Douluo see you

Chapter 1415 strategic weapon

Oscar can only believe that the tulip people collectively have persecuted domeys, dealing with a group of opponents that will be detached, and even must be ruled by the feudal system, and even have created a starry weapon.

Upset does not seem to be the expression of the Izka numbness, continue to introduce: "The hand of the creation is not a real weapon, because it integrates a large number of production functions, generally as a development tool without lifeless planet.

Truy to be a weapon for important strategic reserves, in fact, the anti-substance war. "This time you didn't take the real thing, after all, the name of the battle was listening, you know that the size is huge, such a small warehouse is impossible.

"Anti-substance ... battle? What is it?" Oscar doubts, anti-substance he knows what, the battle, he can barely understand, but what is the ghost?

"It's literally thing! It's full of planets with anti-substances. In the galaxy full of normal substances, such strategic weapons are equivalent to a super bomb.

You should be able to understand that the energy of the positive anti-substance is annihilated, that is basically released in the quality of material quality, even the hydrogen bomb, truly realize the substance of the quality conversion, which is also slightly, even so, still can release it. Destroyed explosion. And a planet volume, the energy released after detonation, can be imagined. "

The Oscar expression is stiff, although his mathematics is not good, but it can imagine everything in the scientific, explosion range, I am afraid that it will be close to the light-speed material flooding into a black.

"How is it? How can you have so many energy to prepare against substances, you can't say it before, even if tulips, in terms of quality conversion efficiency, do you destroy millions of planets? Is it energy to make anti-substance war? "

In the face of Oscar's question, we have shaken his head: "To have absurrange imagination for realism, our anti-substance, why must it be prepared? Don't you be mining?"

"How can it be! As long as the anti-substance will be annihilated, release the energy, how can it ..." Oscar said that here, suddenly.

"Why is it impossible? Our universe is actually very young. At the beginning of the birth of the universe, there is also a positive substance and anti-substance, and the two have determined the main substance that constitutes the world in the future.

But does not represent the moment of birth, all of the positive and anti-substances will be annihilated! As a substantially part of the quality of the universe, it is impossible to annihilate all in an instant.

As long as you just have a backbone nebula, for our small wisdom creatures, it is incomparable to a huge source of antimethers.

You also know that the galaxy distance in the stars is very far away. Why is these galaxies, there is no purely consisting of anti-substances?

Most of our anti-substances are actually obtained by mining. These anti-substances are difficult to save, so we have created a simple anti-substance machinery, allowing them to mining, transportation, storage against ant substrates to avoid danger.

When the war is needed, the anti-material battle will start the propeller on the planet, rush to its own goal with a gesture of the same.

In fact, we rarely need such a great explosion. The true meaning of the anti-material battle is actually all the positive substances in the annihilation attack, and the attack mode is also surrounded by the target.

Then either all sides.

This can kill some enemies relying on simple mechanical energy, can't kill, after all, in some extreme cases, a atom may carry the will of the enemy. "

Because of the different scientific trees, tulips can be transmitted with space and space, but want to use the proton eleven-dimensional to process into a wise scent, temporarily can't do it.

However, this theoretical foundation has been gone, it can be affirmed, an atom, even a proton, can carry awareness, the opponent's opponent is this existence, then even if the power of super new star broke out, it is difficult to eradicate, after all It is not enough to smash each proton, so there is this anti-substance battle.

"Do you really encounter such a strong opponent?" Oscar is somewhat confused, is it difficult to be in the stars? There are other powerful civilizations.

"Nothing, we have experienced civilization, very few can exceed Douro, but this is the biggest problem, do you think that the space is really a difficult thing? Especially in extraordinary In the case of force, it is not difficult to establish a satellite group around the planet.

But we have not known how many civilizations have been discovered. Yesterday, there were three new civilizations, but almost all civilizations were like animals that were cultured in the pasture, never stepped out of the fence.

If you are the owner of the pasture, what attitude will be opened for tulips, but also open the door, what attitude will be opened, will more animals come out?

In response to future, we are in a rare developmental period. Many other strategic weapons are also prepared, some of which are military secrets, and the other can be disclosed. Look there, the shape of the shape is suspended, and it is one of our strategic weapons. It is just a strategic weapon in the development process. It is still not possible to play more power. "

Oscar reads only something that you look at it, it is difficult to describe how you see the irregular objects, because he is asleep, as long as you have a little offset, see the color and The texture will be different, so that this thing in the sight is very strange.

"What is that? Staring at him, I feel so uncomfortable."

"If I use a scientific naming method, I probably need to use a mobile hard disk to record its name, so in general, we all call his code, Bodhi.

One flower is a world, a Ye Yiboda, this is the origin of the code, you will name it with this code because what you see is actually a separate molecule.

Although in our impression, the molecule should be extremely tiny, even if the tremendous molecule of DNA, it should also be naked, but theoretical molecule is not the limit.

If the DNA is infinitely extended, the volume can eventually expand enough to make people meat, and all Bodhi is a single super macromolecule, and each is very special.

It also corresponds to a flower, one world, a Ye Yiboda's description, every bodhi, is a very complex molecular structure, and it is like a complicated universe. "

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