Douluo see you

Chapter 1,666 The trench encountered war

The Sun and Moon Empire do not have professional underwater units, so if you want to explore the underwater situation, you must send masters to dive.

Even if the water has a strong fleet, it is still impossible to guarantee absolute safety underwater. The sea soul beast may always be hidden in the dark deep sea. Sneak attack on the masters in the ocean.

This is also one of the important reasons why the Sun and Moon Empire have not developed a submarine. Underwater, human steel manufacturing does not have much advantage for sea soul meat. This is like the navy has not been built for thousands of years. Because humans have been compared to sea soul beasts at sea for thousands of years. It is also this inertial thinking that has made the Sun and Moon Empire's footsteps behind.

The submarine of Dongdou Luo is quite mature, otherwise it will not develop commercial freight submarines. The extraordinary operation of this operation.

Only one large tonnage submarine is responsible for this transportation operation, and it is equipped with a fifteen -ton strategic hydrogen bomb. This weighing hydrogen bomb is very difficult whether it wants to use a aircraft airdrop or a missile. In theory, it can be installed in the storage soul -conductor for airdrops. However, the state of this thing is not very stable. If you want to complete the smooth access to the storage soul guide, you need to go through a series of technical verification.

So this is the only nuclear bomb that can be launched with a submarine.

To ensure the success of the task, the fleet of the merchant ship is escorted. The scale is also quite large, and there are three nuclear -powered battleships. One gold -grade, two silver -grade, and countless submarines. To ensure the completion of the task.

However, they did not expect a war underwater. The Sun and Moon Empire sent to explore the bottom of the trench was two eight -level soul mentors. Both are specialized soul -like mentors who are better at combat in the ocean.

Their soul guides look a bit like small submarines, but their ideas are not the same as the submarine. They use more like an airplane, that is, the air flow rate of the upper surface of the curved wing is different. Get lift.

In essence, this thing is thrown into the water directly into the water. The difference between this stuff and the traditional submarine is similar to the difference between floating airs and fighters. In terms of speed, there must be an advantage. However, if it is not driven by the eighth -level soul instructor, there is no relevant investment for research, the battery life is very limited, and it must rely on platforms such as aircraft carriers to supply supplies.

Two soul -like soul guides, after entering the water, began to slowly sneak into the water for inspection. The lighting lights were brightened by them. If you can't see the bottom of the sea, people who sneak in will feel like they are swallowed up by darkness.

The upper and lower squares are all dark.

It is even difficult to judge whether they are declining. The two eighth -level soul mentors turn on the probe lamp. On the one hand, they are to check the surrounding situation, and on the other hand, it is to alleviate their psychological pressure.

If their soul guides are damaged underwater, the situation they will face will be very dangerous. More than 30 atmospheric pressure will cause huge harm to humans who are not living in the deep sea. The quality is strong, you can endure the physical damage caused by stress, and nitrogen under high pressure will also integrate the blood, causing a poisoning effect such as nitrogen drunk, and returning to the sea is definitely not easy.

The resistance of the water flow can be very different from the air. For them, the distance of hundreds of meters may die instantly in the air, but facing high pressure underwater, the harsh condition of hypoxia, it is not a piece to quickly float to the water surface, it is not a piece. Easy things.

Especially the deep and dark bottom, it may appear a monster at any time, and it also made the two eight -level soul mentors accelerated their heartbeat, as if they were choked.

With the opening of Senna, the terrain at the bottom of the trench began to appear on the screen. This is the setting of the reefs. Usually there will be no sea soul beasts where the navy is entangled, but they think there is no dangerous danger. when.

In the sound, a behemoth shows its own shape. The streamlined type is like a blue whale structure. It is not the most striking thing in this thing. The size is a behemoth with a length of nearly 300 meters. Even the blue whale's sea soul beast, it is almost impossible to grow to this volume.

In history, there is only the deep -sea magic whale king, which can break through this size on the head. In the Sonaltic detection, there are not only one monster at the bottom of the ocean, and there are two slightly inferior big guys in the back.

For a moment, the two eight -level soul mentors emerged from the top of their heads. Their first reaction was that they broke into the territory of a super soul beast. This super soul beast and ethnic group existed. The same behemoth.

"Request to float, ask the sea to support!" The eighth -level soul mentor shouted in the soul -guided communication: "We found unknown objects underwater, with huge volume and moving in our direction! Request support, request ..."


The communication was interrupted. A row of control stations in Kong Deming, who were listening to the inferior in the Japanese battleship command room, stood up: "The whole army is alert, prepare for combat shields to open!"

As soon as the words fell, his flagship was a huge shock, as if the giant beast on the bottom of the water was pushed up. Damage caused the entire flagship to sink.

"Damn! It is the enemy, our enemies have been hiding under our feet. For so many days, we have never found it!" The expression on Kong Deming's face was ugly. He did not expect that things would develop in front of him.

And the same face is also the commander of Dongdouro Company. This time the nuclear bomb transportation task is extremely important. Dongdou Luo company directly dispatched his highest military responsible commander. First, Li Er, as the commander of the fleet, sat in the flagship.

Li Er has not yet established from the sandstorm group. When he just came out of the desert, he had already joined the group of the group. When the group was just established, Ji Town, which was very weak, eliminated dissidents and established organizations. It can be said that now It is already the veteran of the Sandstorm Group, the highest military officer of Dongdou Luo Company.

He has the right to decide on the battlefield, and when he sees the detector of the Sun and Moon Empire in the sound, his face has become extremely ugly.

It was not detected before, and the worst time in front of me was detected, it was just bloody.

Li Er was very clear that after he was discovered, any explanation was meaningless, and he had no notification of the other party hidden at the feet of the other party. It was only a few kilometers away. No matter how this kind of explanation, it could not be said.

