Douluo see you

Chapter 1,711 to God Weapons

Huo Yuhao's proposal has attracted everyone's attention, and it is everyone's ability to change the reality with its will, which means that what the gods do are just stealing this part of the ability.

Now through propagating the harm of people to people, this part of power has returned to freedom. Those who can use this part of the power will be able to improve the leap.

However, Huo Yuhao still poured a basin of cold water: "Don't be happy too early. According to our experiments, this force can do very limited things. If you want to create some miracles, the general phenomenon needs to accumulate for a long time.

The gods can be so powerful, I am afraid that because they have a long life, it will be so strong when we have accumulated. If we only start from now on, we must not be compared with the gods in terms of quantity. "

Although this answer disappointed everyone, the same power of the wishing machine still gave them a strong needle.

After Huo Yuhao proposed his own experimental ideas, he opened the next topic, that is, the research and development of God weapons, and everyone was accustomed to explain various cutting -edge technologies. So I didn't intervene.

"In the previous Ortin Sea War, we must feel that our weapons have a limited effect on the gods. On power, the damage that our weapons can create is not inferior to the gods. We can set off the tsunami. It can bomb the mountains and rivers, and even if the conditions are allowed, even the tear can be done.

But the huge damage we created is difficult to act on God's body. Their volume is too small and the speed is too fast. It is more flexible than our fighter. Even if we use great power attacks The destruction is also very limited.

So we urgently need to develop a weapon specifically for life like God. Presumably, similar research should have some ideas. Let me talk about our thinking first! "

Although Huo Yuhao was from the Duke of the White Tiger, there was no doubt that he could not treat himself as the Star Luo Empire. For this empire, his hatred was more. In contrast, he was more willing to think that He is a man in the Fighting Republic. After all, this country was established by him.

"my country's thinking is very single, that is, to create a beam weapon. As we all know, the speed of light is the fastest speed in the universe. As long as our attack arrives at the speed of light, it means hitting. Essence

This will greatly increase our effective output on the battlefield. At present, the efficiency of such products is quite considerable. It is expected that the strongest god we have eliminated before can also cause some harm.

The battleship of the Soul Empire seems to use similar weapons. If necessary, my country can customize weapons for warships in your country. "

Huo Yuhao's laser weapon, but Cheng Ying personally participated in the design, is by no means a simple beam attack. On the mainland of Douro, many mysterious power is transmitted with light. Light, the halo on the soul master.

In addition to these, the destruction of the golden gold can also be transmitted by light, but it only needs special stimuli to be excited, and it needs to be restrained to occur to a far place.

The technology of this part is naturally integrated into the development of weapons. The powerful gods are not just their bodies.

And their artifacts.

Although the artifacts of the gods can resist the decomposition of the golden gold, this is the problem of power. Whoever has a greater power is easier to win.

The golden restraint of the life will not change this point, so under the same power, the artifact will still be restrained by the golden gold.

Without the artifacts of their own artifacts, the power of the gods will almost fall in half, so the combat effectiveness of such weapons is quite strong. Even if the lethality may still be insufficient, the ability to suppress the gods is also very strong.

However, not all artifacts will be suppressed. For example, the artifact of the god of eating is okay, because his artifact is his own stomach, and this thing will not be destroyed by the golden gold.

In addition to these weapons that can conduct foreign trade, the fighting spirit naturally has other weapons, but those intelligence categories that are obviously no longer shared.

Among them, it is quite strategic, a weapon called Xiehe golden car, which is a huge lens located in space that can distort the light and located above the Laglangine point.

To be precise, he did not use the refraction of light to distort light, but to distort it by gravity.

So just arrange several generators on a circular circle to achieve such a lens.

108 satellites form a circle with a diameter of 3000km. This diameter is almost half of the planet at their feet. In an emergency, all the sunlight in the circle can shine on the surface of the planet, but because it is distorted by the gravity, each time To launch an attack, the senior space station will also consume huge energy, and it takes a long time to charge it once.

But there is no doubt that the power of this attack is extremely terrible. The energy released in a short period of time has even exceeded the nuclear explosion, and because it is a light -speed weapon, it is almost impossible to avoid, and the attack range covers the entire daily hemisphere.

At the same time, on the other side of the planet, the project named Guanghan Palace is also under construction.

The Fighting Republic is preparing to launch a rare metal coating with a strong reflective performance on high -intensity carbon nano -alloy, and to launch into space, and use this very light material to arrange several huge reflective mirrors on the back of the planet.

The reflective mirror of the concave surface can converge the sun and attack any point of the night balls at the ball, causing huge killing. Compared with the Qihe golden car, the Guanghan Palace does not need to use the gravitational to distort the light, so the attack is released at each time, almost almost the attack, almost almost the attack. Almost almost Do not consume energy.

But the disadvantage is that the sunlight converged by Guanghan Palace cannot be as huge as the golden car.

