Douluo see you

Chapter 1220, gathering

For the act of destroying the gods, the inquiry indicates an extreme anger, which clearly has a big hometown, even dragging the gods of the mouth. As a result, they actually started to hook the world of the world, and I went on the same day. hotel.

In contrast, he is never envious, this is a pure critical critique, for the criticism of the old social corruption!

The god of destruction is naturally unclear that his behavior has caused someone's indignation. The school flowers are just in his eyes. The next is the first beauty of the city, and even the first beauty of the empire. He has confidence, no matter how it is Will not turn over.

Almost all women are extremely inclusive, loyal, banned, cold, beautiful, wise, responsible, these people who are harsh, they will only appear on the weak, exchanged into strong people, they Will only say, you have me in your heart.

Of course, the real world is actually not bad, but the strength of strength is changed to rich or not.

The god of destruction is clearly well versed, so than good at using gold fingers, more good at enjoying the benefits brought by strength.

"Teacher, I suddenly feel that the gods have become the experimenter very unpropted." Solitary speaking, there is no expression of the contrast, as a multi-threaded thinking, the contrast seems to be accompanied by Oscar, actually more Framed is actually following the process of following multiple projects.

"Well? Where is wrong?"

"As a war of the trial, let them enjoy the fun of being the protagonist, this is one, the second is in the process of their act, the stronger process, will inevitably harm the interests of a large number of indigenous people, these people It is our future citizen, which is probably fair. Perhaps we need to choose a relatively higher person to participate in experiments. "

Under the collections: "There is no need to replace it, your choice is actually nothing wrong, the gods are indeed the most suitable experimental samples, those who have hurt by him, will be compensated in the future. Death people also It has been resurrected, and the program is indeed a bit. But the influence is actually slight. "

"But ..." Solitary looked at the screen, the sputum of the departure of Leji, the expression is weird: "If the experiment ends, the god of destruction is real trial, and the people who have sent emotions have hurt, I am afraid It is difficult to use substances to compensate. "

"Well, say that I have never found it, you also have such a big side! When you can do not hesitate to make a living in the dead prison!"

"I don't have any compassion for them, just think that because of these things, it is not worth it to reduce the authority of the law."

Under the sigh: "You said, for these people to reduce the authority of the law is not worth it, so they will be compensated. There is no chance to happen there.

Indeed, this is not fair, but when civilization is in crisis, it is absolutely fair, that is, the biggest unfair, excessive democracy will only bring disasters.

Moreover, if you don't have to worry about her hurt, the woman who can be destroyed and easy to get started. When he knows that he is a experiment, you can easily give him away, don't expect these people to really be like a novel. , The difficulties in the protagonist are still never given away, people who can do this, can encounter one for a lifetime.

Talk about it, have you been a result? The progress of the destruction is so fast,

Put on this continent. In the past, the son of the past is not more than him. If you really have gas delivery, you should already see it. "

Solitary shake the head: "I have not seen any changes, I am currently a preliminary test by guessing the coins, and when I guess, my correct rate is still around 50%. The correct rate is not significantly improved."

Upset, touch the Pakistan: "Theoretically shouldn't be! Do you really have a lot of air transport? Or do you have any questions about your verification method. Yes, how much is your initial luck? Will not be 50%! "

"Yes, it is 50%, at least 10,000 repetition experiments, no deviation is detected."

Guess the size of this simple gambling. In the inside of tulips, it is often used as an indicator for evaluation of luck. In the past test, the experimental results are relatively accurate, and generally as long as repetitive experiments of a certain number of times, the results of the test will be found to be approximately a value, and this value is Mathematics expects some permanent deviations, this deviation value is gas.

The deviation of most people can be ignored, and even most people's deviation values, there is no way to reflect in millions of repeated experiments. This means that the impact of gas transport is almost equal to nothing.

But how do you look like a lonely? I have thought about it, I thought about it, and I took a picture of my brain: "What is your gambling chip?"

Single lonely: "I am going to the standard process, each chip 10,000 credit points each time."

"I understand it! I have a good mouth, otherwise the test is not doing it." Up knocked the brain of the alone: ​​"I ask you, do you like money? Or say this 10,000 credit points Do you want it? "

Solitary shake the head: "What is the use of money?"

"That's not right! The reason why the standard process will be settled in the credit point, because most people want money, at least they will only have less money, will not be too much money. It is because they want The gas transport will be interfere with some extent. Although this extremely does not meet our scientific system, the subjective will affect the situation of reality, we must use him as a phenomenon.

Go back to your question, you use the credit point as a chip to gamble, but you don't have a little desire to money, this kind, the victory is no meaning for you, how can the air transport can interfere? In order to say, like the natural phenomena in the experiment. Of course, infinite approach is normal about no air transport interference, that is, 50%!

Tell you, what do you want, let's change the chip to test, but it's not too late. If you wait for the god of destruction, you will find this problem, then change the test chips, I am afraid it. It's too late to do a control experiment.

What do you have anything special? Is that really wants, the week can get a limited number, only more things can be obtained in special circumstances, you should understand what I mean. "

Solitary is also the old researcher, various control experiments, I don't know how many times did it, I naturally understand the meaning of the contract, the Zhangkou came: "Give me 900 billion tons of anti-substances."

Up: "..."

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