Douluo see you

Chapter 1,600, rural surrounding city

In front of the live broadcast, Liu Tianxiang pointed at the role of the world, and the order of the orders around him: "Seeing that there is no, this is what I said, the future information war, you have to pay, play the firepower On the blade.

Strong defense, as long as the fire density exceeds its own reaction ability, it will be broken! "

The orderless soldiers looked at the picture of the annual missile, if you thought, you have a little understanding how you should use new spells to cooperate with new weapons.

When Liu Tianxin is concentrated, when studying the tactical battle law, he was transformed into his own time, and it was more than a lot of radical, although it was a change in the illusion, but for him, it is equivalent to personal experience.

So do the masses to work, we must be worn, the emerging bourgeoisie and the old land aristocrats are under the oppression of the old land aristocratic, although the people of the underlying labor will not rush, they are also very embarrassed.

If it is not a false prosperity brought by an emerging soul industry to stimulate the market, even if there is no one guided, the mortal can't live in despair, until the population is reducing to the safety line.

Time is different from Liu Tianxin, rooted in Tiantou City, to transform the city from the midnovation of subtle.

He is directly in-depth invested countryside, with a group of grassroots cadres and people with a total of them, and their creation makes the country's brief prosperity, but soon ushered in the land aristocratic exploitation.

Shigang Village is a village who mobilized in the time. Wang Yan was originally a general miner in the village. It mine in the mine that mines that may collapse at any time every day. Every ten baskets of ore can receive a bronze soul, when I can hear that there is a coworker being pressed under the mine, but he still pays to the mine in the point on time every day, he has not left the village for a lifetime, and I can't think of any other living law.

The only thing he can complain is, that is, the nearest mine collapse is getting more and more frequent, sometimes even do not reinforce wood, it will directly take it directly.

What he didn't know is that the noble master in the village will open the miners, it is because the initial industrialization of Tiandu City has brought a lot of new products, making the aristocrats to maintain a decent life increasingly difficult, emerging soul guide The industrial and binding of the emerging bourgeoisie in the soul guide industry, it took a lot of labor, so that he wanted to maintain a decent, there was only a more embarrassing, more aggressive mining on his territory.

Wang Yan is in the moment of the collapsed mine cave, it seems that I have already expected that I will have such a day, and he thinks that he can calmly face death, but when he is really in the darkness of the five fingers. After a whole day, he found that he could not calm.

I didn't dare to say, I didn't dare to complain, I started to breast, he began to curse, the mortgage of the construction site, the smuggling of the work, escaped the workers, and the village grew up to see the money. Relatives ...

Finally, I maybe aware that I really didn't live.

I started to curse the village master. I didn't dare to export. I started slowly, and I also took a little awkward, but I realized that there were no people who could take a leather whip, punish him, and he began to cross the fire, Your more and more, I can't breathe, and the whole person fell in the water of the mine, like a fish in the water, completely lost the vitality.

All this is until the mine poin is dug, a pair of stretches with sludge, and it is born from the rotten mud pit. He vowed to remember it for a lifetime, save him, but that person is just Said, everyone excavated him together, asked him to thank all miners participating in the rescue.

The strange person has the same look and skin, but wearing clothes and their miners, busy every day, often full of sludge.

Since the strange person came, a group of people were separated from the mine, cutting down trees, building a wood track that can transport minerals, pushing the miners, each miner can ship the original two three Betal ore.

Originally, it is only a work that can be lived, and the surplus will gradually forget the painful experience buried under the mine. He thinks, if such a life can continue, by working hard, perhaps from the work shed Move it out, set a set of own houses, perhaps the year of birth, you can marry your wife, you can worry about you can eat every day.

However, after the good days have long, after they completed the new mine facilities, after the production, the village chief was happy, even gave the miners in the construction of wood orbit, but the good scene was not long, the village head saw The miners have gradually have oil light on their faces, realizing that they may have too much.

Since it is more easier than before, it is more easier than before, the same weight of ore, the money given should not be as much as before.

For this matter, the batch of people in the new mine, and the people of the village chief were quarreled, but it failed to change the decrease in the decrease in the money.

After you know this news, the miners are very sinking. The atmosphere becomes extremely suppressed. If they have not hoped, they may be numb, but when they see a good life, I hope that when I am shattered, I want to be broken. It is necessary to turn into a very difficult thing to continue numbness.

The anger is brewing, and the village head doesn't know, you are sitting on the crater, thousands of years, oppressed these muds have become a discipline, never think, they will also resist.

Wang Yanmai is the first standing in all miners. He fell on the ground behind him, and took the iron shovel to point to the direction of the village:

"That silly X is what bird is all seen! My life is giving! Laozi is going out today, I want to see, can splash your mother's face!

Does anyone come with me! "I said that I am sneak around a bundle of explosive explosives. It seems that his behavior gives the miners gut the guts, one by one takes a shovel, followed by his body, and the momentum is moving toward the village. Going in the direction.

But this time, they were stopped, and those who stopped them, let them be extremely unexpected, the group of outsiders who like them like, this group of foreign people bring them to transform the mine, so that they have passed After a few days, they don't understand why this group of outsiders should stop them?

