Douluo see you

Chapter 1,626

Remember [New] for a second,! Industrial products produced in the factory, although they are not necessarily necessities, but their largest bearing on this side has undoubtedly played a crucial role in the entire industrial system.

Controlling these things, for the entire industrial system, it is equivalent to mastering the extremely important lifeline, so that it can work and master the land similar effect, of course, they are not monopolizing this industry, so Ability to master is only a small part of the power.

Even so, this part of the production information is sufficient to maintain their production life for small collectives with only 5,000 people in a newborn.

Armed uprising is imperative, the arrow is on the strings, have to send it.

After the equipment is prepared, it has been distributed to those who have been military training, and the pyramid system of the Shariott Group can be added, and it is also because they can effectively bring benefits to the accessor.

For example, they can protect the safety of the accesser, the individual's individual as a vulnerable group, in front of the streets that are tiger, are the populated vulnerable groups.

These guys who have lived on the streets may not live very well, and there is no workers in the hands of workers, but this poverty and workers are two concepts. The former does not have effective labor, and the latter is carried out. It is carried out, created a lot of value, but is not assigned to its own hands.

Therefore, the sandstorm group has no symposiliar with the unrendearable visitors in hand. After more than one hundred organizational people, the military training that has been assigned some people in the officer, and has been studying the fight and cooperation, holding a mustache on the street. These people can hit the whole street invincible.

With the increase of the number of follow-up, more and more people who carry out military training, from three or five people started, specializing in protecting workers in the process of being robbed.

There were more than 200 people in the lane, even got a job of local public security officers. Some regional public security management has made the public security environment around the factory exceptions.

This time, these original guys holding a mustache, replaced a gun, compared to the most original design, this kind of hair gun uses a paper shell bullet, barely calculate the rear gun, shooting speed still has certain guarantees of.

If you can, they don't need to queue shot, and it is possible to use a losing shoot behind the bunker.

However, in the process of training, they are trained in the way they are lined up. On the one hand, they are their opponents without the same rifle array, even with intensive formation, facing the soul of the soul attack. Don't worry that it is taken away by the other party.

On the other hand, the performance of the firearms in their hands is still generally, and it is unrealistic, more or more still to install the bayonet.

After installing the bayonet, I want to overcome the strong soul teacher with the physical quality of ordinary people, and can rely on only intensive formation and close cooperation. One person only has two hands, then he is difficult to prevent the third spurs, and the team is intensive to three people, enough to be siege, the soul is hard to play the strength of the body.

After all, the strong adult man is fully thoroughly thoroughling, and the power is still quite big, unless the defense soul, otherwise the four-ring soul will not be able to prevent such an attack without hurting.

The armed forces of two hundred people are quite abundant in the face of the soul of the factory master.

In addition to these people allocated to the fire, the rest also found weapons. Most people are still using a broom, but they are installed on iron guns.

This thing is not bought in Xing Guancheng, but directly from Xingluo City, that is, the local people don't know that there is a 5,000-person armed force, each has a long gun. Although these people did not have standard military training.

But for a long time to obey discipline, they have allowed them to be able to queue in the case of maintaining the formation, then this is to listen to the number to complete the attack action.

Although the dead plate is stiff, as long as it can do this, only a tendon meat is only a strong hand, it is much better than the hunting of the monk, and it is already strong.

The power of the army is not in the personal quality of the individual, but the cooperation between each other. If the soul is still possible to resist two spears, the ordinary people are attacked by two spears, even if they are How to be strong, it will be done.

When I face the military array, it is not two spears, but a spear like a forest, like a side wall, it is not a soul teacher, leaning on the soldier is basically no hope.

The first sound of armed uprising, starting at the eve of dawn, Ji Town did not choose night attack, although the assault opponent in the night was most likely caused major casualties, but at night battle for their part of the soldiers in the night. Requirements.

If you can't do it, you will be confused here, and there will be a stamping event inside yourself, but it will not let it sequence.

On the other hand, the physical quality of these workers is not very good. The wages were too low before, and most of them had a malnutrition, and there was a very common condition, that is, night blindness.

Lack of nutrition, lack of necessary vitamins, it is easy to have night blindness, compared with it, the soul will not wear less, they will be able to see it in the night, in this situation Next, night attack, although there is a possibility that the opponent is not a handleman, but the probability of one casualties and failure is also greater.

So, the staff of the Staff, launched the raid on the eve of Dawn, this time, the sun has been basically open, the workers can see, and the souls and nobles will never get up, even if they wake up A blurred state is hard to react to emergency.

Ji Town personally took people, came to the manor of the factory. Here is the most difficult place in this uprising process. The factory has only two souls, twenty rod guns, and more than 50 angry General workers of spears.

They are facing the dog legs of the factory owners. They are those who have ridiched on their heads to make a powerful blessing. The soul of the soul is not returned to the factory. After all, the environment is not good, the noise is huge. , Air nose, sultry is incomparable, left there is purely being sin. In addition to sending one or two souls every day, the real look at the factory owners of the factory owners.

