Douluo see you

The first thousand five hundred and eighty-three chapters left eye round back to the right

When someone in the gods, Huo Yuhao is a traveler, and a guy like crossing people is coming!

"Hand holding the sun and the moon! There is no mine in the world! Hahahaha!" The second big laughed from a bird, starry big forest, a head of the wooden village, a teenager who dressed up, open Opened your eyes, I saw a look like a star, and another eye was spiral.

It is Liu Tianxin, which is Liu Tianxin. The progress of the Nang Shadow World is much more faster than he imagined. After he got a reincarnation, he has enhanced its own combat capacity, exceeding most of the so-called shadow, let him More convenient to get resources.

Rely on the human situation in the water door in the village, I got the opportunity to go to Mu Mushan practice, master the cactus mode, and make up the wilderness of wildlife, lie to the soil, deduct a write-eyed eye, run, gas future The big boss is a Buddha, two Buddhasheng, three corpses, vowed to play Liu Tianxin.

Others have no way to bring the soil, and there is a strong space ability. I have made a few times a few times, I deceived the Shenwei space coordinates of the land. He hid into the Shenwei space. Liu Tianxin went to the Shenwei space. He, running back the reality, and it is waiting in realities.

At the front battle, this time, the land is still not the opponent of Liu Tianxin, and it is made into a pig.

At this time, Liu Tianxin, basically there is only a blind and the altitude of the cure, the column is already awkward, and the dust has not been developed, and it is not necessary to worry about the truth, thousands of top, the Buddha, spot Master is also a state of half-dead, completely, must not use it, Liu Tianxin estimates, you can shortly known as the endurance of a period of time.

So, I found a hub, I found the old nest of the organization, a big trouble, deducted the back of the long door, and the anti-outer road of the magic is running, this is anxious, but Liu Tianxin's space is running too fast, Only the mainland wanted Liu Tianxin.

Liu Tianxin, who took the outer road, was found, and found that some of the power of some of the tail beasts was collected, although it was incomplete, but as long as every tail was collected, it was enough to synthesize ten tails. , Use the power of the weakened version of the tail.

Just in the body is the hardest half-nine tail, stealing the chicken to go to other rushing the village, the wool, the tail beast complained, the tail thief is distressed in the boldness, and the stealing tail is strongly condemned! Others have the tail, less than one thing, he can only have one!

It turns out that the tail of the tail guard is very enough, and Liu Tianxin is just shaped on his tail, and it will make a fusion of ten Ten Tethal.

Chakra, which collected Qiqiuji, and the ten-tailed achievements of counterfeit and shoddy version began, because there were half of the nine tails, although the fake ten tails were better than the original version, but there were no weakness.

Liu Tianxin synthesis ten tails have quietly,

Seeing that it is successful, black and white, the feeling is not good, consider going to control Liu Tianxin, try able to use his body to resurrect their mom Hui Ni, and they can be fat, they can Control Chakra does not control the soul, and it is not necessary to give Yizhibo spots.

Liu Tianxin estimated, this world has no search, so she has been infected with the death of the House, and returned to Douro.

The outer road is stolen, and Xiwi is fascinated. It seems that the plan to make the world feel painful. The endurance looks like to peace, but the contradiction is still brewing, Liu Tianxin has no self-propelled to support more Changed, which noifies do not really kill.

The disaster of the endurance, on the surface is a small number of ambitions and hiking for many years, but the appearance of the appearance is inherently, in fact, the economic development is unbalanced, plus nationalism, and all countries have long-lived hostile emotions. To a good control and regular venting is caused.

The so-called farmers, but the total outbreak of this round of social contradictions, even if they solve them, do not change the existing system, do not change the way wealth distribution, do not change the people's split ideas, the war will still break, even Will be more fierce than the original.

However, these will not return to Liu Tianxin. He lost a bunch of books to the water gates with the productivity and production relationship, and then watching the world's own creation.

It is also because in just a few years, it will do so many things, and Yac will return to Douro.

As for the previous digging, exploring the plan, it is indeed successful. He and the will of the planet signed a contract, which can use huge Chakra within the scope of the Planet gravity farm, which is why he can synthesize the ten tail in the case of each of the big beasts. Not too much.

Those of the lack of Chakra, all of him make up, compared to the huge Chakra, ten tails compared to the earth in the earth, that is, it is a rainy.

However, this power can only be used in the gravity of the planet, after leaving the planet, Liu Tianxin can only continue to use the ten tail.

In general, Liu Tianxin brought back the combat power, probably can be pressed by the primary gods, but it is necessary to deal with the gods, it is much worse, it is basically equivalent to the full version of the entire version of the boom that does not use the golden wheel. .

Because of understanding your strength, Liu Tianxin came back, in addition to the bragging of the forest, did not release his huge Chakra, this time is the most unsuitable to provoke the gods, otherwise, will definitely be Dove the victim.

After returning this familiar planet, Liu Tian's heart is slightly familiar with the situation here. Although there have been some calls before and inheritance, there is a little less about the situation here, but I saw Huo Yuhao to engage in rain, and taught the new spell system in the school, still did not endure the heart.

"Hey! You are a student who has a self-organizing skills that spontaneously organizes the brutal rule of the feudal landlord. This idea is not too true.

