Douluo see you

Chapter 1,475 test

Before the ice-cold metal console, the soul of the taught, taught, is tensely standing, and he is about to face a test. If you can't pass the test, he will be eliminated this world's first college. The soul of the soul is generally, and it will become bumpy during the future cultivation.

Just imagine, it is difficult to test the Tsinghua, but it can face a situation where you can be dropped at any time, you can imagine how nervous.

"Start, as long as you can complete the 50% of the first-level core law, even if you pass the test, you only have five hours. All levels of core factors are random from 3,500 basis. If you extract, don't think about the speculation, rely on the core of the core, and get a simplified array of simplified lines. "

Sailu is here to find the back door, naturally looking for Huo Yuhao and Liu Tianxin, only how they know how to simplify the political and law, the rest is unable to do.

As their mentor announced, the test started, everyone began to be busy. Only busy direction is not the same. Most people pick up the tricks and carefully engraved in the rare metal surface.

Only a few students who have been taught by the student have rushed out the paper, and began to calculate the graphs you took. The formula is not complicated, but the amount of calculation is not small, five hours, and it is stretched for them. .

But this is the only possible possibility of testing, this is not just a test of Qu Yu's test, which is also in the test.

As long as you listen to the class every day, it is good, go back to finish the post-class exercises, and they are absolutely enough to complete all the steps of simplifying and engraving within four hours, and implement all of the functions of the core factor.

And it is not completed in five hours, it means that the class is absenter, not listening carefully or did not carefully complete the practice. It does need a genius student, but it is more important to listen to the students, and how to have a baby, if If you can't learn to learn, it is not great to him.

It is true that the genius can be summed up by observing the law, and they will make a fast progress, but in various disciplines have been firmly hit by countless talents, they will refuse to learn. Only by the genius drilled, you can only call the door.

For five hours, no matter which student is very nervous, there is no one in the field that has the ability to make a complete functional level.

Their goal is to improve their final works as much as possible. As long as you can end before the first year. Complete the engraving of the first primary core array. It can be rated as excellent. Even in the three countries, it is also the result of the upper number of rows.

Time is one minute and one second. Nothing people interfere with them. Even if some people's move is very strange. Always write on paper, write calculation. The examiner is not intended to stop them. Wasting time is their own business. If they will waste on this calculation in the valuable opportunity of Shrek's training. That also lives them to be eliminated.

Finally, some people have completed their own calculations. Its core method is relatively simple. And in the formula, most of them are integers. So the first completed its own conversion and simplification.

Looking at the drawings that reinche in the coordinate system, the simple and beautiful lines. I can't help but march my masterpiece.

Greatly simplified lines. Even let him have an illusion that I can complete this core. In an instant of the self-confidence, he began his engraving, because the talent is flat, plus the time exercises on weekdays, is used to learn to learn.

His engraved hand is not very stable.

But after the law Front strip Fortunately, it simplifies much simpler, even if his hand is not very stable, still no error in engraving.

Graceful lines appear on the surface of metals. With his start, more and more people to complete the calculation. Their hands drawing the same beautiful simplicity. Or symmetry, or center of symmetry, or is consistent with the characteristics of fractal mathematics. Proved inseparable relationship between mathematics and beauty.

"What are they doing? Why are they portray on the content and drawings different?" Sail feather frown, he was familiar with every base circle, even every base circle, all hand-carved too many times.

So just look at one. You will be able to see all. Just in the calculation of the people, and drawings carved matrix method are very different: "It's wrong for all drawings are randomly selected even if they can find someone to simplify, the two children have enough time and patience they did not... possible, simplify all three thousand kinds of the circle in such a short time back down. "

Fan Yu feel something more than his own expectations. He originally thought Liu Tianxin get out of evening classes, but a child of young, let him nonsense, while it wants. But it looks like he really did a pretty incredible thing.

The first stop graver child. Feel ill at ease inject soul into the hands of the forces of rare metals. It is possible to reduce the ambient temperature of a core circle. Although the only generally difficult to use in the attack. But the core used as the circle refrigerators and other refrigeration equipment has more than sufficient.

As the injection force of the soul, the surface of the core matrix method without any special lighting effects occur. But he was able to obviously felt, holding the circle of finger, while cold.

In others he thought he was a complete failure of the time. A layer of frost on the circle slowly climb. Condensation of water vapor in the air quickly. The core circle, frozen into a puck. The circle of children holding frozen let go, the ball dropped to the ground. In his soon split wrapped on the surface of the ice cracking. To expose the interior still braving the slightest chill of metal balls.

Immediately then, is his cry of joy, regardless of whether he is in accordance with the requirements of the drawings produced, he produced the core While the circle, already has the power of an array of law, even in harsh assessment of the examiner, he also perfect to get through the assessment right now.

And he was just the first one, almost all successful students will be drawn to simplify the drawings are completed one after another of his carving, and then into the soul force after carrying core circle of metal ball is also showing a variety of different poses , put some heat, some cluster impact, and some high-speed gas flow around the guide. Manifestations are different, but all proved their success to produce the first primary core circle of life.

[To be continued]

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