Douluo see you

The first thousand four hundred and eighty-two chapters of the dragon

Ma Huayun realized the most important issue that he faced after aware of his industry to make money. That is he has no core technology.

Yes, he did not have a core technology. Although he was selected into the Shrake College, he was a smart person, but these people only used a month, and learned the production of the first-class soul tunnel. This is an indisputable fact. .

If the technology spreads out, even if others are not as good as they spend twice, even longer, they can also learn their technology, the pipeline is not a creative, I want to learn, there is no difficulty. .

If others realize the key to it, especially those who have the most money. Then you can kick him one foot, and put it on a strong capital and set up a factory. At that time, his little arm, the calf is completely uncomfortable.

So from the beginning, he did not rarely dilute the equity, pulled a big investment, which was to show his value in the shortest time, so that more people put money into their own high returns.

Expand production in the early stage, occupying the largest market share, and to play your own brand, play your own reputation, and let Douro's public familiar with him before other people don't have any core competitiveness. Products, and is accustomed to using his products.

If you use your own sale, the income of the soul tunner is put into regeneration. It can indeed expand production, and the speed is not slow, almost geometric multiple expansion scale.

But this speed is insufficient to realize that the technical content of this industry is not much higher, and it is full of its own industries. At that time, the real rich big gap, he even a fart is not counted.

Since I have already gone Madao Yun, I decided to do the highest pig. Therefore, after expanding production, he is still running in the east, and the big people have passed more money.

The potential of this industry has gradually seen the clue. Put the money to him, absolutely make no money. Such a sale naturally attracted a lot of people to invest.

If it is said that after the first sale selling soul tuners, Ma Huayuan's Huayun's market value is only about 500,000 yuan, then after this round of investment, there is more than ten times the foot expansion.

5 million yuan soul, even for an empire, it is no longer an ignored number, and put these funds into production, sales, packaging, advertisement and other consumption, Huayun Soul, you The speed of the three major empire is launched.

Just three months, the company's scale expanded hundreds of times, with more than 35,000 employees, created quality jobs, and created huge amount of wealth.

But Ma Huayun is very clear, the plate is big, there is no core technology, and it may eventually be taken into peaches by others. So he needs to do something. Make yourself to maintain its competitive decisions, and the original business is a brand, first-class enterprise to do standard.

His brand has already played, and then it is to establish the standard of the soul tunner. The size of each interface, the morphology of each modular component, all of which are standard, and even these standards are opened to other manufacturers, let them Production of some technical content of auxiliary goods.

At the same time, more than 90 students were all recruited to their own companies. And select a few people in learning talents, return to the Shrek Academy, like the second phase of their mentor, and higher levels of soul tunnel manufacturing technology.

Liu Tianxin looked at the gorgeous dress, but he worked with Ma Huayun in front of him.

I have to sigh in my heart, and I can flexion.

"Hey! The Dragon is finally evil!" This is Ilex sighs, although he is very clear, there is a shortage of the technology that Ma Huayuan mastered. Even if he can do a quantity of nine-level soul tidists, there is no competitiveness for the technique of two metamorphosis in front of you. But watching Ma Huayun from the original simple ordinary person, and presents the bloody capital of the ordinary people who only make more money, and even crushing their own ordinary people, or have a lot of sigh.

"No such a lot of emotions, history is its inevitability, want to skip a historical stage, often need to pay more expensive costs.

Workers who have not been oppressed by capitalists are never experienced to realize the feeling of the same enemy, and they can't give birth to their own force to defend their own labor results. Such people. It is born in the morning and evening, and it is also overthrown sooner, with it around an uncontrollable person, becomes a capitalist, but also to make a person we can master. "

Upset to Imolan explanation, historical mismuth, is not advisable, most historical stages, there is its inevitability, you can find way to reduce his casualties, but directly skip the hidden dangers Will be bigger.

"You will use it here." Liu Tianxin shook his head: "Although I said, capital is also part of strength, but I didn't expect you to do this.

I have taught you, I have already taught you, how to make a second-level soul guide, you need to ask if it is not me, but yourself.

The formulas and functions are there, and the drawings are also clear. There is a white painting. I have taught you the soul guide logic. You will do it next, just ask me, but ask yourself, you really Is there a deep use of me to give you a knowledge?

You are now very rich, it will become more money in the future. Then why don't you do something meaningful? Want to master core technologies. Can't do it by one person.

What you need is more about the existing soul guidance technology, you can happen as your classmate, break the people who think about routine thinking. Even just in order to make more money, even if it is just to be a wealthy valve on the continent, you also understand what you should do. "

After that, Liu Tian did not return, facing the back of the tutor, there is a vicious vicious in the eyes of Ma Huayun, but it is soon hidden by him, the more we are rich, the more hate this The proud guy. Because this kind of person can't be around money, after having money, what he wants to do is left and so.

He has understood the meaning of the mentor, and it is intended to do so. He wants Liu Tianxin to understand, the price of his arrogance.

The next day, a news spread throughout the entire continent, Huayun Soul Guide Senior Vocational and Technical College established! I am now officially enrolled, not limited to age, not limited to soul!

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