Douluo see you

Chapter 1683 TNND! Why not shoot!

The two -level soul mentor who participated in the plan was obviously on the first floor. They only knew they were responsible for transporting logistics materials. Not far away, there are two soul guidance groups who are ambush. The compilation of a complete soul guidance team can easily suppress Super Dou Luo. Even the powerful light phoenix is ​​extremely fragile in the face of the firepower of the entire division.

It was just that they were obviously unclear. The ambushing soul guidance team had been killed by sneak attacks. Now they will not have any reinforcements. Instead, the army of the Star Luo Empire is converging from the sides of the north and south.

The white flames turned around. Two nine -level soul mentors. Copy the shield of the soul guidance group. Yan Shaozhe may have some powerlessness, but the fighting of powerful individuals is easy.

Among the flame tornado, the two nine -level soul mentors opened the nine -level soul guides for defense. They were exclusive defensive soul -like guides. Very strong ability.

But the same way also means that it is sparse. In contrast, Yan Shaozhe focuses on developing his own martial arts soul, and he knows every detail of his martial arts. The point of the top.

In terms of individual battles, it is difficult for the soul mentor to be comparable to the soul divisions of the same level, not to mention that there are level suppression in front of them. The two nine -level soul mentors are not a powerful individual with their own names. At this time, the two dozen one is also miserable.

The shield on the body was crumbling, but the attack released was unsuccessful. It hit the light of the bright phoenix and directly penetrated the past, without any damage at all.

In fact, Yan Shaozhe used the principle of light to distort the light that shot on his body to create a big image such as a positive stand. This is not so deep. arrive.

The world that people see their eyes are just the illusion that light brings people. We think that one thing is somewhere just because we are used to the spread of light, so the conditions are reflected. It represents the orientation of the object.

However, as a bright phoenix, ability is not just to control the power of light for attack and burning, twist the path of light spread, and create a phantom for yourself.

In the original book, he did not master this ability. After all, Douro's technology system relied on the brain. For various optical principles, most of the strong men were dismissive of this, thinking that it was something that the weak only needed to study.

However, after the emergence of the new spell, the various specific abilities shown still attracted the attention of the contemporary high -level soul master. Yan Shaozhe also pondered a little and developed the magic in front of him.

It does not rely on the disturbance of mental power, but simply interfere with the enemy's sight. It is essentially not much different from the eyes of the laser pen, but the latter can react as soon as possible. The former led to a desperate output on the opposite side that it was only a shadow that he attacked.

While they were entangled with Yan Shaozhe, the troops responsible for transporting logistical materials had begun to defeat. The white flames burned on them were burning and prosperous with the battle.

Breakthrough in the position by the Soul Division Legion, most of the soul tutors who are not very rich in combat experience are panic, and then use the soul power to make the flames burn stronger and scream on the ground. Even the opportunity to escape was lost and was replenished.

The scene is terrible, and it is called a unable to be a army. This picture is simply a replica of the remote soul division legion of the Sun and Moon Empire Soul Teacher. The confidence that can fight against killing.

This self -confidence continues to the north and south, and the smoke is raised at the same time. This means that the battle occurs at the same time in these two directions. The enemy should not know that there is a soul guidance group ambush on each side of the north and south.

Right now, the two battles happened, and the two nine -level soul mentors who were suppressed by Yan Shaozhe widened their eyes and doubted that a traitor was out of them.

But now it is obviously not a time to consider the traitors. Now the important thing is how to escape. He was buried on the opposite side. A lot of masters opposite the opposite side. Essence

At this time, I do n’t run, but I really explain it here, but where I want to run, there are three other titled Douluo in addition to Yan Shaozhe.

A huge golden hammer fell from the sky and hit a soul instructor fiercely. Although he did not break through his shield, he directly caught him into dizziness.

Seeing the situation in another soul instructor, if the nine -level flying soul guides who want to run on the back, when they turn around, the flying speed can even exceed Yan Shaozhe.

It is a pity that although the cruise speed of this thing is fast, the startup speed is not as good as Super Douro. The golden man who has been blocked in front of him before flying out is kicked back. At the same time, an umbrella falls from the sky. He buckled the ground.

The shot was Xuan Yuan Dou Luo. Xuan Yuan's umbrella fell from the sky, and there was a little bit of joy. Not long ago, in order to protect the Duke of the White Tiger, he was besieged by the four soul guidance divisions of the Sun and Moon Empire, and he almost fell on the battlefield. If it wasn't for the time, he arrived in time, and relying on his strong strength and illusion, he delayed the four soul guidelines.

Now it can be described as turbulent Feng Shui, and the two nine -level soul mentors have been caught without resistance. The war has been carried out to the present, and there are many captives of the other side in both sides. Blind chip with heavyweight.

The Star Luo Empire was not arrested by the title Douro, which was enough to exchange for most captives.

So although the strong man hated the Sun and Moon Empire, the master of the Star Luo Empire did not kill immediately, but caught these people back.

The soldiers who participated in this repeated attack immediately merged in this wetland, and the Japanese and moon empire soldiers who were arrested were how to drive these vehicles and quickly followed the route of their own proven. In the complex terrain of Linger Mountain, relying on the powerful power of Douro, the mountains and ridges turned these precious materials back to the camp.

