Douluo see you

The birth of the first thousand six hundred and forty-one chapter

The speed of Davili rides a bicycle is still very fast. Although the soul is not a strong force, it is not much more powerful than me. But their physical fitness is much better than the top athletes. Plus the help of bicycles, where it is not too difficult to run the big horsepower motorcycle.

Feeling getting stronger attracting the breath, Dai Luiebei is not waiting for you to see the object. If you consciously, he regards the other party as a sister.

There will be this idea, it is also normal. The soul beast is basically impossible to temptation or hunting, a thousand miles of prey, wanting to tempting, there is too much energy to consume too much. Even if you really caught it, I am afraid enough to make up the deficiencies, which makes Dai Lu Li's consciousness to attract him. After all, the martial arts integrates this kind of thing, almost every soul is in fantasy.

This thing is not as very expensive as soul bones, and is not as natural as the top martial arts, can be encountered without quick, everyone has probabilistic partners, there is too much legend in history. Those who have found their own partners, step by step, relying on the martial arts integration, you can easily walk the rivers and lakes.

After all, it is a weak martial arts that will not be inferior to the strongest soul skills of the same level, that is, the martial arts integration skills are absolutely better than the soul of the soul, and the four rings is absolutely The front soul technology is strong, and the seven ring is absolutely better than the soul of the soul. It is the power of 100,000 soul skills.

Even if it is ordinary soul, the partner of the martial arts, will be repaired as a thousand miles away. If the fitness is high enough, it can achieve the effect of each other.

A pair of young men and women, relative, relative to the bed, night, this kind of scene is just thinking, it is enough to be excited. After all, young people, every day, who can hold it?

Dai Luie came to the evil devil's fantasy, in the evil magic forest, he finally realized that there is something wrong, why is it the entrance of the forest, not a city? Is it difficult to attract him not human?

"Don't say that some treasures are being born? If it is in the forest, will it be dangerous? Now I only have three rings to repair, in-depth, no other people can help, I will have no return! "Dai Luie thinks that there are some talents. But the feeling of attracting is getting stronger and stronger, so that he is somewhat unwilling to leave.

"Forget it, go in and take a look. It is absolutely not to go, just in the periphery, what should be not dangerous." Dai Luo Li's strength is not strong, in the family of the Duke of the White Tiger, not in front of the front However, it is not too weak relative to the ordinary soul. After all, it has been contrasted is the top soul.

Take out the sickle open, in the grass, straight into the area forwarded to himself. On the way, he moved very smoothly, almost did not encounter any powerful soul beast, and most of the ten years of soul beast hidden in the grass, and quickly escaped in his sickle.

As induced is getting stronger, he feels that he should find his goals soon.

At the same time, the evil eye tyrants are also awkward, and Dai Luo is impossible to encounter any danger. Because the dangerous soul beast on the road is driven away, the evil eye ruler is the master of the evil forest, and his orders in the forest are better than the aromal god in the stars, all the souls are in his Do not close to the son of the life under the order, even if the child of life attacks them, they must not resist.

Dai Luie has also made a fortunate psychology after a period of danger in depth in depth into the forest. Distance to your goals. It's not far away, continue to go deep into the way, I have trouble, I will run directly, when he has removed the weeds on the road, there is a route that can escape high-speed.

And with his deeper,

It is difficult for what he wants to find to these forests, and there is a pivotal position. So these soul beasts begin to fear him.

Unknown So David followed his feelings, came to a sparkling pond, saying that the pond may be a bit , is accurate, it should be a small lake, a small diameter of 100 meters Lake.

The lake water is blowing under the breeze, the only body, the only thing is that the lake in the lake is crystal, but there is no animal.

For the soul of the wild exploration, the lake is extremely clean, there is no animal, does not mean safety, just the opposite. This means danger, meaningful in the water, they have eaten all living lives in the lake, unless they have already, there are very little people are willing to approach the water source, which will cause so cleanliness.

Dai Lui was looking at the clear bottom, after a lake, there was a lake in the lake, and he began to be alert. There must be some powerful soul. Under the detention of this soul, there is no creature dare to be close.

Maybe the powerful soul beast is the guardian of what you want to find: "Go to the top! Although the lake is likely to have treasures. But even if there is a baby, I have to have a life!" It took a decision to go.

Although Davilley is not willing, but still slowly retreat, he is worried that once he looks back, revealing the lake, the lake will rush out of a fierce beast, bite himself, drag itself, to bite, swallow .

However, the cruel things in the imagination did not happen. As his back, the lake is still calm, just when he just tested, when he was ready to leave, the earth was suddenly vibrating the earth.

The small animals hidden in the grass and treetops are spent, these are smarter ordinary beasts, they will not be affected by the soul beast, even so, dramatic vibration still triggered them in biological instinct Fear, start to escape this clean lake.

Davelli wants to escape, but the shake ground makes him unable to stand firm, slammed, wait for him to get it, then want to escape, the legs have been stiff, and I can't stop it. .

Because he saw the lake in the entire lake, it was as fast as it was fast, and the feeling is like a lake. Suddenly became a spherical, the number of water was raised by millions tons of water under unparalleled giant force.

