo see you

Chapter 1411

"You say, the times are constantly developing, entertainment methods are also constantly making. If they are limited by the times, they are in an entertainment. Instead, they will miss more wonderful!

For example, if the person in the beginning is sleeping, there is no chance to see. Radiors, TV, computers, and even immersive online games.

If you don't want yourself, you have missed the wonderful age, and people who are laughing by the future generations! It is necessary to continue to stay in reality, keep up with the steps of development. Come to witness the new era. More new discovery. "

In the neighb, Oscar's understanding is still good, and after the depth of Tang Sanshou's old thinking, it is still very understandable to understand the progress of society.

As for the Tang San, inquiring, it is a bit unmetriopted, as if it is the spirit of the idea, it has been exposed to more progressive thinking mode, but I can't mention this. This even let him doubt the idea of ​​the original author, still affect the protagonist of this world.

This is not difficult to see from the original development of the original development, the first part is a conservative family soul teacher, defeating the liberation of productivity, cultivating the martial arts of the civilian soul, the second part is the conservative soul, defeating Progressive soul technology, even the protagonist, but let Tang San have dropped the gods.

Always come behind, conservative forces, defeat advanced, progressive power, this will make the two people feel very confused.

Going back to the problem of adding the virtual world, it is satisfied with the reactions to Oscar, so explained: "Your understanding is not bad, but relatively on our initiatives, some side, limited to the technology level you experience, you You can only understand the immersion game.

And because of the conservative of the Douro mainland academic atmosphere, the public human experiment has little, and your transformation is limited to the utilization of soul.

In this way, I am simple to compare, if I only have a perceived ability, there is no strength, you think the gap between the title Douro and the ordinary person is very large. "

Oscar nodded: "Differences are really large, if you let the title of Douro's perceived ability is the same as ordinary people. Then they will be extremely uncomfortable, and ordinary people are hard to imagine that perceived ability, vision, hearing, sense of smell , Taste, touch, and even spiritual feelings and sixth sense, all super ordinary people. "

"That's it, if a game can only simulate the feelings of ordinary people. So let the title to play this game. He will feel that no matter what touched, it will be like a film, it becomes very It is vague, in fact, they are the same as the information perceived by ordinary people, but because of the stronger perception, stronger to control the ability to control the material world, it will become more uncomfortable after returning to ordinary people.

In this way, with the development of tulips, progress is not just the entertainment industry.

There are also basic technology, the perceived ability of the human body will become stronger and stronger as the technology progresses.

At that time, the pressure of researchers must be developed in a short period of time, and this transformation can significantly improve the human function, so that we have more A deep sense of ability, minimum standard is also, let all people who have accepted this transformation, realize that the world has become more exciting and more complicated.

This is actually a fairly difficult task, because our body has been quite powerful, visual can see the infrared rays and ultraviolet rays, almost double the visible light spectrum, ultrasonic and secondary wave for us, have been habited .

Micro is a few, although not to see the molecules so exaggerated, but the microorganism in the air, we can all be enjoyable, olfactory and taste are more powerful, and can share hundreds of tastes, record number. Ten thousand different flavors.

Such a strong sense of perception, it is necessary to make a quite a lot of effort.

However, we still do it, although it can only be blurred, let us add a new perceived ability and perceived gravitational waves. "Said this, the amount of the inclusted forehead opened, revealing a milky white pupil.

"This is the new organ we evolved, so that we can see the new world with our vision.

Many times, the fact is more convincing than the long-tired style. When everyone sees the new colorful world, everyone is like a blind person who has just been navigated, and this Shocking is that they can't experience hundreds of thousands of years in the virtual world.

Most people also understand that only in reality is involved in the reality and promoting the development of the times, they can participate in this great change, otherwise it will only be eliminated by the era.

Leaving in a virtual world, never witness. The great change happened in the moment. Our world is interesting, as long as it is constantly exploring, there will always be new discovery.

The tulip people who have been convinced by this, but the temptation of the virtual world, let them have some shake, what I want to do is to give them to see, tell them in facts, to the unknown exploration, forever than indulge It is even more eager to in the past. "

Oscar breathes, imagined with their own perception, the world became more and more colorful in his eyes, the kind of identity that once could not be generated, once again haunting his heart.

Maybe this is why tulips. It is clear that only the first million population, but it can constrain the new immigrants and let them really agree that they are tulips. Perhaps this is this goal that directly meets the truth of the universe, so that everyone has a moving power.

"Say fast, in fact, this turmoil has been from Star Era 37 years, continuing to the Star Evierse, and after this, it is until the Testament of the current.

When ideals and reality are unified, each step of each person is going on this road to dreams. The speed of social development will reach an extent that I am amazed.

We completely improve the technology of transfer. Even the gravitational model can directly calculate the coordinates of other planets. Then arrive near the passage.

This allows us to completely get rid of the restrictions on the half-plane, the same, the virtual world in the network also builds more and more realities. But there will be no longer addicted, because everyone is believed in the future of our future. "

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