Douluo see you

The first thousand six hundred and forty-seventh chapter flowers 2 each table 1

Huo Yuhao personally entered the factory, not just to supervise the implementation of the above recommendations, but also to make a comprehensive social survey, the so-called no investigation has no voice, he wants to know how workers think of?

If you want to figure out this, there is no time to eat, it is very difficult to really, stand in the perspective of workers.

Although Huo Yuhao's origin is a big aristocrat family but from a small, it is quite poor life, so he really wants to conceal the identity, which is more likely to integrate into these workers.

His appearance is a small leader in the senior technical worker who has been transferred after a mistake, it is a small leader, but it is the kind of right.

After a few days, everyone quickly became familiar with this senior mechanic, and the evaluation of this boss is also very good.

After lunch in the cafeteria, Huo Yuhao started to do what to do with these people. If it is a few years ago, there will be no one who is interested in this problem, because a few years ago, don't need to discuss the future, ten What are you doing for ten years ago? What are you doing?

That kind of sheep, marry wife, giving birth, let the baby to pick the sheep, marry the state of his wife.

But now it is obviously different, these people are vibrant to future discussions.

The number of years is bigger, thinking is in the factory in the factory, the demand for skilled workers is large in the factory, the longer the work, the higher the treatment.

After paying, he can buy a house, but the recent policy makes him change their ideas. He intends to temporarily give up the plan to improve the living conditions, and save your son's Son's Son.

The workers aged a small number of workers also participated in the discussion. They were less than 20 years old. They were more energetic than these old people. There is no hope to put it on the next generation.

After many people plan to make some money, they will go to higher college students, and they can be competent for higher-end work. The treatment must be much better than now.

Several young people asked Huo Yuhao, asked him how to take so high school, asked about the exam skills, and even if there is a strict examination, Huo Yuhao laughs and answers, the system of the examination room is he built It's of course very clear.

"If you want to cheat, it is not difficult. A test room has only one invigilator. You can't see him, you can take out the cheating strips, but I still don't recommend you to try.

Cheating This kind of thing is very high for psychological quality. You have ancient imaginary prone to discovery. After discovery once, we must cancel the three-year exam qualification, continuous cheating twice, will be canceled for lifetime exam qualifications, there is time to think How to cheat, it is better than a good job of testing the content of the exam. "

Huo Yuhao took a bite of chicken legs. The level of cook cooking in the canteen is more common. The chicken legs have a little bit, but after coming to the canteen, Huo Yuhao is also determined to have a serious implementation of his own food subsidy policy, workers Didn't think they have a special treatment for meat dishes recently, which means that the factory does not temporarily respond to the assault inspection.

The overall situation allowed him to satisfy, and the investigation also encountered some things that made him dissatisfied. Some people took a subsidy, and some people had a private hollow. Some people specially recruited a group of lazy people in their own relatives.

Even in order to take the disabled subsidy, the factory will hire a group of disabled people to hire the factory, and they will drive away after the inspection.

Huo Yuhao records these situations one by one, preparing for the adjustment of policies to prevent these situations, want to do perfect prevention of all cats, is impossible, but at least to maintain workers can see this state .

It is not just to improve the work efficiency of the factory and the subjective initiative of workers, it is more infusion.

Huo Yuhao is very clear, relying on himself, it is not sure to build a fair society.

The position of ideology, you don't take occupation, naturally someone will occupy, Huo Yuha is to instill a kind of thinking to the workers to pay a corresponding return, the current social level concept is still very serious, If the manager of the soul is full of people's performances and words, many people are still honored, this is the residue of the once leveling system.

Even if the Fighting Republic has completed change, this accumulated culture, but not naturally changed in a short time.

Huo Yuha is doing, it is to give the workers a rising channel, let them change the fate through learning, even if this rising channel is actually a glass ceiling, but also to let most people think that it is possible to change itself. The status is not a noble.

The second generation of the rich, the second generation of soul, just in the fetter, will not be more excellent in personality, more excellent than ordinary people.

In a sense, the social environment is indeed changed by him, and the enthusiasm of the workers has been mobilized. They started spontaneous extraction time to learn and improve themselves. The wishful thinking, knowledge and efforts can change their own destiny.

Even if all this is just a large lie, but as long as this lie is enough, as long as all people are willing to move forward for this lie, this lie will be so late to become a reality.

The idea of ​​judgeting a person's value with courage, perseverance, and wisdom, and began to gradually gradually in the Republic of Doul, popular.

Such remarks naturally cause the soul of the soul of the soul, most souls are born noble, do not need to pay a variety of efforts, they can be highly equal, in this evaluation system, they are lazy, timid, stupid, they Superman first power, no longer being considered to be expensive, even if this kind of thought is only germination, it makes them very uncomfortable.

But unfortunately, they are uncomfortable and are useless. In the Fighting Republic, everyone's equal thinking has become a political correct, those who oppose this kind of thought, have been crushed by steel torches, now already It became an exiled government, and under the shelter of the Xingro Empire, he was relieved.

Although the soul of the soul does not like the spread of this kind of thought, it can only be pinched with the nose. Even if I really have a guy who is jumping out, blame this kind of thought, will be a lot of people.


