Douluo see you

The first thousand five hundred and eighty-six chapters failed

Liu Tianxin is in full swing, the first batch of new spells have begun to be divided by major workers.

As the excellent graduate of this Huayun Vocational and Technical College, Wang Qiang has received the care of the company's executives. After two months, it was promoted to the manager, and the income was more than ten times the ordinary worker.

Nowadays, if it is back to the hometown, it is also the clothes of the joy, so that he makes him very satisfied with this era, and even often sighing with classmates. This is the best era, even our mortals, you can also get rich era.

However, the personal perspective is often a one-sided, and the personal gains are not used to judge the era of quality, just in the factory where Wang Qiang is located, the workers' treatment will decline by year.

Histful to master more and more people produced by the basic soul tunnel, the treatment of these people, from the past high-profile students, falling, turning into the current difference with other industries, and even more tired.

This is the lack of macroeconomic regulation of social development.

A large number of ordinary people will also be accepted, learn related knowledge, and assess the qualifications because of the joining of a certain industry.

This leads to, more and more people join the industry, there is a situation in labor, and the factory owner can say that you are not willing to do.

This is basically equivalent to a few years ago, the college entrance examination, after the examination, the same industry management professional is selected.

Although the development of the soul, the development of the soul is also needed to join, but the major manufacturers have begun conscious compression production costs, and it is best to compress the human cost!

As a manager, Wang Qiang was originally relying on his new spell, observing the defects of the working wire, the workers' work, and coordinated the operation of the next submit.

However, due to performance appraisal every month, the extra goals can be completed, but also get a rich bonus, he started the investigation of the production line, tried to compress costs and increased yield.

To this end, he uses the content of the school to learn, investigating the production steps of each worker, in which they ask their attitude towards the wage, and finally summarize the data, calculate the minimum wage that the workers can accept, and adjust it. The original production process is further refined to everyone, so that everyone must do is more simple, so repeated labor, the efficiency of work will be higher and higher.

But he never considers that the work of workers in various positions becomes simple, but it is also more boring. The continuous repetition of labor is caused by some of the workers to accumulate injuries in constant labor. Even if they leave the factory The body damage will make them extremely difficult.

The technical position, split into one by one, also means that the alternative to each position becomes strong, even if there is no systematic worker, in a few weeks of practice, Proficiency in skill.

In this way, Wang Qiang still has a self-study of the operation of replacing salary with products. In order to reduce costs, it can be said that it is inendatory.

Wang Qiang's behavior is not completely blamed on his quality, but a typical ass determined his head. As a leader and a vested interest, when he thinks, the next consciousness will not consider the feelings of the workers.

After waiting until the graduates of new spells, he also fell to the point where you can easily be replaced, he will gradually feel with workers.

What Wang Qiang is indeed greatly reduced production cost, so it is more appreciated by the upper level, and the location seems to have the possibility of continuing from the department manager.

It is just that occurs in these critical times, where there is oppression, where there is resistance, the workers have lasted for a few months after such repetition work, and the work is getting less and less. I gradually started to breed dissatisfaction.

Old King is a very senior skiller in the factory, but after the factory reform, his skilled position does not have any effects, and now there is less and less tired of work, he can't help but start. Site workers, the old king told them that although they are not valued, but the factory is inseparable from them. Once they strike, the factory will be seriously economic losses, as long as the factory owner has enough time, it will be able to let The other party makes a step.

In order to serve the strike, the old king and each employee have a long talk, understand the family status of each worker, do not have a lot of deposits, and the workers in the family have allocated more supplies.

These actions quickly got the trust of most workers, in the series of these workers, a series of plans of strikes.

With the beginning of the strike, more than 90% of workers left the job, holding a slogan, shouting the slogan, and starting a big strike.

Today's workers have been much more, it is very difficult for workers who are sufficient to start, this time, the factory will face great economic losses.

Wang Qianggang is going to be promoted, and it is very explosive, and this strike is largely his pot, and it is not allowed to be solved by him.

Ask the soul to suppress these mud legs to stop, but relying on force to force them to return to the job position, although the work has been refined into countless repetitive labor, how much is still a professionalism Looking at the horror deterrence, forcing these workers to work, then they will have a hundred ways to work, and the cost of suppression will be high enough to explode in place, which is written in the school's textbook. Wang Qiang naturally does not make this mistake.

After a short thinking, Wang Qiang is short-lived, it is considered that these people 's appeal is nothing more than a higher salary. The factory itself does not lack this money, but this mouth can't open, otherwise it is not finished.

This precedent with the distribution is definitely not available, but it is absolutely unfair to resolink against violence. Like the feudal dynasty, only the evil, counting the rest of the people, because of fear, it is not good.

The brow wrinkled into a Sichuan word Wang Qiang through the window, seeing the square, swimming between workers, constantly encouraging the workers, giving them a breath, as long as the factory will drag the old king, eyebrows I can't pick up, this old king's operation is a strike of the textbook. It seems that there is no slightly flaw, but since it can make the textbook research, it will not understand this time to give himself to the benefit. Not to die with this group of mud legs.

