Douluo see you

The first thousand six hundred and forty-five chapters

The evil spirits hiding in the cave are eventually not escaping, and simple escape is useless. The longer the time avoided in the smoke, the worse, the more weak, no breakthrough, the physiological structure and others of the soul are almost almost almost.

After inhalation of the poisonous gas, the same fart is the same as the soul of the soul of the five rings, and it is very wronged by a dozen ordinary people. It can be said that it is very wroth. .

But he is not the last unlucky guy, with Dai Luie in-this mountainous area, more evil spirits have been smashed, these guys are fooled in the mountains, and they are not good at the fight in front of the battlefield.

Hiding in the cave, relying on the terrain and defensive, but once the smoke is smoke, the fire is drifted out, that is the end of the day.

On a relatively flat mountain, two soul kings, can't be smoked, with more than a dozen subordinates who have been cultivated, rushing out from the cave, ready to find the opportunity.

Two, I released my long-term soul skills in the first time of the soul king, and there were so many strong points. If you stay with your big move, you may have no chance to let go.

One person released a lot of bats, and soldiers shooting towards the queue fly over, the other person, released a blood red ray, and swept against the crowd.

Just, let them be shocked, these soldiers are like wood people, facing their attacks, there is no smashing, still meticulous shooting.

A large group of bats farthed, rushing on these people's body, but did not see these people showed a fearful expression, even laughing, it was blood, smile on his face, ,, It is also terrible.

A large group of bats look much more, but it is still too few relative to five hundred people, the big batula is only four or fifty five, the person being attacked, only a dozen people, these people are the first time Losing the combat power, the other people around him still start attack.

At the same time, the three people killed by the blood red light cannon were directly evaporated, and they were violent, but the people around me were also unleasing, their bodies blocked the attack, and the people behind So, on their body, finished his shooting.

Two evil spirits were frightened by this scene, and then they did then, as the most obvious goal, they were the most embarrassing of the fire.

Without the body of the steel, the arrow is extremely deadly, and the body is shot. It is like a hedgehog, and the blood flow is like a shower.

As for those evil spirits, no one can escape, this distance, covering shooting, at all, these people can hide, the evil eye tyrants do not ordered the gantry, all the evil spirits of all the evil spirits After being shot, after these, the soldiers were cold to cut these people, as a trophy, the head of the evil spirits was cut, as a duty credential.

Although five hundred people have played a few more than a few more than a few more people, the combat power of this group is stronger than one.

Baihu Gong felt that it was right and I saw the army of the month. It is definitely stronger than the trained army, these people, after committing suicide, can be more calm on the battlefield.

Although before this, they still have meticulous execution orders, but in the face of the enemy's nervous emotions, it will still affect the effect of the command, which is also the attack of the conditional reflection, and the lowest rate in the calm state will be higher.

After cleaning the battlefield, Dai Luie rushed to ran down with the rest of the next person.

This time, they want to be annihilated, one of the goals of this trip, the most difficult to deal with the goals, according to intelligence, in the heart of a soul emperor, the three soul kings, and the subordinates of more than 200 evil spirits, this More than 200 people, some are ordinary people, some are soul teachers, but more importantly, these people even have some arms, hundreds of strong.

These people are very dangerous objectives,

If the soul of the soul killed the military array, even if these soldiers could calm down the order, they did not fear, and the ordinary commander did not like to reach the order under their minds.

So I need a strong soul to lead, Dai Lui this time only needs to watch her soul ring instead of their own operation, but in the future, you may need to get started.

"Remember, now you are a general, when you fight, you can't depend on your martial arts, otherwise, you can't cooperate with your own quarter." The evil eyes of the monarchs and the perspective of the descent After reading the power of God, he realized that the so-called soul is proud of being a joke, proud and traditional, if it can't be converted into strength, there is no use.

"How should I work with soldiers? Now these are remote soldiers, I have to follow them to release remote power?

I can't rush to block the enemy in front, let them shoot behind me. That will take me in it. "Dai Luie is not unfamiliar with these people, these soldiers can be calmly executed, and the hand is very stable during shooting. The problem is that they have a stable, do not mean that their hands are also stable. Get, purely manually processed weapons, the versatility of parts is very poor, the stability is also worrying, visually three o'clock, aiming, but there is a trajectory of the arrow after the launch, then compare.

If you are entangled with the enemy when the soldiers are shouting, then wait for the enemy to be shot on the wall.

"I naturally not let you rush and enemies. This is not a representative that cannot be cooperated with soldiers. You have to use your ability to command, I am not a strong spiritual force?

As long as you communicate with these spiritual power, your soldiers, you can order for everyone, if the enemy rushes to your army, fight the body's quality to kill the ring.

Then the three hits have not been used, let the soldiers will attack, and will lead to lack of cooperation between soldiers, unable to cope with powerful enemies, and break through each.

What you have to do is to give each person to the command, coordinate how they attack, then I will give you a time, the future, you need to practice more in the battlefield, so that you can universally become a weaker cluster, to hunt . "

In the process of communicating in two people, the troops have come to the entrance of the evil spirits, this time, their opponents are no longer hiding in the cave, but seeing a wooden city village, obviously, it is self-thinking already have a certain The strength, no need to hide XZ.