The soul of the Republic of the Republic is no longer, just murdered, although there is no murdery, ordinary people and souls, murder do not necessarily sentence death, will see if the plot is serious, but the parties are the same That is to say, regardless of the object being killed, even if it is a podified manure, the murderer needs to pay huge consideration.

The soul is not enough to have no hand. And those who can't control themselves, they have been hurt, and they have been transferred to labor. Originally, you can get it, even if you leave, you don't need to pay any price. Now you need to let the souls take the price.


Although the Change of the Republic of Dou is not a violent, there is no special revolutionary thing, but in other three major empire, such a social structure is really evil.

Light is what people are equally, it is not what they can accept, how can people be equal equality? There is no high or low, do you have a chaotic set?

Nowadays, the three major empire is concerned, are those existence and the situation of inequality. For the situation of the Republic of the Fighting, it is naturally a whip, which describes it as an extremely evil country.

And maliciously rumored the factory machine of the factory will eat people, they can produce so much cheap industrial products, because they eat people to the machine.

The people in this era are still ignorant, even if this kind of rumors are also believed.

In addition to these ratings, the remaining rumors also have provoking, such as the strikes of the rumors of the Factory of the Fighting Republic, suppress workers' strikes.

Or, in this absolutely free environment, after the workers are injured, there is no one in this case, and they are hungry at home, and there is no kindly of the aristocratic lord to take care of his family.

Anyway, in the description of other empires, everything happening in the Republic of the Douling is a humanitarian disaster.

The Douling Republic responded to these rumors and sinopatrial injuries, took a simple and rude technique to solve the problem, that is, isolated information exchange, establish a wall, to isolate the external malicious speech.

As for the inside, most people get relatively fair treatments, can see the hope of life, is the natural heart of all people.

This also makes the exterior of the Republic of the Fighting, which is very limited for internal understanding. They are still thinking that the Republic of Douling is a country established by ignorant and ignorant farmers. In order to maintain fairness, these farmers will attack any rich people, let They are as poverty as yourself to maintain the fairness of the country.

This leverarism is even believed by most people, so that few people are willing to step into the Republic of the Fighting, I am afraid that I am being robbed there.

Davelis heard that he had to go to the Douling Republic to buy the mixture, the inner heart is refused, although he is a high-level clearing the Republic of the Fighting, is not the kind of backward, ignorant country, but the society is In the environment, everyone puts behind the country, and I will not feel that I will also affect the rational judgment of Dai Luie.

This is an important reason for the establishment of a wall in the Funa. Even if most of them are very clear, the foreign speech is a virtual rumor, but it is full of baptism for this rumor for a long time. It is always affected, and near Zhu is as black, it always hears this kind of rumor that attacks his country every day, and will not be suspected of being, it is not a problem. In this case, these rumors are not as good as the roots.

Dai Luies ... It is a very entangled mentality to this strange country.

After tight level disc examinations, Dai Luie's soul bore, finally under the conversation of a group of machine guns, crossing the level of the country, which made Dai Luoli can't hinder the closure of the country.

The car is driving to the city. He notes that there are very few buildings around three floors. The style of architecture is extremely single. Don't say that the carved beams, even the like decorations are not, a small city, it looks like it is Like a huge country, look at the city with a prejudice. It will feel that the city is behind.

However, the evil eye ruler is obviously, and it will not take a prejudice to see this city. What kind of social system is adopted, it doesn't matter with the soul beast. He also sees a large number of people who can live in these homes, and support these people. A large amount of food that needs to be paid in the city.

Judging from the number of population and most of the lives of most people, this is actually a very strong industrial city. There is almost no hungry in the city, and there is no and unemployed visitors. Everyone is busy, this also means Everyone is creating wealth, and the efficiency of social operation is high.

The reason why there is no carved beam painted, just because the most rich people have been removed, the new group of stakeholders have not developed in this time, and Huo Yuhao's political correct propaganda, letting these have Stakeholders don't dare to make a good fortune.

Although they still have their own high-end consumer venues, they can only hide in secret, hidden in everyone who don't know, once exposed to the sun, will be blocked, and then implicate a large group of people.

The real upper person will not be implicated by this thing, but it will be quite troublesome in this kind of thing, no one will be simply for enjoyment, it will provoke these troubles.

The hotel came to the hotel, there is no son, in the military, the wooden bed, even the grass pad, Dai Luie, who can sleep, but the hotel is disappearing here. After the outsiders leave, they will start all kinds of pick.

However, fair speaking, there is no problem, nothing more than decoration is simple. The internal facilities are not lacking, and it is also very clean, and even other national high-end hotels do not have a pumped toilet and a hot water shower facility, but with a colored glasses, it is always possible to pick out the problem.

"I don't quite understand why you have been discarding after this country, but I have to tell you, the country we now, Guo Li is developing, and the speed of development is more faster than the sun and moon. In the future, this country will become an important opponent in Xingro Empire. If you don't want to lose money in the hands of this country, it is best to look at them with an objective eye. "The evil eye rushed, and finally gave Dai Luie advice.

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