Like the noble, there is no explanation of the foreign people who have white skin. It is just to help you: "I have given the discipline of the organization? Are you forgotten? Light with a bloody blood, can you make a business? "

When everyone is angry, people collectively separate, revealing a guy who is bullied by five flowers, that is the familiar workers.

"See it? You don't unite, some people always be smart, think this is a chance, is the order of their own promotion. No organization is not discipline, I want to overthrow the oppression of the old society?

You have thought of, even if you really kill the guys in the dow, how do you build an order after he die? You have never thought about it, do you want his relatives and property? Do you think about how to deal with him a relationship with him?

It is good to resist the spirit, but now, fucking is giving me back. Laozi will teach you today, how to rebel! "

Configuring reverse experience, time in this world can be righteous. Although just deal with a three-ring soul teacher, the time I can crush a finger, but the rebellion cannot alone alone, and some people are strong, and it is impossible to fight the world.

It is an enemy in the world. It is an ado-aged middle two ideas. Time to do is let these people believe in their own strength. I believe I can overthrow the exploiters of the old age. I believe I can protect my own labor results. I believe you can Establish a new order to everyone.

A group of mud legs began to learn to discuss the problem, and began to learn how to manage a village. It has begun to understand why there is a class differentiation. It has begun to understand why wealth always flows to a few people. They have gradually been recognized, they have begun to recognize the scam of the village head. Recognizing every decision of these locusts, the purpose of essence is to better exploitation them.

Inealed for a whole month's miners in a month of the night, different from the first time when I started the slamming tiger head snake, this time I have little movement.

With the organization's miners, they supervised each other, eliminating the emergence of traitors, with a planned ambush, and the village heads did not make any response at all.

The village head is sleeping, it is called a bunch of explosives. When the drag is dragged, it is like a dead dog. The miners have no casualties, and they solve the aristocrats who have pressed in their head countless years. Let them feel unbelievable.

The same thing, repeating in the village, the so-called rural surrounding city is about to appear, the stubborn feudal aristocrats have gradually realized the crisis, but they have no response strategies.

Although the mortals in their own territory have not organized, all rumors have made them awareness of the organization, and the suppression will only ignite the gunpowder barrel that has arrived in the edge of the explosion.

If you don't crack down, improve workers' treatment to grain their resistance, then their income will decline greatly, so, what is the meaning of the Lord? Is it difficult to make a good one? What is joke?

The situation of Xinghuo Yuan is quite unsatisfactory, although he is not a member of the Oriental ancient country, but for the history or knows, contact the Western bourgeois revolution, it is not difficult to judge. After completing the people's ideological liberation, productivity will produce how terrible outbreaks.

This makes him uneasy, he feels that he may also need to build some of his own strength in the world, he can't expose your own body, but support the agent or it.

The Tiangou Empire has begun to be infected by red, which makes him instinctory. Before becoming a reincarnant, his Caucasian identity makes him full of arrogance and prejudice to the ancient oriental country. Although he has to admit that the country has become The powerful country that cannot be ignored, but it still dismisses the system.

At the battlefield, he seems to have found an opportunity to prove this.

Even the worst case, I have not found the opponent's body, so that the opponent's style is strong enough to fight against the whole goddess, the agent who stays in the world can also have the power of confrontation.

In the real god of the power of tampering the law, he was taken by tulips, and he had to throw away all the ability to participate in a duel. He has been very dissatisfied.

Almost all-in-aene, but be more wrote, it is too frightened, he will return everything in the development of tulips for too long, there are too many people and too many technological advantages, in this world, the world, he believes yourself Made more chess players!


The Xingro Empire, the White Tiger Duke, and the wearing key are lend soldiers to conduct military exercises. Sudden sounds suddenly appear in his mind let the look of his face.

The existence of claiming that God said that he was selected, which made him feel alert. In the eyes of the soul, there is no so-called evil spirits, only the soul of the gods, while wearing a key, obviously, the soul of the ghost, invading his spirit .

"Give up! I am not the soul of the stream, I am not the title you think, the kind of garbage does not match me, um? Do you want to see God?

No, that is too bored, or I will report it to you about your old white tiger Duke panties? Or I will give you a quantity of your red knowledge?

Ha ha! Why do you want to worry about? Even if I am really a evil, can you get rid of me?

What can I give you? Kid, you are very good! I have no problem with knowledge or strength!

Ha ha ha ha? Become a title? Is your wish as simple? That's too disappointing? I thought at least a unified world.

No, I can't let you become a title, I can't do it, but your foundation is too bad. It will only make you the weakest title, and I will have to revoke the repair, it is better. Now step by step.

Um? Do you think you can not serious? For the mortal, I am God! Do you think God will even do this little thing?

Ha ha ha ha! You don't tease me! Come, let me teach how to practice, first practice to hang the title! "

I want to get rid of the corrosion of the consciousness, but no matter how hard he works, you can't block this voice. The voice of the mind is like a movie, as as part of his body, he wants to find the body, Nothing to return, even he found the Duke of the White Tiger, although he did not say what he had, but the Duke of the White Tiger did not find any problems on his body.

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