Thinking of this, Wang Qiang knocked down the table, and said to the security team responsible for the factory: "Go, tell them, choose a representative that can be fully interesting representatives, we have to talk to this representative, there is courageous to give Laozi Don't be like a mother, hiding behind others. "

This is coming out, and there is a sword on the square, following thousands of people strike together is a matter, standing out, talking about the interests and management of the workers, that is, another thing.

Douuo is not a rule of law society, although the soul of the murderer is subject to punishment, but killing these ordinary people, but not paying! Let's talk about it, in case of killing chicken monkeys, you can talk to you, then you can't talk later, then say if you are killed chicken monkeys, your workers really dare to revenge yourself? Really take care of your wife and children? Without your own deterrence, will they really fulfill their commitments? Even if you fulfill it, it is not fulfilled in the most perfunctory manner.

Just in the whole, the workers were silent. When the strike workers were in an unprecedented embarrassment, the old kings stood up. At this time, the prestige in the workers has reached the highest, and all people have unconditionally trust him to represent their own interests. And the high-level negotiations of the factory.

Liu Tianxin, who has been paying attention to the change of Huo Yuhao, saw this scene, silently shaking his head, this is really a textbook plot, which fully reflects the struggle and weakness of the proletariat.

When only Wang Qiang and the old king in the room, Wang Qiang pushed the eyes on the rhinar and said: "Prospect!"

Wang Qiang and the old king, killing the old king, with the effect, and must let this worker will stop for a while, but the old king will become a banner of their flag, and sometimes someone will play his name, come Auntie, Wang Qiang wants to rule the standard, and wants to rule.

In the case, the two smiles ...

After a moment, a fierce quarrel, the old king's eyes were swollen by the factory, and the body was blooming, and it looked out of the miserable, even so, but the direction of the factory broke out, a pair of defending workers compatriots The appearance of the interests seems to be disclosed.

Lao Wang called for everyone, establish a strict organization, forming a worker alliance, everyone vote for the president of representing their interests, no doubt, the old king almost elected, actively organized workers and factory confrontation.

But that night, several people with boring rooms, the position unspeakable, was found by the factory security guard, and after the saying, these people were uneasy.

The next day, the factory started, only these people work on the pipeline, they were angered by the workers to be traitors, and it seems that these fewers are more evil than the factory owner, excited, and kill them.

But soon, the factory is notified that the total amount of salary will not change, but the earlier, the more you get, the more people are noisy, and everyone says that the owner is not possible. The conspiracy, but in secret, it has already moved.

Lao Wang negotiated again with the factory. It didn't negotiate success again, and there were more people in the night, and they were sneaked to talk. On the third day, the recovery people were more, and some people couldn't sit, strike. The worker is like an avalanche. I rushed to run to the factory. I even beat myself, and the old king seems to be sad. In fact, in the side of the people, it reveals the smile that makes people feel cold.

Instead of killing the strike against the strike, it is better to turn this leader into oneself, a small monk, representing the interests of the workers, take the lead in betraying the interests of workers, providing their handles and weaknesses, to exchange their own interests, A vigorous resistance, now it is completely a farce, and in the future, even if there is resistance, as long as the old king is here as their leader, it can also quickly disintegrate their will.

This is basically a failure against the proletariat of the textbook, which represents the proletarian interests, but sells collective interests to exchange their private interests, fully prove, struggle must have a clear thinking and strict substance The structure must maintain the purity of the revolutionary team.

Liu Tianxin has long guessed that the early resistance of the proletariat will inevitably fail, even if there is similar ideological and political content, it can really implement it, it is too small.

Compared to Liu Tianxin, Huo Yuhao feels very embarrassing after hearing that the strike is easy to calm, clearly, as long as the main consumption of the factory, in order to reduce the loss, the factory owner will compromise, this stable situation is lost. Woolen cloth?

After personally investigated, he only found some spider marts. The non-porous spiritual detection found the colluding between the old king and Wang Qiang. At that time, Huo Yuha didn't want to kill these two people on the spot, but I finally stopped, now there is no significance.

I killed these two people, and I can't solve the problem. In the workers, the people who betray the class interests will always have, even if there is no old king, the mainstay of the factory owner. There will be an old Zhang, Lao Li.

The power of the old system must be obtained by himself. The help of external force, many times will become a seedlings to help.

But this is a big blow to Huo Yuhao. For a time, he even think he is doing useless.

However, compared to his entanglement and confusion, Liu Tianxin is another kind of view. In his opinion, Huo Yuhao did not do useless, but in contrast, this is precisely the old system, the reservoir.

First of all, the worker's strike allows the factory to abandon the means of violent, and start thinking how to use interests to drive workers, this is progress.

Secondly, this unsuccessful resistance, and the workers also see the true face of the factory owners, and also see their true face. When they resist, they will learn this time. Similarly, if the armed resistance is successful, it will not have unnecessary sympathy on the bourgeoisie.

For Liu Tianxin, with the spread of strike behavior, there will be more and more qualified industrial populations, join him in Tiandu City's production and management system, experienced them, and easily understand the order party. Thoughts, it will be more eager to exist in the existence of plants that can safeguard the interests of all walks of life. In the future, they will become the middle-class column of the order party.

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