Even if you go to 100 ideological and political classes, these ordinary people do not have threatened their own personal interests, and they are not possible to make them spontaneously resist the conservative rule.

The revolution is to bleed! You look like this, can't you bleed for a new social system!

Well ... and the biggest problem is that just thinking about the old system, how to build a new system after considering the destruction, this will only bring greater chaos, then let some ambitions in the family case.

It seems that the knowledge of this parties, you have joined natural sciences, and this is a little bit! Otherwise, it will not be able to make the same operation like this farmer's uprising.

Forget it, I am inserted! Anyway, it is a consciousness, and it is nothing to do here. Um ... let me think about it, I need some unfair, I have a look! This worker's nursing homes should be good. "

Liu Tianxin took the satellite map and view the position of the so-called worker nursing homes. Here, there is a lot of workers who have to retire in advance, but their treatment is not good, saying is healing, in fact, every day, it is just to play a bowl of porridge at the door.

These people will be forced to retire in advance, because they have suffered irreversible damage during production, some people refer to a non-way to continue precise operation, some people are high temperatures The damage of the gas, the vision is lowered, and can only be attached to the surface of the object.

More unlucky may have disappeared the entire arm and have been rolled into the machine. In summary, it is basically a group of disabled people, there is no disability, and basically suffers from urging.

For the factory, this group of people has no value, open a so-called nursing home, but you are just to make a look, attract more workers to join the factory.

These people who have been seriously injured because of work, it is precisely that Liu Tianxin needs, can join the factory. After strict screening, it is definitely a relatively high knowledge level in ordinary people.

In the sanatorium, here is a bowl of porridge, which means that they are not low in the factory, which is the category of technical talents, otherwise, there is no qualifications in a bowl of porridge here, it is directly driven directly. Out of factory, roll away.

This group of people has knowledge, at least read, is a complete education for the complete senior vocational and technical college, and a quite good high score after the exam.

Although most of the college teaches a professional skill, Ma Huayun is under the pressure of Yac, and has to joined cultural courses to the scope of assessment. These are due to industrial accidents, in a sense Calculate the intellectuals of this world.

And their ideological consciousness is practical inspections, and have experienced it in the factory, and they have been easily abandoned after losing the role. They have not been treated. These people have already recognized the capitalists. Therefore, in the future revolutionary process, there is your own motivation, and it will not have sympathy to some capitalists and the landlords that look good.

Simple ideological education allows them to understand that there are good people and bad people in every class of society, but good people and bad guys are based on old moral standards, while old moral standards are old, which is the old, which is established. In the new era, there is also a new moral benchmark. Need a new morality in compliance with new productivity and production relationships.

There is also a very important point, that is, the disability of these people is in Liu Tianxin. It is not a problem at all, even if it is missing arm, it has been confident. It can also be saved.

This aspect can improve their work efficiency and can also increase their cohesiveness.

As for the individual combat power of these people, it is the least important, Liu Tianxin finds them, if they don't have any fight, but in social activities.

The so-called social activities are not a high platform, then speaking a new part of a new parties, or finding a group of people pulling into the classroom, brainwashing like MLM.

Social activities is a broad social survey, understand what this era is needed, through questionnaires, visit and other forms, understand each bank, ask questions about certain matters, find problems in all walks of life, and formulate solutions .

In short, social surveys are not to encourage what the masses do, but consider what they can do for the masses, come with their support, this is a process of governance, after detailed investigation, formulate governance Strategy, and find ways to get the right to governance, improve the local economy, political environment, and achieve more efficient use of labor and materials, more fair distribution of production materials and wealth.

If it is successful, such prosperity will continue to spread under the drive of public opinion, and the area controlled by these social activities can be called the base.


At this time, the twenty-one wearing uniforms in Liu Tianxin is listening to him: "You have to do it, not tall, to review the public, but integrate into them. Standing Their perspective look at the problem.

When planning, consider how to mobilize the enthusiasm of the people, play a bit, if you stop you on the road, let you fill in a questionnaire, most people will feel this waste time, meaningless.

Then, if you fill in a questionnaire, you can get a sugar, a egg remuneration, and many people are willing to positively face the questionnaire you give.

But when you conduct such an investigation, you should be careful, because the things you have issued are actually influenced others, such as those who affect eggs and sugar in the market, how to deal with their relationships? Avoid conflicts in the absence of less cost, you have to think carefully. "

Twenty-one people nodded, indicating that they understood, in fact, they may think more than Liu Tian, ​​as a base worker, they are very suitable, because they come from the grassroots, very clear Just to eat a full-time flute, what are you thinking about every day?

The only difference from the past now is that they have to count more people's ideas. Then, the data is summarized, and the strategy is used to use more scientific methods, and find ways to make this society more efficiently.

As for Liu Tianxin ... He is going to govern the right to govern these people, social surveys can be carried out in peace, but the handover of governance power must be obtained through the deterrence of force, the so-called guns, the rods, This truth.

Liu Tianxin is the earliest armed force in this organization, but the future will never be the only armed force.

At this point, in front of him, the Tiangou City is the difficult look, in the face of powerful pressure, even if he is a title, Douro's forehead can't help but sweat.

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