Douluo see you

Chapter 1668 Space Station Expand

The eyes of Xuan Ziwen's Equator No. 3 Space Station are the fastest construction progress in all space stations. There is an assistant to a nine -level soul mentor. Many problems encountered during the construction of the space station can be directly skipped. Essence

The volume of the space station is also continuously built. It expands to an incredible level.

Today's space station has become a huge disc. The diameter of the disc is 500 meters. This diameter is already regarded as the size of the skyscraper on the ground. Tons, let alone release the weapons carried in the space station. Just smashing the space station itself, the damage that can be caused is already comparable to the comet hit the earth.

If this thing falls from the sky, you can completely erase the capital of an empire from the map completely. There is only a pit in place, there is nothing.

And this is not the complete form of the space station. The construction goal of the space station is to build a space cylinder, and there is a huge living space inside.

The total three large space stations on the equator are different and other space stations are different. There must be many people staying for a long time and rotating work.

The number of weapons above is also the largest. So there is no doubt that the space you need is also great.

Now it is just a disc, turning into a cylinder, and there are many cabins.

It is expected that after completion is completely completed, the diameter of the entire space station will not change, but the thickness of the cylinder will reach 500 meters, and the quality may reach 30 million tons. Hanging, metal reserves are quite large, even if the fighting spirit cannot accumulate so many resources to build such space wonders.

There may be only 3 to 10 people in the other space stations, but each of the three equatorial space stations must be maintained by 500 people, not only to maintain the operation of the space station and maintain weapons and equipment. Driving an independent spacecraft, traveling to other space stations to transport living materials, and after the battle was dragged to a long -term war, space supply was carried out.

In addition, these space facilities are also an important defensive fortress fighting in space. This time the enemy is no longer an ordinary life body. Based on the intensity of the capture individual, this creature is likely to break through the atmosphere. Although there is no extraordinary force they can use outside the atmosphere, it is likely that it is likely to play a strong combat power in the space in the body. of.

Therefore, these space stations not only need to be the firepower on the ground, but also need to have a certain combat effectiveness in space operations. If you want to do this, it is not enough to place various weapons on the space station like a fortress.

Countless wars in history have proved that there is no fortress that cannot be captured. If not, you can leave the mobility of the fortress. Even if the fortress itself is strong, there will be a day of being broken sooner or later.

Therefore, a large part of the personnel stationed in the space station are built on the driver of the machine.

The battle between carrier -based aircraft and the gods in the atmosphere is difficult to win. On the one hand, although the sky is vast, the space suitable for flying in the atmosphere is limited after all, and the air resistance often limits the speed of flight.

At this time, the driver was easily hit by remote attack. In addition, the atmosphere full of the surface of the planet was also passed to a good medium on the shock wave.

People who have seen the three bodies also know this. Nuclear bombs have exploded as the main way of killing.

Once the effectiveness of the atmosphere combat performance will be greatly reduced.

Many of the scope attacks of the gods also need to transmit power by shock waves. In the atmosphere, their attack range is often large, and fighters are difficult to avoid.

But in the space, the disadvantages of this series are gone. The space of space is large enough. It is too large to attack the target. Even looking for a goal requires a considerable degree of energy.

In this range, the remote attack of the gods is undoubtedly extremely huge in the difficulty of locking the target, and in space, the speed will not be affected by air resistance, and it is almost no online.

As for those who are relatively unchanged from any speed, the impact is actually not great. After all, it is difficult to reach the speed of that level.

Even if it has been accelerated to a high level, it is really affected by relativity. For the two parties who are racing, there is not much difference. The influence is just the speed of those who are not moving on the ground. After approaching the speed of light, the acceleration is getting slower.

For themselves, the sense of view is still constantly accelerating, as long as the relative speed between the two parties remains low. There is no need to consider their huge speed relative to the ground.

In space, there is almost no speed restriction, even if it is strong to the point of high gods, if you do not need the ability of the separation, you can only attack one goal at one time.

It is definitely not easy to buy avatars that can adapt to the space environment and high -speed mobile operations.

The basis for reaching this standard is at least a third -level god, throwing a title Dou Luo without any equipment, which limit Dou Luo, if you come to space, it is difficult to exert how much combat effectiveness. The most basic movement alone is a very troublesome thing for the title Douro.

Even if they are strong on the ground, they must follow the momentum to keep the momentum in space and want to make themselves accelerate. Then you need to throw the substance in the opposite direction, without specific martial arts or special equipment. If you can't move far in space, you will fall into the dilemma of your own material insufficient.

While the space defense system is intensive, the situation on the mainland has gradually changed. The balance between the three major empires is about to be broken. Become the regent of the regent, and gradually began to control the power. He also chose to temporarily forbearance, waiting for the accumulation of the cards at hand to accumulate enough to launch the war.

In normal cases, this process may last for more than ten or even decades, but the problem is that the just -rising fighting republic, the capacity of a large number of low -end industrial products provided, really allowed the Japanese Entertainment Empire to eat a wave of fat.

Relying on their own first -mover advantages, they have the death of the fighting Republic's card in various core technologies of the soul guides, but this is another country that is involved in labor and created a lot of wealth. In this country, in this country, in this country During the development of its own industry, the Sun and Moon Empire lying on the sucking blood on it, a large amount of resource and wealth flowed into the Sun and Moon Empire in the process, so that they had not been fully completed for three thousand years. In the middle, the final closed customs clearance was basically completed.

