Douluo see you

Chapter 1155, my world

Remember in a second [],! Although it is full of risks, the self-division of Akak is still started, and the first batch of splits are prepared. Split into 1000 individuals, under this quantity, he is more confident and can be completed. Thinking of thinking between each division. That is, in terms of subjective consciousness, no way linear errors, make sure every self, it is mutual understanding, and ensuring all the actions, it is for yourself, it is a cluster survival and progress. After the number of points, the construction efficiency of the moon surface is significantly improved. Although artificial intelligence can complete duplication of labor, it is difficult to solve the problem in a limited resource when encountering problems. Of course, this is not just the limitations of artificial intelligence, and there is also a problem that the functionality itself is in the process of mechanical equipment. Just like a person, if there is only one person. He is almost impossible to use his tongue to your ass, the physiological structure will happen, under mechanical structure, complete self-maintenance and complex conditions, more difficult to rely on artificial intelligence. And there are people's supervision during the process of labor. While you can find problems, solve problems, and improve work efficiency, feedback on the problem of discovery, and then improve the mechanical design. The real world smartphone can develop, and do not dare to imagine the sci-fantasy, becoming almost every detail of life, but not only the efforts of the research team behind, but also the information feedback of countless users. . In fact, the more modern technology, but the more you can't get out of the market, the leading civilian technology for military technology has become more and more difficult to appear. On the contrary, in many ways, civilian technology is far ahead of military. Want to stimulate the research power of the R & D, there is no strong fund provided by the market, as well as the real feedback of a large number of users, in fact, how to invest in funds, it is difficult to get the huge market of all the people. The research speed of the inlay and Akky can maintain high speed, relying on constant searching plug-in. For example, the upper world, or the black technology, Douro's native grass, existing research samples outside the foundation technology route. Aligning these samples for reverse cracking and practical applications, it can achieve the current scientific achievements in a short time, but it is difficult to come into contact with these plugs in a short time. It is necessary to work on the ground, step by step, the basic technology, so that users feedback will become extremely important. Fortunately, there is now a variety of individuals, and can pass the continuous feedback of differentiated thinking between individuals. Alternatively, a part of the process of feedback is replaced. Up in the town is in the command center, starting, a certain planning of the surface of the moon.

If you want to boring in the moon, attract people to make white workers, and light is not enough to rely on a holographic virtual mode. The people in this era are still under the oppression of feudal capitalists. Most people have to maintain a lot of resources. If the game is not particularly interesting, no one will want to work during the day, and then give people in the evening. .

Fortunately, the work developed in the moon is really suitable for transformation of the game like my world. The template of the game is the capacity of the robot's own ability, which has no doubts, but it also corresponds to the game.

As for these people, they arranged moving bricks, it is certainly not good, no one will be so boring.

After thinking about it, decided to design the pattern of the game into a confrontation type, which is to open a base car, then plan the construction of the base, solve the problems encountered in the construction process, and finally. The big army is a big battle.

It is true that there is a problem, and there is a problem, and the participants of the game are needed to debug, as for war devices that require mineral manufacturing, it is just symbolic to consume minerals, and then manufactured A batch of data confronts data in the virtual world.

In order to explode more soldiers, the participants of the game have to find ways to improve their yields, as for some players to bring their own soldiers to the base. To take off the enemy base, do not produce, naturally it is to be suppressed.

As long as the parameters are tested, or the new hand protection period is designed, for example, within eight hours, the initial base cannot be attacked. Just tune it, set up the version, you can let these thinks to find a vulnerability, do not need to improve the guys in mine production, suffer sanctions.

As for the refrigeration? Uphoto means love to play, don't play, anyway, this world is impossible to have the second same type of game company.

Once, after the tuning, the rest is the design base car. First of all, his purpose is to make people playing as much as possible. So the game mode should be more similar to business simulation games. Not a timely strategy game.

Therefore, when designing, the impact of production should be as strong as possible, which is the advantage of increasing the operational simulation. One of the people's increasing production is good. So you can burst out, and you can crush the opponent with the soldiers. It is also impossible to do a little less than a player of the operating stream, and there are some points that can rely on operation turning over the game. Otherwise, everyone will quickly lose the game interest, then it is not interesting. However, the main frame of the game is undoubtedly mainly based on operating mines.

This time is different from the game that can only be used to monitor its mine development. Even in the system's auxiliary, we can repair these machines.

If you get victim or experience a certain number of games, get enough points, you can also exchange knowledge, after learning these knowledge, you can upgrade the mechanical equipment independently. Different terrain should be made to create different mines and robots, which greatly enhances the yield of mines.

With the help of a large number of bey, the main frame of the game has been set up, the moon has a huge surface, and the number of base cars is also much enough, and it is basically able to meet 50,000 people at the same time.

Basically, the whole Douro can also make out these free people, all night, the night, in the game, even if the economy is developing, let more people have time games. Not so many real-world areas, you can also put guys with low levels of horizontal levels, throw it into the virtual world game, that is, a normal game server, more maintenance of such a server, but also has a waste of resources. You can also filter out more excellent players.