Even Dalo Li couldn't help but see the harvest of this robbery, and couldn't help but have the idea of ​​giving up his previous adventure plan.

The eight large -scale linkage soul -guided center, although less than the Tianhun Empire's capture, is only a Yamaguchi who needs to defend. The guidance center with the shield generator is enough to defend this level defensive gold soup.

However, in the principle of making up for everything in everything, Dalo Li did not give up the strategy of placing explosives and flammable materials in the city, but he ordered his men to bury these things in a deeper place. There was a mistake during the battle, detonating these things, moving the stones and smashing his feet.

Although there are these shields that can be stable and stable, the worst plans must continue to be carried out with the enemy's compatibility with the enemy.

Experts who are good at the soul guides by the Star Luo Empire are invited to come over to guide how to install these linked soul guides on the fort. With the rise of the first shield, there was a cheer in the entire fortress.

In the past, they had to hide behind the city wall, and the shooting holes reserved on the women's wall fired against the enemy. Now don't have to be so troublesome, just hide behind the shield and the opponent to shoot.

Although it is necessary to consume a part of the soul forces for defense, the opponent also needs to consume, which is better than consuming people's lives to offset the other party's soul power.

People of the Star Luo Empire, when they were rejoicing, Dalo Li faintly felt uneasy. Everything seemed to be too smooth. It was easy to grab it, which was enough to determine the strategic supplies, or it still made him feel a sense of disobedience.

On the battlefield of the game, Dalo Li ranked lower than that of oranges, but in the battle between the two sides, it had more than 50 % of the winning rate. Many times, it rely on this incompetent intuition.

This time he also chose to believe his intuition and prepare both hands.

"Everyone, the number of our soul divisions has a huge advantage over the Sun and Moon Empire. It is our strength in this regard. After the local operations have shields, I think our troops have certainly have a certain amount of strength. In surplus, I hope that I can lead a part of the troops to be scattered on the mountains on both sides in case.

After all, eggs cannot be placed in a basket. In case the opponent uses a large number of nine -level soul conductor or some unconventional weapons, it is more dangerous to concentrate together. "

No one opposes Dalo Li's opinion. In their opinion, the other party can let the responsibility of guarding the city and take a group of people to leave. This is simply a great thing. Nowadays, there is no technical content in Shoucheng. He takes people here to stick to it, that is, white mixed military skills. At this time, Dalo Li can make the position of the command.

Dalo Li did not care about other people's different eyes. He took his own legion and a large number of weapons wholesale from the sandstorm group to the mountains on both sides and stationed here to be alert to the enemy's assault.

The rigorous the defense of the fortress, the stronger the uneasiness in Dellower's heart. I always feel that something unfortunate has happened.

And the few high -level seniors who know the real planning on the sun and moon empire are overlooking the shield rising on the side of the fortress with Orange. Some people have sneered on their faces. They are these shields designed by them. Named shields are actually super bombs.

"Ready to attack! You should be able to control the explosion of these linked soul guides. We will start the explosion as much as possible when the enemy is most arrogant and proud. Take it down. "

Everyone also agreed with oranges' decisions. They came to their own division and began to organize offense. A total of 15 soul guidelines, coupled with the Phoenix soul guidelines, approached the fortress.

The Star Luo Empire officer who was responsible for the battle in the backing of the backing was sneered at this scene.

"Are you going to attack the lonely betting while we are still unable to use the shield? It's really naive, do we really don't understand the soul guides at all for so many years? We have also trained a lot.

Come to give them a linkage attack! "

With the order of the command, the purple -red light group above the wall of the fortress gathered, and the torrent of energy turned on the shield of the fire phoenix soul team.

The huge energy made the shield of this top soul instructor dull for a while.

"Continue to attack, let them see our power, the total amount of competing soul power, you are too tender!"

The long -range soul guide was put on the city wall, and the remote attack of the densely fell in the direction of the war camp of the Sun and Moon Empire like a rain point, quickly consumed the soul power of the Sun and Moon Empire.

Just at the moment, the aggressive attack released the sun and moon empire army, which had a linkage attack on the shield. Under the fierce fire, he had to choose to disperse and retreat.

Just as the generals of the city predicted, the total amount of soul -competition power, the Sun and Moon Empire Army who fought away was not the opponent of the Star Luo Empire soul division.

When the enemy retreated after seeing the enemy's preparation, the officer issued an order as soon as possible: "Licent the soul -guided cannon to fill me energy and fill it hard! Let these guys see our power.

Everyone should not be stinging for their own soul power. This time they dare to attack, let's give them a little lesson, leaving a soul guidance group completely to let them know the pain. "

The soulstone on all walls of the city is also happy, and madly injects their soul into the soul guide. No one notice that even if they want to stop injecting, they can't do it.

A total of eight joint soul guidance books, eight large -volume light balls, each of the inside of each light ball contains the huge soul of the titled Douro. These light balls are getting bigger and bigger. Everyone can see the huge power that they can release after the explosion.

But as these light balls getting bigger and larger, the release of the release of destruction is becoming increasingly unstable. The officers responsible for the command gradually began to feel that something was wrong?

"Launch, why don't you launch? What is going on? Why can't you launch? TNND! Why not shoot!"

Unhappy to be continued

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