These guys are in the next day, they can even whipped workers. They rely on the back of the soul and aristocrats. Nowadays, the workers in the factory have been very clear, and they have went to the mountains of these dogs. Naturally, they are afraid. .

At the same time, outside the house of the manor, Ji Town did a gesture against the two souls around him, and the two were nodded, indicating that he understood it.

Together with four soldiers, everyone puts up a large package, holding the runner shovel in his hand, taking advantage of the last night before dawn. Flying ran towards the wall.

At the time of the dawn, when the defenders were the most lax, the family on the wall is one by one, and the six people have explosive bags. When they rushed into the wall, they wanted to make alert late.

The explosives have been placed, and the two souls took four warriors. It quickly ran out the attack range of the bow. With a burst of loud noise, these sturdy wood walls that were built with plant-based soumbers, were blown away . The door to the support is directly collapsed, almost at the same time, has been hidden in the hillside.

The speed of them is not fast, and they are behind them, sitting on a cart, knocking hard, causing the pace of everyone moving forward, letting each step can be tight, keep strict The formation, the manor that has been blown up, it is not slow.

Although there are only more than 4,000 people, it is really neatly arranged in the wilderness. The scene is simply covering the sky. It has seen people who live in high school. It can feel the spectacular scene overlooking, but In fact, most schools can focus on the playground, and only more than a thousand people, after three times the number, the picture is very oppressed.

I was exploded from the sleeping dream, I walked out from my house, I went out of the high tower in the manor, and I saw the black pressure of the military arrays to compromise themselves.

That strict military capacity, Lin Li's spear made him once thought that his own happened, and the government came over to discuss him.

But soon, he told that these people were not a military dress, but the workers' work clothes, he saw this scene, he first slammed the tone, then an anger hopped into his mind: "cavalry! Cavalry? I am! Give me a lot of money! "

The cavalry is a huge advantage in this era, relying on the impact of the horse, and the advantages of the high-level people in the battle, use the long weapon, even if the ordinary people have long trained, they can take more than a dozen people. There is no formal gun.

As long as more than a dozen people form a knight group, these people can easily suppress the peasants of hundreds of people.

Just this time, the Russelli is obviously a loss. He sent more than 20 carefully selected knights, one by one, and the armored armor did not wear, even two people forgot to bring the weapon to ride the horse. Rush out.

These knights have a very poor state. In the process of charge, don't say that keep a strict formation, then the two people who have forgotten the weapons are flustered, and they almost fell.

Has these guys took a weapon, and said to Ji Town, it is not important. The drum of drums he tapped, and the fire of countless times has stopped the forward footsteps. Lift your gun, aim, launch, one!

The hair guns that use the paper shell bullets are easier than the inner gun. They quickly took a bullet again, but they did not need the second round of launch.

Before starting the battle, the commander of the Staff He emphasized them. When the cavalry, he aimed at the horse shot, no need to take the above knight, nothing behind the ground, just a person who took a long gun. Death them, after a round of shining, more than 20 horses only live. Or the knight for forgetting weapons.

It's almost the first army of the knight, standing on the high platform, holding a telescope to see this scene of Lesli, sniler, the telescope of the hand: "Fucking people! Dare to kill my horse! "

The soul of the family, the soul of the employed soul, I know that I have to solve the arms of the guns, but now rushed over, more than 200 meters of charge distance, waiting to go to the opposite side, I am afraid I have been shot. It's a sieve, even if there is only one hundred meters of a range in their hands, no soul is willing to take this risk.

"Master, don't be excited, these people have the firewear for the fire, we will wait for them to approach. When they come to the wall, only a few range of soul skills can take the gun. It's all done, and the people in this group will be scattered casually. "

Jub, Lesley, pressed the emotions of his own anger, nodded, and recognized this idea, he wants to fight these souls, it is more suitable for fighting in a complex terrain.

But he obviously did not think about it. The export of his hometown is blocked, isn't it to kill one? What do you want to take risks to accept his ambush? The surrounded is his manor, the people outside take the stone machine, let the fire inside, what can he have?

Even if these people have been outside, what should I do if they have diled food in the manor?

Of course, he did not consider this problem. It is also because he does not think that these workers can have less food, more than 4,000 people are here, and they will be collapsed for two days.

The sandstorm group is naturally impossible, and their logistics is quite enough, but Ji Town is not intended to be siege, because Lesley is the movement of the Savings, the siege may have variables, only The rest of the thing is successful, and it is convenient to capture the factory.

The military quarter quickly entered the distance of 50 meters in front of the townhouse. With the sound of a sign, everyone stopped, the long gunman took a step forward, raised the weapon in the hands, ready to attack, the fire The soldiers also raised the weapons and aimed at the estate broiler and ready to shoot.

Forty fire guns were separated, followed by the twenty souls, the dispersion line, touched the past. Although not counting three three infantry tactics, two guns cover a soul teacher, and the back row is ready to support the rifle support, which is already enough to completely press the resistance in the manor.

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