After receiving the login storage design map of the game, Liu Tianxin received the interior equipped game system, the expression became extremely quirky. He thought that the plan to be named my world will have a living class game.

As a result, it is a business simulation game with immediate strategic game skin. It can only be said that in order to press the employee, attracting players to give him a white worker, and the income is really painful.

Opened the practice mode in the simulator, Liu Tianxin and opposite artificial intelligence, opened a one.

With his experience, there is no more expensive to defeat artificial intelligence. After his adjustment, the production of mines has increased. One percent, and it is still in steadily with mechanical improvement. This is properly crushed, because 10% increase in production is just true data.

The virtual data that is really placed in the game is several times directly, that is, in the real world, it has increased by 10% of the production. It can be 100% in the corresponding game, and the resource is doubled. It is a past.

Although it is easy, I have won my opponent, but he has to admit that this game is still a bit interesting.

"For me, the content of the game is still simple, but for the indigenous of this side, it may be more difficult. Their basic knowledge is not enough. Many people have not been developed. It is not possible to adapt, the thoughts of random response It is probably that the more it is, the more you can make the two artificial intelligence that can be made into a hand. Under their help, it is transferred.

The problems in this regard are what you need to consider, how to deal with these adjustments, causing a player who declines in production? "

After getting feedback, I also started thinking: "This is indeed a problem. Even if there is artificial intelligence assistance, if the manager's feet, it is also possible to result in no increase in production.

Simple and rudeness isolates them in a virtual server. If they don't know that they are in virtual or reality, but if these operations, the guys who do these dozens have discovered, but they have a higher winning rate than their own operations. It is definitely a mentality explosion.

I have to design a threshold, um ... let the places in PVE artificial intelligence, showing a disable, so there should be no problem, only the realistic PVE artificial intelligence can be transferred from the virtual world server to reality, um ...... This will not affect the yield, nor will it cause the player's mentality to explode.

You wait, I changed the code, this is a small problem, and it will be fine. "

This is indeed a big problem, soon, the data change is complete, the simple mode game is already available.

Although Douro is still in the feudal era, people who can play games are actually a lot. As long as they don't need to engage in heavy production labor, they can squeeze a lot of time to play games, and this continent is just like this is very close. Group.

That is the soul teacher, not every soul teacher is as busy as the protagonist team, most souls will encounter bottlenecks, and many people find that they can't break through a level, after a period of time, after a period of time, I started to be recognized.

The next thing is to indulge, then enjoy your current level, you can give yourself wealth and interests.

Compared to those souls who are busy improving their strength every day, these have been asked, it is confident that they have not continued to enhance the potential, most of the soul.

Tell the story. The core of the story is often entangled, while the protagonist is still a teammate or a counterpart, it is only a genius, so it will give a soul teacher is very busy, everyone is working hard to cultivate and improve the illusion.

However, according to Liu Tianxin's investigation, these guys are really idle, and they are idle every day. Don't say bullying male women, it will definitely don't do anything. Instead, it is better to let them play games, when Internet addiction teenagers, just take advantage of some social resources.

For Liu Tianxin, the landing cabin is not difficult. On the one hand, the server is in the moon. As long as he connects the signal base station in the big city, on the other hand, in Dulan, Leave a quite advanced production base for technology, and realize the mass production of the game compartment.

The next thing is simple, a large number of game warehouse flows into the pub, karaoke, bathhouse, shopping mall, and other public facilities, curiosity drive people try.

There is a strange new thing in the bar, and some people want to try it, so I still have a helmet, pull down your goggles.

When he sat up, he didn't say a word for a long time, as if it was dead.

Looking at the lively, waiting for people who eat the crabs to feed back this? What is the machine? Soon, I won't worry, I took his helmet from the outside.

"What is this? Is it a meaning? Is it fun?" Some people inquired, this is also a problem.

Lying in the game warehouse, shook his head, shook his head, saying loudly: "Not fun, there is no meaning at all." After finishing a helmet, re-bucking it on your own head. By the way, control the transparent cover of the landing, put others outside.

This reaction allows everyone to force, not fun, are you lying in it? Some people have reacted, this is fear that someone will grab his position.

People are like this, no one grabs things, everyone doesn't feel good, but once someone wants to grab, even do not hesitate to lie for this thing. None of the good things, always grab the hand and say it.

So, there was a chaotic in the pub until all the landing warehouses were all robbed, and the cover was buckled, and the model that did not disturb, so that these people gradually down.

The same thing happened throughout the continent, and there were a lot of public places in a large number of public places.

In the face of this situation, there will be a service delivery service. 1000 gold soul coins a landing position, it is absolutely not cheap, but for the soul teacher, spend 1000 gold soul coins, buy a big toy It is also not, especially luxury, so, the buyer is endless.

Ask for collection, ask for recommendations ~

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