As the clear water is lifted, through the water surface, it is finally what it can be seen under water.

It is an extremely huge eye, like the shamofeng, the same eyes are the same as the peak, is a tentacle of the Zhang Dynamic claws, with Dai Luieli, no way, how many direct numbers, but estimation There are also seventy or eighty things in the middle, this is a look, how to look at an evil alifter has not ran.


And the evil eyes of the eye, sometimes just look at him, like a large pupil as the big round table board, let him almost unable to breathe.

At the same time, strong dangers also deprived his ability to do everything. He didn't have seen 100,000 years of soul beast, but the horrible picture in front of him was born with a 100,000-year-old soul, but the thoughts were thus thought.

"Are you my Mastam?" The evil eyes of the monarchies did not say that, but the idea of ​​transmitting is almost.

"I? I am a person being selected?" Dai Lui is very chaotic. His stiffness is in place, and the brain is all of him is the sentence of the person being selected, but the brain seems to be a machine. Every word of this sentence can understand, but even what is it. ? But I don't understand.

Why is his flat-unmoid soul? And is there a far thing to follow the feelings here? He can't understand, which is also exceeded his worldview. So he only accepted the mobility of the other party. The powerful spiritual power Unicom is changing each other, even if the language is different, you can also understand the meaning of each other.

"It seems that you still have a little nervous. I haven't need to panic. I chose the world of Wu Soul and my most fit. As a host carrying my soul ring, it seems that you are that person."

The evil eye ruler looks very embarrassing, but the tone of speaking is like a white beard grandfather, this is natural, if Davili is god, now I will definitely retaliate after he is welcome. In this case, When you meet, you will be necessary to leave a kind-friendly person.

"What do you mean? Do you mean to carry your slow host? You ... do you want to take me?" Dai Luisi can think of the only thing that may not be retaining, this diameter is close to the huge eye of the hundred meters, no matter from What is the point of view, all the top of the soul beast. Even if he doesn't have any other abilities, it is not inferior to this huge body shape.

Does this strong will give you a peaceful guy? The so-called a host. I am afraid it is being taken. The best results may also have the opportunity to keep their own independent awareness, as a conscious consciousness in the spirit of the spirit!

"It's not to win, didn't understand what I mean, I really want to be your soul ring. So, I will tell you from the perspective you can understand.

You should know that the 100,000-year-old soul beast is a chance to re-cultivate adults, but only this opportunity. If the soul bearer, you can't break through the bottleneck next time, it is possible to choose to replace the human cultivation.

Because humans are qualified to be god, they cannot break through the bottlenecks, choose to become human cultivation, there will be a first-line hope to become God, get eternal life.

But this opportunity has only 100,000 years of soul beast, breaking through this level. It has reached 200,000 years and even higher repairs, there is no chance to re-cultivate.

However, after 200,000 years, the life of the soul is still limited, we can't make God, so every breakthrough will be more difficult until a certain time can no longer break through.

In this way, we don't want to die, but it is impossible to researchers for human practice. There is only one way, that is, the active sacrifice, becoming the soul of humans, and then helping this human becoming God, and can be The gods got eternal life.

I just reached the 80,000-year-old bottleneck, it is difficult to continue to break through the soul of the soul. If I want to continue to live, even if I get eternal life, I only have this way.

But I am not willing to be in my ignorance, waiting for the fate. Simple sacrifice, expectation to be too small, so I will use a special approach. Keep my consciousness in the soul ring, when you absorb my soul ring, my conscious will continue to be in your consciousness, assist your cultivation, can be allowed in your circumstances Take over your body to deal with some dangerous conditions.

I won't pick my host, I have to be orthrage, kind, and the martial arts is extremely fit to me, and it is possible to be a person who is selected, and you, just satisfying this requirement. "

The evil eye ruler is a lot, but Dai Lui is now a few words in the mind: "800,000 years! 800,000 years! 800,000 years!"

Eight hundred thousand years of soul beast actually looking for himself not to sacrifice, don't have a wisdom of the soul ring, this can be the strong eighty-year-old soul of the 1800,000-year-old soul, but the strongest on the whole continent. If the powerful soul beast, if it becomes his own soul ring, I am afraid that I don't know how to get.

At first he was still a bit lost because of the partner who was not a martial art, after all, there was no sister.

But after accepting the reality in front of you, the previous instant is swept away, and the beautiful sister is in front of the 800,000-year-old soul. What? This is the first to be the world, and then the hope of God!

After recognizing what happened to what happened, Dai Luie could not be calm: "Really? Do you really intend to be my soul ring? You should not lie to me! I What to do? Your power is so powerful, will it take me directly?

Are you sure is my consciousness, is it dominated? You like this, I am a little unhearthed? If you don't have your consciousness, you will be enough to play games when you pay for me in the evening! "

Evil eyes, monarch, master, "?"

How do he feel that the kid in front of him is not like a child? There is even some feeling that is scrapped, what is what makes him to control the body? It's just to find a training, sitting waiting for God. Although the evil eye ruler is a bit of mind, but the order on the end requires that he can not be used as a leader, it can only hear it.

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