Douluo see you

The first thousand six hundred and seventh chapter so-called lying

"Hate? Is it unwilling? Hahahaha!" Wearing the ear, William's voice lingering, laughing at his failure, laughing at him more than failed, but also packed the other party.

"Enough! I don't have the enemy in the world! How is it lost again!" Dai Keheng a punch on the wall of the house, the crack spread along the wall, leaving the trace.

"Of course, it is not an invincible, but when your opponent is deal with you, there is no need to use the soul of the soul of the soul, and you? A block soul bone, the soul is comparable to the obstacle, the physical quality is more surpassing The title of Karao, haha! It's more than four-order challenge, should you say your dishes? Or do you say your dishes! "

Dear ,,,, , I am invincible! "

"Hahahaha! Hahahaha! This is your determination? I was bullied outside, I thought I got home to find my mother? Are you a few years old? Do you have a face in order to revenge? Is this? Always this? "William's mock is more vicious.

"Bastard! I have to revenge, it is as soon as possible! It is necessary to give him a chance to escape!"

"Haha! Then you will try it! The world is invincible? If you rely on the pile of soul bones, you will be invincible. The so-called invincible is too simple! On your level, even if you are tall, it is also hit.

When the other party uses the strength of the soul, do you want to be a soul? However, I can't use more power. Wherever you fall, I don't know where to stand up, but I'm crying and going home to find adults. My little Duke, you can really have a long history!

If you want to win the guy, you will learn his spell! This era, the new spell is the trend, and it is too high to see yourself against the situation! "William is hitting the warehouse, it is happy, not being hit once, he really can't let the guys who don't think into learning new spells.


In William, wearing key is a salted fish. William mixed in the main gods can only count illiteracy in front of the contrast, but the understanding of strength is not low.

He will not be superficial to use the output power as a power, the genetic locking of the main gods is the case, the power to them is in the same desperation, who lives, and is very weak. The way is still a one-sided, but it is more objective to be more objective than the grade of Douro.

Of course, to let the contrast to answer this question, he will definitely say that more talents who can reach their own goals are stronger, everyone's goals are different, let the people who want to study doctoral, and want to be the king of the box Single or the weak itself is not suitable.

However, in the evaluation criteria of the two people,

The wearing key is not particularly powerful, and human inertia dominates him, let him always choose a more relaxed route, and William has not seen his future will.

Courage, perseverance, wisdom, always to occupy the power, wearing the key, there is no strongness of death, and there is no smart in the ultraordant era, William wants to cultivate this trumpet, just to constantly anger him, use this The way he moved forward.

In contrast, Huo Yuhao's small template is more excellent, courage and perseverance do not lack, wisdom is not expected, but as long as you don't encounter women, at least not to pull.

The wearing key is now forced to the relationship to Huo Yuhao personally taught the class. Studying new spells, he is also a few high-level souls who study new spells in all mainland.

In the face of the sudden transfer of students in his own class, Huo Yuhao is in an instant. He has just been fighting to wear the key. He did not capture suspicion or hate from the eyes of wearing key balance.

"This guy ... won't be after I am, I want to treat him with his own way. I have a little small to see him!

Now the new spell can only be considered a scholar, this guy is in the world, can put down the face to study ... "Although Huo Yuhao does not know what is called a sleeve, it is quite alert to this person.

"Class!" The heart is vigilant, but there is no change on the face, the teaching of knowledge is still to continue, fair, can't affected the entire class because of the existence of wearing key, affecting the entire class.

Huo Yuhao enhances his peace of mind and begins to lect lectures.

"Interesting, really listening to the class, and listening to it." William observed the wareroom in the gods, and I feel that this guy is not an inhabacy.

With strong humiliation and revenge, it is very serious, although he learned the goal, in the incoming image, it belongs to the low grade, but based on the low-level fun of human instinct, it is more attractive to work hard. This is the case to most people.


Compared to the wearing key, William's interest has gradually transferred to Zheng Yan here. Zheng Yan has more potential, the more the heart is kind, the more black, the more you do, the more you maintain the survival of the residents in the city The more I put it into my own heart, the more it will be black when these people are betrayed.

If some normal development, Zheng Yan is mostly ruled to the people's heart, the end of the residents, the residents of the city, how much he is good, the things in the city are spread, talked about him, the probability of occurrence small.

But if it is used by the people, guide these people's evil, then it is another thing, William can not only affect the decisions of these people through detail, but also directly affect the thinking of these people, suppressing their positive emotions. Let them become more extreme, do not need deliberate guidance, tragedy will happen.

After the mission in the mercenary union is revoked, those who want to know the body of Ket Tiancheng still have not given up, and the means they use is very simple.

Since ancient times, there is no extraction of most methods of counting the number of people, and there is a contradiction, making most people can't unite and succumb to the violence of a few people.

Lin Yan Tao was originally do not want to pick up this provocation of the conflict of the inner ghost. The Tiantian City has a remote area in the mainland in the mainland. No one wants to go to remote areas, even if the salary is also distributed, all kinds of welfare There are not many people who are willing to go.

