Douluo see you

The first thousand five hundred thirty-two chapters of the lie

Yac is still a bit of the idea to follow up, so he summarizes his understanding of the worldview.

"I have a summary of our time to summarize several laws, so you can make it understand.

First, the lower the lower world, the more people do not have visible, the more mystery, the less the high level, the less mystery, the less mystery.

Second, between different layers, the history before the interference is similar.

Third, the travers will interfere with the history of different levels, but in most cases, they can only interfere, better than their lower-level world.

The fourth, that is, the situation we now, the hierarchies after being interfereled, almost will not be affected by the top level, this explains why our mainland has substantially deviated from the original history of Douro, but there is no A certain unknown correction correction is back.

The same reason, we interfere with history, affect almost all levels than our low level, but if this time, there is a no-haired crossler to get 5 layers, then there, let history come back, then Our interference can no longer affect the five floors below, the history of the following five layers, will all follow the situation after the crossover changes. "

Yac probably understands the situation under the moment, but does not understand why, why is that a twin martial artist, is not a member of their zero space.

"I am just a speculation, it is possible to have a bigger probability. If I am a two-life Wu soul, and after I was born, I haven't much time because of the trouble of the martial art. I found this What should I do after the entrance to different levels?

Do you think I should go to a higher level, then I want to cure my own martial arts rejection? It is true that in the higher level, the martial arts may become visible and have the possibility of being cured.

But have you ever thought about a question? There are also your existence in the top level. If he is in that level, there is a way to cure his disease, then mapped on you. You will still be like now, is your life? "

Yac: "..."

He found that the contrast is good, reasonable, changing, mysterious, but there is still no way to cure the soul of the martial art, what is the meaning of the upper place? He is nothing more than a magical person to live like a common person, and there is no advantage for the people of the world.

"So if it is my words, I will go to the lower level, because there, I have information mask. No one can see me. I can rely on this golden finger, where the wind is mixed, quietly stealing The treasure of strong soul beasts, going to the treasure market in the human world.

I am not very clear,

What is the help of the next world's substance to his condition? Perhaps useful, perhaps useless. But it is certain that the treasures in the next world are useful for people in the next world.

He can use many treasures, arms to strengthen the world's own, but one thing, he has no way to strengthen the world's own body, feedback to his body, because as a traveler, he has substantially changed the story of the next world, Therefore, the projection of the upper and lower layers is broken, even if he will guide the next world, guide to a quiet place. Most of them cannot affected themselves.

I asked you, if it is you, see another world you get rid of the troubles of pain, and rely on all kinds of treasures, what do you think? Perhaps you just feel that you feel the same as the disease, you want to help him, but really wait for him to become a strong person? Waiting for him to become a hot genius? "

Yac is finally a bit understanding that the one who is reversed on the face, what is it means.

"I will start to marry him and want to replace him. And ..."

"And you are the same person. Have an exemplary soul." Inserting is like a ghost story, but at this moment, the cotton yarn, which is attentive, finally uncovered, revealing the truth of the truth behind it.

"There are exactly the same soul, and there are many treasures, plus your own intangible mysterious people, do you think Bo's own trust in the world is a hard thing? Replace him, how much is it difficult?

But after the replacement, he can get a healthy and powerful body. But there is no cognitive shielding gold finger. Thriars' psychology, you should have learned, open is addictive. So he does not satisfy only one floor.

And this replacement, I am afraid more than once, he has changed in a time, relying on the golden fingers of cognitive shielding, the stronger the treasure can get, so step by step, it has become the top of the mainland. Powerful.

Know why? Will he leave a stone tablet in a negative space? I guess this layer is the last floor he stayed. "

"Why?" Yak just asked this question, I wanted to understand: "Because it is a mysterious, it is human herself, is it? In that space, he can continue to take himself, but he can only I can't see the body you can't see, as well as someone who can't see the human society, will continue to down, will seriously affect his life experience.

So he left our layer, and he left a strong color in history.

He relies on the gift of the gods, but is derived from many worlds. Countless treasures. The powerful body behind it. "

Yac is also immersed in this possible truth, he did not expect. After the contrast is not very serious, there is still such a reliable side. It is just a lot of scattered information, which is all stringing by him. It is a reasonable experience that it sounds is still sound.

"So! Our start is very unfavorable. This opening has almost no space to explore down. We can only explore, and up, you can't rely on what plug-in and golden fingers. Can only be rely on Hard strength, hard.

! White blinds, so many babies were eaten by the guy. I am afraid that the Tianshuo Bao Bao Bao is more than the current world, and I will not be encountered by him. Eat those you have.

In short, I want to verify that my guess is true, as long as we cross it up, see if there is anything in front of us to know.

If there is, then his hometown, I am afraid it is not our zero space. "

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