Faced with a sudden army, he chose to take the initiative, the soul emperor took a soul king, and more than 30 cultivated souls, from the wood city gate, laughed and laughed Dai Lui killed.

The arrow shot made the soul of the head to be surprised. I thought that these people were scattered after they came, and they did not expect that these people dare to attack.

However, this did not let the soul emperor look at more than 400 ordinary people in the eyes, and the old arrows around him have aroused his anger. Suddenly he released his own menstrual soul, the whole The humanity is the same as the ghost. It is like there is no quality. It is fast to rush into the military array. It faces a soldier in front of him. It is directly torn into two halves. It performs a real version to tear the ghost.

Only, he had a horrified scene, and these people did not panic about his arrival. Even continued to shoot, string as the wood people.

Subsequently, he took the younger brother behind him. He looked back at him. The people behind him have fallen a large piece, no more than a few, the two soul kings have a serious injury, this scene made him an inexplicable Fear, but more strong anger, let him choose a big killing ring.

The sixth soul technology is released, and two big hands in two black fogs have grown behind him, and each arm is like a water tank.

One hand grabbed a person and squatted on the ground, the whole person was taken into a sauce, the three or four people around them were also flying, but the rest were still moving. Continue to complete a round of shooting, and people who have not yet rushed over to the ground.

This kind of cockroaches you have to kill, you have to bite a bite on the enemy, the meat is in the heart of the soul, and the guys in front of you will not meet people, and like the machine, there is no feelings. I only know the execution command.

The evil eye ruler is also to explain Dai Lui at this time: "Don't look at the miserable death, this time, you have to die, you have to order them. I haven't rushed behind it. The enemy is shot.

The soul emperor who rushed over although strong combat, he couldn't hit your army in an instant.

You let him let him kill, two rounds of time, exhausted, he can't kill one hundred people, but if you let the people behind, completely chaos your formation, that everyone must die.

So saying that it is not easy, some people must die, you can't feel soft, otherwise it is irresponsible for others. "The evil eye ruler is the time to find a blossoming cloth in the end of the death of Dai Lili.

You can't say that the life of the small soldiers is the consumables, and how much to die is not a matter of victory.

However, the situation in front also confessed the way the evil eye storm monarch, the soul of the soul rushed in, in the time of the two rounds of shooting, adding a total of more than a dozen people, if it is the ordinary army, this is so heavy The blow, it is already scattered.

Unfortunately, their opponents face the army that is almost nothing to obey orders. There is no morale, will not collapse, can look at your comrades around, being torn into a debris still does not hesitate to execute the order.

As the opponent left the last person, the final extinguishing has also begun, and the evil eye rustic monarch begins to get the order in the minds of everyone.

In the minds of these people, there will be a position to move next, and the red dot will appear in the ground in their perspective, they need to move towards these target positions.

After completing the move, the goal they need to attack will be red, and the sign flashes like a sight in the field of view, and launch shot.

Everyone needs to be executed very simple, moving the string shooting, does not require complicated think, and does not need a random strain, but this is a simple command. It has created the same effect as artistic performances.

I saw the soldier who had some messy soldiers. It quickly started moving, away from the soul emperor, formed a half round surrounding circle in the process of exercise, the soul of the soul lived in the heart, waiting for him to tear the last soldier before discovering oneself The location is very unfavorable.

At this time, all soldiers have raised the strong soul in their hands, aiming at the spirit of the spirit, pulling the trigger, because the distances of both sides are very close, and there is no shot possible.

The soul emperor immediately gathered his sixth soul skills to his side, two black fog's big hand wrapped his body, formed a layer of protection, this can attack the soul skills, calculated that it is very good skill . But what he can provide is limited.

The power of a soul, and more than 400 people have given the cross strings, the power that has been emitted is huge. It is not a quantitude on a quantitude, and it is simply a height of the world.

After a large number of arrows were in the black mist, they were forced to reduce the speed, lost their power, but there were more than a dozen arrows, did not be decelerated, broke through the defense, pierced, this soul of the soul.

The poison released in the arrow, the soul of the soul, can't resist, struggling a few times, trying to rush into the military array, kill the four parties, but the body is not allowed. In the muddy of plasma, I knew that death, he didn't expect why the ordinary people they face so fierce.

Fighting down, he hurts thirty-one people, killing twenty-three people, this is his all the results, this does not mean that the battle of the soul, can only match the five Ten people.

If there is only 50 people, even if these people cooperate, they will die, and there is no way to kill this soul in this simple weapon.

In the fifty people, they killed twenty, and they killed twenty in five hundred people. The difficulty was very different. The soul of the soul has always thought that he was a 10,000 enemy. However, the army they used to face is too easy to break, and it is impossible to withstand more than 10% of casualties. If all military can meet the quality of this part of the evil eye storm, even if it is the title, facing Five thousand people have an army of siege weapons, it is difficult to win on the front battlefield.

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