Douluo see you

Chapter 1134, two-way crisis

The inquiry has never intended to give up the tulip native, so in the moment of contact, it is hard to plug 50,000 yuan, not to say more, but it is too late to come, can only come so many people.

With the closure of time and space, two sections, tulips are equivalent to many of the 50,000 invincible levels, one by one is the same as the GM account in the local universe.

He only hopes that these people can delay enough time, let him break the two borders, and his most worrying thing happened, and the master of congenital Lingbao is not absolutely, and still left a residual soul, and obviously becomes It has a higher permissions.

In the confrontation of the cosmic level, the difference in rights will bring a huge impact. Sometimes the quantity does not make up for quality, maybe all of him is not tonic, but try, there is no Try to give up.

In fact, the situation is far better than the imagination, the reincarnation of the reincarnation of the residual soul is named William, and the captain of a farmer, after starting the first day, after the first day of the Lingbao, only broke the fourth-order gene lock. , Master some of the privileges of congenital Lingbao.

William is very clear, the only way to revenge, the only way is to rise in technology, watching technology, master all the rules of this universe, doing the level of the hand, this is equivalent to mastering the congenital Lingbao all rights, Become a master of his truly approved, it will fly, the congenital Lingbao, which is completely form, can definitely play Liu Tianxin's.

Not necessarily, he searched for the universe of our own, and found the most potential scientific civilization, and then surprised the tulips. This is an end of him, and it has broken through the self-limiting, breaking the god boundary, to the starry sky, Developed to the interstellar super civilization, this is simply his perfect material.

As long as the time accelerates, let them grow rapidly, then rely on their GM privileges, they will swallow them, and he can become the most potential integrity, and only the truth of the universe is only a step! This is simply sleepy!

So, the time flow rate of tulips has begun to speed up, and the land does not feel a problem, but the flying here of the outside is clear, realized that the problem, the incomprehension is not to say that 50,000 camers.

This is good, William I want to accelerate a thousand years of try the water, and the results suddenly have more than 50,000 GM accounts, to accelerate the mortal of this universe, accelerate the time, consumption is not a quantity, He did not stop, and he fiercely was exhausted by 50,000 vessels. There was only a residual soul, almost directly gray, and he stopped time accelerated, tulip has been over three hundred years, the territory It has expanded to the extent that the hunter is the size of the hunter, and it is properly civilized.

Although the leader of tulips is no longer inherited, his thoughts still inherited, and the 20th side of the twenty-faced spheres in the reincarnation will be carved on the name of the development of the prey. In the Wanjie Library, there is still time and space. The form of the bubble, records each history, even if the virtual universe has been infinitely close, the tulip people are still convinced that the real future will be more embarrassing.

This makes it three hundred years, tulips' technology development speed has no shortage, and if it goes back, the big probability will completely understand the black technology of their own, there is a kind of soil into the city.

Originally, after the development of the silver-level civilization, William was ready to swallow the harvest, but his hard student accelerated 50,000 GM accounts, it could not be injured, and it was unable to swallow.

Even if his permissions are higher,

There is a tulip of more than 50,000 people to guard, and he has to have his half-life. He must cultivate a quick recovery for a long time.

Compared with the high-speed development of tulips, the tenth year of the start of the time accelerated, the Oscar of Dou Lu Xing occupied the whole country, and announced the founding of the country and the country: Douro!

In the same year, Douro Guo was also watched by the Hillaw of the Tiangou Empire, Xingluo Empire, and infected. The war lasted for three years. The main force has always been Hillva and Douro, Safety and Xinglo. I haven't recovered the vitality, I can only shout next to six or six, watching the black science and technologies in both sides.

On the third year of the War, Oscar and infected people came together to the front line, signed a peace agreement, agreement, and Hillva agreed to join Douro, but the whole nationals of Douro, must inject silicon-based virus, transformed into "infection" ", That is, new human beings.

In the fierce quarrel, the two signed an agreement, the new Douro Empire was established, Duku Hillwa, who is shouting six or six heavens and Xinglo's two major empires, the snow night Emperor is very fast, played The soldiers did not fight the banner of the Luo, announced to join Xinbu Luo, Xingro Empire because of internal power disputes, no response, Xin Du Luo army crimped, see a war.

Suddenly killing a single-eyed man led the revolutionary army to launch a coup, hence to the rushing forces inside the Emperor Luo Emperor, it is rock, and the writing wheel with the protagonist of the protagonist, because the soul disappears, write The round-eyed was discounted directly, turned a single-eyed. Thirteen years of time passed, and the teenager has grown into a mature leader, wise choice to join the new Douro.

At this point, above the mainland, only the remains of the soul of the soul have not joined, talking about the soul of the Empire, and she has to mention a golden eye black dragon sculpture in the Did.

The soul of the soul is also a copy of the book of the truth, so the development is not slow, but the emperor is in the hard work, but it has to eat a massive food every day, and even hurt the medicinal materials in the territory. Many soul beasts are therefore can't eat, hunger and cold, and even in the disease, it is desperate to die, and the dissatisfaction with the emperor is strong.

Finally, the researcher in Rui Wenwen developed the night of successful human soundtrack technology, the Wan demon king series Xiong Jun and so on, etc. I refuse to yield, they blew the bitter trees, cut the source of vitality of the emperor, so that he lost the abilities of all beings.

The emperor faces the siege, there is no smash compromise, the battle between the giant behem is slightly dark, the bitter treasures are blown by explosives, crash, the emperor is not enemy, and the serious injury falls on the collapsed bitter tree.

Rui Wenwen learned that the news was brought, but it was too late, the emperor had been taken by a hundred meters long guns, nailing over a huge trunk.

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