Why did they give too much, William influence the nobles who have a knife and arsen to prepare the interest of the Tiancheng interests, let them have issued a higher price, which will guide Lin Yan Tao who does not intend to blended this. Become a messenger who sent Xingro Empire to Jak Tiancheng.


"The demolition of the city is still talkable! We only need people, the wealth of urban accumulation is not subject to our divisions, and even if you feel compensation, we can also give you the corresponding compensation. Why do you want to die?

Nowadays, the factory is Lin Li, where is a job opportunity, let them go out, and not become a slave, and always stay here to suffer! "Lin Yan Tao is relatively sitting in Zhengyan in the Government Office of the Cities Administration, which has just been packed.

"Total is better here to suffer? I have never been to the factory outside. If you arrange these people to go to Huayun Group's big company, then I don't say anything, although I have a bit more, I have at least a look.

But do you think I will believe? Arrange these people to reputation and guarantee, safe and guaranteed big factories, what do you earn? As for what kind of sweat-sweat, you should be more clear than me.

I personally went to see, where the work environment, even me, I feel uncomfortable for a long time. Ordinary people worked there for a year, I am afraid I will suffer from serious professional diseases, and the factory's boss will not pay a coy in these patients. These have a healthy worker for the factory work. To any compensation, it will eventually die with it.

Such treatments are not as good as slaves! The slave is the owner's property, and the owner should pay attention to the love slave when using it. Don't let the slave are hurt, try to use it longer, although life is tragic, at least a tool.

Can you become a worker in the factory? They don't even have tools, they can be used, and they can be dried, they can be lost, they are all salary! Do you think I will agree with this treatment? "

In a sense, Zheng Ran is to see why capitalism is more advanced than feudalism, and the progress in progress is that the production relationship under capitalism is more secure, and most of the labor results of most people can more efficiently. !

Today, Douro, there is no germination of everyone equal, private property sacred and inviolable thinking, capitalist sacredness has not been recognized by people, but this does not mean that vested interests cannot use this means to exploit.

The asset class needs the revolution. It is necessary to play the flat banner. It is necessary to private property sacred and inviolable, that is because they are not existing, the vested interests of the most production materials, they need to be different from the sacred theory of feudal rulers. Pull more people and take the right to their hands.

Nowadays, the brain is flexible and knows that the feudal ruler who is not needed. It does not need to promote such a theory. You can use a more efficient crushing worker in your own territory. The binding is stronger, so it is more thorough, and as the consumption of workers consumes faster, there is a need for more people, and the victims of Kettian City will become their salary.

When they rely on these shipwood, they have accumulated the wealth of their territory and the title, and they may be exploited by a larger noble, they will only think of the sacred non-inviolability of private property, and then hit the slogan of everyone.


"I want me to pay away, unless I promise us to go to a factory and keep the organizational structure of urban rule, I personally do their leaders."

Zheng Yan also thought that the unique ways of anti-owners against capitalists, that is, hug, relying on powerful organizational skills, organized to compete for discipline, for their own interests, this can hold their own interests.

However, things are obviously not so simple, Zheng Yan's ability to organize himself, even if his ability is strong enough, there will be no such a group of organizational discipline, there is a fighting program civil.

There is no doubt that both sides discloses, but Lin Yutao has not left, he stayed in the city, and let your hand go to the city to spread the message.

The content of the news is very simple. As long as you walk, there is a good money, and the money is very high, and the good days in the bike skyline, allocate a lot of housing, and if you don't believe it, you can sign the contract.

On the other hand, it spreads the news that he has failed with Zheng Yancheng 's negotiations. It is a rumor that the residents here will be moved away from the residents in the city.

Lin Yan Tao did not plan to lie. If someone is really willing to go with him, then he really will take a high price to hire and complete his commitment.

But he believes that Zheng Yan will not let it go, because good treatment is a moment, and even Lin Yantao can gradually reduce the treatment, the former one hundred people are the best treatment, one hundred to two hundred people, the treatment decline a grade, In this kind of push, the residents of Ket Tiancheng will have a sense of crisis. If you are rushing to fight for better treatment, you can't unite.

And lost the power of unity, these workers did not, when they might enjoy good treatment, but waiting until they lost model role, they could not tempt to leave Koma City, their good days were over, the so-called The contract has a hundred explanations, and under each interpretation method, the ruler has a hundred ways to deprive their rights enjoyed.

The final result is that these people have become the salary firewood of the factory. Therefore, Zheng Yan is absolutely not open, and he is now working hard to investigate how the factory is working, waiting for him to understand. He will take his own person, go out to open a factory, although this Utopian is general idea, there will be no good results, but if it does not expand the scale, it is possible to operate in a short time. .

Lin Yutao also noted that Zheng Yan often runs outwards, and examines other people's factories. If he really let him bring someone to the factory, then you can play the chicken egg, the empty shell of Kamata City is not worth it.

So there is a rumor, even if Zheng Yan promises to give everyone a good day, but in the temptation to enjoy first, there is always people who have moved, and people who want to leave Koma City, but they are blocked, though The reason is very clear about him. It is only a force that has power, but the reality that is hard living and unable to leave has begun to let some people have a resentment of Zheng Yan.

Split ... started!

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