The start of the war between the two sides is inevitable. Li Er also made a decision for the first time. While launching an attack to destroy the enemy's detector, he ordered all the main guns for the fleet to launch and aimed at the bottom of the warship of the Sun and Moon Empire.

At the same time, the Empire of the Heavenly Soul Empire allows them to cooperate with the offense, and notify them to liquidate with the Tianhun Empire afterwards.

Li Er's thinking is like this. The initial purpose of the Heavenly Soul Empire was not to let them transport nuclear bombs at all, but forced them to get involved in the war. They caught the formal form of transporting secret weapons, so that Dongdou Luo was forced to be involved in the war with the Sun and Moon Empire.

This counts Li Er wrote down, but things such as revenge must first win this battle. If the main force was wiped out by the Sun and Moon Empire in the Strait, then all those who were retaliated and condemned were all barking of losing dogs. Essence

As for the heavenly soul empire, it is also very aggressive. Dongdou Luo's active attack on the Sun and Moon Empire is naturally a good thing, but their warnings have also made the Tianhun Empire arrived, which is extremely innocent.

One of them, this time it was not the Heavenly Soul Empire's calculation of Dongdou Luo Company. The real situation is that the weird supply of Maple Leaf City has caused the doubts of the Sun and Moon Empire.

Then a neuropathic officer forcibly interpreted the seals in the north to forcibly interpreted the air replacement of the submarine route in the north. A series of chain reactions led to the results in front of you.

To say that the wrongdoing, the heavenly soul empire is the most wronged, but now it is too late to say anything. After receiving the intelligence in the direction of the allies, the Kunpeng -class battleship leads the sperm -based battleship, the dragon -class cruisers, and the nests come out, all of which are all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all all one. Hanging on the sea surface, leaning on the ground effect and the fighter -like speed at a high speed, launching an assault in the direction of the battlefield.

The sight returned to the Sun and Moon Empire of the Strait of the Orin. After being attacked, Kong Deming was furious and ordered the fleet to release deep water bombs as soon as possible, and the shield opened to the largest.

"Fried me, fry me fiercely! Don't care about our own shield capacity, I don't believe in this continent, who can there be a harder than us in this ocean?"

I have to say that the tactics he choose is very correct. The biggest advantage of the gold -class nuclear power battleship is that he can dive and conceal the action, but in terms of shields, even more than the Kunpeng -class battleships. In terms of technology, Dongdou Luo Company does not say that it is stronger than the Soul Empire, at least not in the fleet technology.

The reason for the shield is that the population base of Dongdouro is too small, and there is no enough soul master to operate their powerful advanced warships. This kind of trouble is unimaginable by the two empires.

They are all masters, but they do not have enough advanced weapons to control the masters.

The deep water bomb fell into the water, and did not wait for the fleet to leave the explosion range at all, and it was directly detonated. Li Er did not expect that the commander of the Sun and Moon Empire was so reckless, and even his own fleet blew up. Defense, it is just a wave of tactics that are all attributed to the same.

"Dive, give me dive, don't care about your hull to bear the limit, throw the nuclear bomb directly on the bottom of the sea, we dive directly, don't care about others."

Sea water can offset the power of explosion to a considerable degree. As long as it is enough to go to the depth, it can escape the blow of just now.

Of course, the difficulty of compressing seawater also makes the shock wave has greater power in the process of diffusion. At a relatively close distance, the power of explosion will be greater.

Dongdou Luo's fleet is collectively dived. Fortunately, the Strait of the Orin is deep enough. Most warships avoid the explosion of the shock wave, but there is still a silver -grade submarine sunk, a silver -grade nuclear power battleship. The impact of waves and leakage are emerging.

The underwater leakage is much more troublesome than the warships on the water. If it cannot be repaired in time, it is the entire army.

"Retreat, retreat! Throw a round of suspended mines and withdraw it north."

Li Er ordered to retreat north is also helpless.

Now that his fleet is stuck in the middle of the Strait of the Orin. Although it is extremely wide above the Strait, it is not narrow below, which is enough to make nuclear -powered battleships pass.

However, the bottom of the strait is not wide at the bottom of the Strait, so that the nuclear power battleship passes, there is no problem, but if you want to turn around, you can not do it in a short time.

The melee of the warships of this group of defensive reports with the Hitachi Empire is the most stupid decision. No country's warships can guarantee that their warships can remain complete before hitting the powerful backing of the Sun and Moon Empire.

With a large number of mines, it was released from the top of the warship, and the nuclear -powered battleship of Dongdou Luo company quickly far away from the Strait of the Olin and came to the waters of the Northern Sun and Moon Empire.

At this time, Kong Deming was still angry. UU reading a book www.uukanshu. COM only felt a severe shaking at his feet. The density of the mine was lower than the sea water and floated at high speed. Under the protection of the shield, it did not hurt any warship, but the turbulent sea made the warship unable to continue to put deep water bombs to crack down on the bottom of the sea.

The sound of the Sun and Moon Empire is quite backward. After scanning, it was found that the enemy fleet had disappeared, and the atmosphere in the fleet was quite dignified for a while.

The explosion of the deep water bomb did not cause any losses, but the first round of the shelling brought a very heavy loss to the Sun and Moon Empire Fleet. One day -class battleship was damaged, three moon -class battleships sank, invincible Days, and the invincible day The Moon Empire Navy has not had time to turn on its powerful shield. He suffered such heavy losses under such despicable sneak attacks.

Whether it is the commander of the team or the fleet officers and soldiers, the mood at this time is furious.

After learning that his fleet and the Sun and Moon Empire suffered a war, it was also an explosion of mentality. Covered north -south.

Unhappy to be continued

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