Douluo see you

The first thousand four hundred and eighty-seventh chapter I just collect specimens

"Good boy, today let you know what is extremely attribute! Hey! Have you heard what is the ice and fire two days?" Although the fragrance of Qilura is threatened, but the tone is always soft. .

However, he did not put water at all, if it was not a person in Tangmen, he would never allow the other party to be close to.

I saw a group of people behind him. In the two kinds of springs, a flowers of a flame and frost, each flowers contained the power of the ultimate attribute, if it is a normal ice property and fire properties In the face of such a scene, I have long been.

However, Liu Tianxin did not panic, even took out the temperature gun, and took a temperature to the ice fire flower.

"It turned out that this can be considered an ultimate attribute. The ice is less than one hundred and eighty degrees. The fire can also reach six thousand degrees, a little disappointing!"

"In fact, it is not as bad." Shampoo shook his head, "in the world of the world, this degree of attack is very strong, 6000 degrees of high temperature, can be easily melted, in this world There are only some special rare metals to resist.

The people here do not know how to interact between different molecules, as well as large intensity differences in different lattice structures, so it is difficult to manually synthesize some very strong, high-temperature materials. I am afraid that most people face this flame. "

"Although you said this, but I can't change this kind of attack." Liu Tianxin drilled into the car, although this car did not pull the wind deformed function, but absolutely pepper.

The surface of the armor can minimize vibration and impact, and there is a heat insulating layer inside, which has strong resistance to high temperature attacks.

Even if it is true, in the top of this car, a nuclear bomb is not opened, and the most is the top of the surface's painting burning, there will be no one thing.

The fragrance of the fragrance saw these two people, there was no repentance, even in the words, and finally no longer patience and launched an attack. Ice is really not a joke in two days.

First, the side of the frost fly over, although it is not very good at the 100,000-year soul of the battle, but it is also very clear and high temperature, and how terrible consequences will be generated? Almost all conventional materials will tear in such a huge temperature difference.

In front of this strange carrier, although it looks good, it is absolutely unable to resist such a dramatic temperature difference. Even if the car can release the soul defense. It is also divided into two days of ice and fire.

This is a confident that is 100,000 soul!

But a pity. In his own eyes, he is a powerful 100,000-year-old soul beast. It has wisdom, and the existence of the Human Seal Farm.

It can be in front of these travers. In front of it, this is a plant sample. It is a plants sample with a good scientific value.

Attacking the car in the face of ice and fire, there is no shield. Directly move towards the direction of the fragrance. The ultimate attack is not impact. Therefore, there is no impact on the movement of the car.

The whole car seems to be just like rain, the flame is coming, and the frost of the car surface is evaporated. However, there is no damage to the car.

Liu Tianxin came to the car next to the fuss, and the car was controlled, opened the hood, and extended a robot arm.

"You ... what do you want to do!" The fragrance of the fragrance made an uneasy scream. However, the reality is called broken throat, and there will be no one will save him.

The robot has no mercy, canceling his petals, a leaf. Part of the root stem. And the package enters a special container for a long time.

"What do you want to do? If you don't want it, take this bead away, don't hurt other partners!" The fragrance of the fragrance took his essence. That is a colorful bead, you can remove the toxins around a large area, and you can use it on your body.

However, Liu Tianxin is only controlling the robot arm. Extended a long needle, tied it on that colorful bead, and took the beads back after taking the section sample of the bead.

It is important not to produce treasures produced by these plants, but the composition of these treasures, and the synthesis process of these components.

Under the spiritual world created an analytical model, it flew into the experimental data of the two, relying on its strong spirit, and started the specific ingredients of these biological essence.

"Well ... a lot of organic macromoles! I hate organic ..." Up the forehead, organic macrologists have almost countless forms. It is most troublesome to analyze, and this also contains a large number of different types of organic macromolecules, which is simply a type of person.

"I think we still copy his DNA to see if there is some part of the synthesis of these molecules! I really lazy to analyze these ingredients, and even if it is analyzed, we have to recalculate the synthesis of this protein. The DNA sequence can then be synthesized by transport RNA batch ... The corresponding substance, I hope he is a broad protein, otherwise it will be more troublesome. "

"Um ... gene sequence, I have broken, I have finished the test, you can reorganize these pieces of data, you should get a complete gene sequence." Liu Tianxin transmitted some data in the brain of Yac. .


In the spirit of the spirit, Yac is handled with the induction, stitching these debris genes, placing them in the correct position.

This method of breaking DNA first, then recombinant. It is very troublesome, but it may also be wrong, but it is actually very efficient, real-in-law, the human genome program, can quickly complete preliminary sequencing, relying on the original technology to improve the DNA after sequencing.

"It's almost!" Yac will send a huge gene sequence to Liu Tianxin.

"This length is very outrageous, is completely unlike a plant, and we estimate that the synthesized protein is not a way to directly produce the material inside the beads through simple transcriptional DNA.

Requires the environment, there are also some catalysts, um ... catalyst should be available from this plant itself, which seems to be directly synthesized directly. Instead, it is enriched from the surrounding environment. "

Liu Tianxin nodded: "It should be related to the environment here. I am analyzing the lake water here. There is a special mineral in the lake in the lake. Um ... a special ... carbon isotope?"

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