Douluo see you

The first thousand four hundred and fifty-two chapters carry 1 god system (I opened a new book again

"Don't complain! I have to learn from my head to learn your theory. I said what to do, the operation manual shows me." Liu Tianxin also installed the entry engine with the inquiry, compared with it, he It is also familiar to the three-way applications, even if many algorithms are new contact, it is more likely to integrate.

"Give you, this is almost completed, you should have reinforced it! The world's knowledge of this world I will definitely not be proficient." Insert a string of verification code, confirmation After that, the pre-start of the entry engine is started.

"No problem! I have reinforced the link between the world of the gods before encountering you. If you think, you can even break the world barrier, let them integrate into the gods."

And the universe where the contrast is just the opposite, the god of this is the largest world, which is bigger than all the other worlds, the affiliated world of the gods, the complete planet of Douro is already very big. The little, a little actually only one-third of the planet, the card is in the space barrier, and it is 2 million kilometers to the diameter of the gods in the space barrier. It can easily hold all the planes, but phase More than the space scale of the true universe, the gods is small.

This is why the gods will be captured by the black hole of the outside world.

Other planes, in fact, it is also captured by the gravity of the gods. It is like a planet rotating around the star. It is working around the gods, and Liu Tianxin is doing it, it is to catch these planes. On the world, stick them together, so as long as they accelerate the gods, they can be taken away together.

However, in order to prevent the fall, these planes still need to install some secondary engine to balance the curvature.

"Ten, nine, eight ... three, two, one!" With the countdown of the inclusion, the installation of the entry engine is ignited, the gods that have been indulge in the drunken gold fans feel the vibration of the gods, and they have been from luxurious buildings. Run, I want to see what happened.

Then they saw the endless unforgettable scene, the entry engine broke the space outside the goddess, the original fog was like the boundary sky that was covered by the nebula, became transparent.

In their vision, the most eye-catching is that the huge celestial body is close at hand, the black hole is huge, but the theoretical black hole is invisible, it can be seen, only the source of the bismuth, and even the source The light is swallowed on the edge of the horizontal.

Even the power of the king level, in the face of the most extreme celestial body in the universe, there is no power and small feelings, even if it is strong, Liu Tianxin, it will be undoubtedly, this is the most basic law of the universe. The most violent celestial body.

And it has been captured by Black Cave, no matter how many substances abandoned, no matter how accelerated, it should not be detached from the gods, but in the acceleration, it is far from the black hole. And it is still far from the speed of incoming.

The gravity of black holes gradually could not affect the gods, while the time flow rate, because of the huge gravitational source, and the three hundred and sixty-five times acceleration time of the god circle, finally no longer gone.

For a time, the gods have not returned to God from the decadence of the end of the day, they haven't been to do, and the crisis is over.

And Liu Tianxin, is also planning to stimulate what you stimulate: "Do you say that I can use this space gem? Put the gods and all of the sites of his affiliates into it.

To be honest, I am not so full about the confidence of infinity gems. At the beginning, I really thought they were unlimited. But since the last time I drove two gems, I realized that the ability of gems appeared to have a limit. "

"If it is the piece on your body, it is indeed the limit. It is theoretically it is unlikely to have real infinite energy. The real infinite energy means the limited time and the space, that is to say he instantly. Output power is infinite. And whether it is divided into how many parts, each share can reach the same effect.

That is, you have an infinite gem, it is equivalent to having countless blocks. This is obviously unrealistic. The biggest possibility is that there is an upper limit of the output power in the infinite gem.

However, we have previously tested the upper limit of the transformer. At least you can output the upper power limit, you want to accommodate this space, it should be more than enough.

The only problem is that after you have a space, can you still bring it with you? After all, it is huge to carry a living body to carry out time and space, and it is huge. In theory, I am in the present, it is not a living body, just a program that has my own memory.

It depends on your own ability, and it is difficult to analyze your capacity in our own capabilities, but the problem is not big, the space fused by the space gem can also be rejected, nothing more than a period of time. You can't use space gems. "

Liu Tianxin's ideas are almost the same, so I decided to try the whole goddess into space gemstones.

If you look at the interior, a small man, holding a smaller gem, wants to accommodate the wide world, no distant people dream. But if you look from the outside world, the size of the gods is actually not exaggerated.

At the time of the volume and the sun's volume, this is not a problem for the treasures that are critical to the view of the unlimited gem.

With Liu Tianxin, the strength of the space is constantly inspired, the housing of the gods, the space of the space is gradually dyed into the same blue sky.

The visual effect is like a whirlpool distorted. The hoe in the universe disappeared. Incorporate into a small gem. Liu Tianxin couldn't help but face a white, although the infinite gem took the vast majority of consumption, but the part of sharing his own body, it still made him very uncomfortable.

"Let's take it! Try it, bringing him to shut down." The inquiry performance is also active than Liu Tianxin. The reason is also very simple. If you can bring people to the world, tulips can get rid of dangerous main gods NS.

Although not afraid of hard work is a good morality of civilization, it is necessary to go safer world peace of mind, why do necessary to find it?

With the launch of time and space shuttle, space gem is also shrouded, and has become part of the shuttle time and space, while the shuttle destination is the flying base of tulips.

However, in the flying rejuvenation, he encountered a little trouble.

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