After the explosion of the technology explosion, Dou Ling got rid of the constraints of the Sun and Moon Empire's technology, which made the Sun and Moon Empire, which could have been monopolized by technology, and suddenly lost an important source of economic sources.

It has become an important reason for the war. Obviously, most wars have begun because of interests. The fighting spirit republic has created huge amounts of wealth in China, representing huge benefits. Interest, the sun and the moon empire naturally hope to be peaceful, and hope that they can constantly harvest the wealth of the fighting spirit.

But now his scientific and technological advantages are suddenly gone, and you ca n’t harvest it, then you can only rely on war to plunder more direct wealth.

As the regent of the Sun and Moon Empire, although Xu Tianran is an eunuch, he is a great eunuch.

Although the root cause of this war is that he wants to plunder the huge wealth within the Republic of Fighting, but he is not just the fighting spirit, but also the entire continent. The other two empires are also within his goal.

And even if he does not attack the other two major empires, it is impossible to do the fighting and the Republic. From the perspective of the terrain, the Sun and Moon Continent is located on the west of the entire continent. There is a magnificent Mingdou Mountains on the side.

This mountain range is divided into the boundary between the three empires. The west side of the mountains is the sun and moon empire, the northern part of the east side is the heavenly soul empire, and the south section is the Star Luo Empire.

In fact, the Fighting Republic did not borde the Ri Yue Empire. He was more east in the Heavenly Soul Empire, in the northeast corner of the mainland. If you want to attack the Fighting Empire, you must cross the Heavenly Soul Empire or the Star Empire. It is obvious that it is impossible to send troops.

Therefore, the whole continent is hit by a drum, which is the next strategic goal of the Sun and Moon Empire.

Obviously, he still realized how terrible his enemies became in the past time. Under the persecution of God's disaster, the performance of the fighting Republic. It is not an exaggeration to use the poor soldiers and martial arts. It implements the war system in China, and all entertainment activities must be concessions for production and construction.

Coupled with the promotion of the technology explosion, the military strength of the Fighting Republic is not difficult to push the entire mainland even if it wants to push the entire mainland.

A Watcher Space Station left when Tulip was evacuated at the beginning, as the strongest weapon in the mainland, deterred the entire mainland for so many years. Now the same size space station, the fighting Republic has three full launch, the rest of the space stations with different sizes of different sizes, the remaining space stations with different sizes of different sizes. Countless, if they are not aimed at God, but in other countries, they can complete the united war on the entire continent in one year.

Unfortunately, they did not prepare for the war in this area. The war did not mean that the enemy's army was wiped out. How to appease, after occupation, it needs a long -term public security war to completely maintain the rule of a region.

And these consumption of manpower and material resources are extremely huge. The requirements of the Fighting Republic of the rule have a huge difference from those empires. For an empire, occupying a area only requires this area to pay taxes on themselves and provide provided themselves The corresponding supplies and population are enough.

As for how the lords in that area rule, this does not require the internal care of the empire. The empire only needs to rely on the resources that they plunder to maintain a strong force to ensure that these territory's surrender to themselves.

What the Fighting Republic has to do is to realize each village, or even the rule of each individual. Intersection What to do to find out, when these people do what these people do, they can be arranged in one day.

If you want to achieve this degree of rule, it is by no means to do it overnight. Now the fighting republic that is extremely nervous in response to the disaster of God has absolutely unable to experience it. War.

What they can do is to receive refugees after the outbreak of the God of God, and place them uniformly to allocate work for work.

It is precisely because they are not ready for the rule of occupation. This continental united war was launched dramatically with the Sun and Moon Empire. It is much weaker, but the accumulation of the Sun and Moon Empire for 3000 years is still very large, at least compared to the other two major empires.

In terms of high -end strengths, the Sun and Moon Empire does not have any advantages. Even the Holy Spirit religion composed of evil soul divisions, after all, the combination of Slak College plus the body of the body is inferior.

However, in terms of grass -roots combat effectiveness, the gap between the two sides is too great. The probability of the soul division of the Sun and Moon Empire and the speed of early cultivation are originally higher than the two empires on Douro.

This is decided by artificial choices for tens of thousands of years. The soul division of the Sun and Moon Empire does not pay much attention to blood. The phenomenon of intermarriage is more common in the Sun and Moon Empire, adapt to this society, and can win the right to mating. It is also those individuals who have improved rapidly in the early days. Look.

If the local strong is breaking through, it is difficult for superprovis to do it, but the proportion of the overall soul division and the speed of cultivation are far superior to Douro.

This made the number of their soul tutors over the two empires. In terms of quality, the individual's combat effectiveness may be different, but relying on the linkage of the linked soul instrument, it can completely play the effect of crushing in the fighting of the legion.

The most important thing is that such a soul tutor legion can easily suppress Super Douro and even extreme Dou Luo with the power of the legion. The power of individual strongers is getting worse and difficult to use in front of such a legion. If it wasn't for the original book, Xuan Ziwen forcibly opened Huo Yuhao and created the interference bomb that destroyed the linked soul guide, even if Huo Yuhao became a god, it would not be able to reverse the defeat of the three kingdoms of Douro. The two empires were directly blinded.

Unhappy to be continued

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