Even if the materials for building Guanghan Palace are quite thin, if the diameter of his diameter is expanded to hundreds of kilometers, the total amount of materials that need to be consumed is also an astronomical number, so 50 kilometers of each mirror is already the limit, a larger volume with a larger volume. The mirror, with the current manpower and material resources, is almost impossible.

As for the power, it is undoubtedly incomparable with the golden car on the front Lagram. The advantage is that it is more long -lasting. The target target is not an enemy above God. Third God.

At present, the main chaos of God's disaster is these secondary gods and third -level gods, and Guanghan Palace can be regarded as right medicine.

In this day, the hemisphere and night half -ball are always shrouded in the light energy weapons of the fighting spirit, but because the transmission of light also takes time, it is very important to keep the gods on the ground briefly.

The sun and moon empire's weapon to God is this aspect. As the birthplace of the soul guides, the technique of disconnecting the soul -guidance, the Sun and Moon Empire are still leading the world.

A large number of high -tech was applied to the development control soul guides. The last war was the control of the weapon, which made the human side achieve the final victory.

The sun and moon mainland side has exactly the strongest defense in all countries. It is also the most suitable one when controlling the damage.

In order to develop stronger control capabilities, the high -level soul instructor of the Sun and Moon Empire also had to go to Fighting to learn advanced scientific and cultural knowledge.

I have to say that the results of learning have benefited them a lot, and many of the ability to control the control of the Yangtze River can be explained in the principles of natural science.

Some capabilities cannot be explained, and some people think that some natural phenomena cannot be observed here. Although this inference is a bit hooligan, Cheng Ying knows that this inference is actually true. At the higher -level interface, these are on the higher -level interface. These are these. Natural phenomena can be observed, but they cannot be observed at this level. This also made him have to admire the imagination of this world scientific researcher. Even if he did not find the parallel world of other boundaries, the same conjecture was still drawn.

Because these natural phenomena cannot be directly observed, the soul instructor of the Sun and Moon Empire does not choose these types of control capabilities. Although this part of the ability is more universal, it can play a certain control effect on all kinds of existence, but it is precisely it is precisely Therefore, its strength is also limited.

In contrast, many phenomena that can be explained by natural sciences. As long as the power is large enough, the control effect is simply a bar.

One of them is the electromagnetic force. With a powerful electromagnetic field, it can be restrained by some substances. However, although this control ability is strong, the restrictions are relatively large.

In addition, there is a type of control method that rely on quantum locks, that is, the phenomenon of superconducting in the electronic field, turning the gods into normal temperature superconductors, it seems incredible, but practice is the only way to test truth.

All countries are now a living sample of the gods. Through practice, it can be found that the body of the gods is different from humans, and it is composed of a large number of extraordinary particles. Ultra -conductor, so use quantum locking can set the gods in place.

In addition to these two types, there are also controlled by ultra -low temperature. Huo Yuhao participated in related research. After all, he has the ultimate ice martial arts soul of the monkey version in his body. He has made huge development of the development of ultra -low temperature weapons in this era. Contribution.

As for the Sandstorm Group, which represents the highest technology level of the Star Luo Empire, it also participated in the development of God weapons.

However, their style of painting is much fantasy. It is very similar to the operation of defeating magic with magic in anime. Many animation and the settings in the game are some kind of powerful monsters in the world. So people use monsters' flesh or strength to become a half -person and half monster existence, and then master the power of monsters to defeat them.

Big sword, species, armor city, forever seven -day capital, etc. are similar.

The style of the sandstorm group is also quite similar to this. They are the most sampled side of the gods. In a special environment, they have achieved the cultivation and proliferation of the power of the gods, and they have made this part of power into it into into. Weapons, equipment that can be transformed by human body transformation.

And cultivated a group of transformers using special weapons and named them the gods.

If Cheng Ying does not appear, the biggest probability of choosing to fight against God's disaster on the mainland is to use this method. If you can't hit it, it is a normal thinking.

I have to say that the technology of the sandstorm group is effective. The gods they cultivate may not even play the title Douro in the conventional battle, but they also have their own advantages, that is, the speed is extremely fast.

The power of the gods is all used to strengthen their own speed, while the weapons in their hands can cause special damage to God.

It can be said that these people are born to fight against the gods. If their weapons point to humans, the lethality will be very limited.

Perhaps these people will not be better in the battle against the gods than Super Doro, but their number is much more than Super Doro. You only need to have the physical fitness of the Emperor of the Soul, and you can accept the gods of the gods. The transformation of the body can be implanted in the body and transplanted the guide pores at the end of the limb to achieve ultra -high -speed battles. Even when necessary, it can be transferred instantaneously and leap directly to the position you want to reach.

Their weapons are also created by the power of God. Some are similar to artifacts, but they are more special. After encountering the body of the gods, they will be annihilated with the unexpectedness of the gods. At the same time, huge energy broke out.

However, this is also a huge danger itself. The energy that can kill the huge explosion of the gods is also a huge danger for themselves. It is likely that they are destroyed by the flying ash that is also exploded with themselves.

Therefore, the selection of these people is very strict, and only a part of the most determined person will be selected.

As for the Heavenly Soul Empire, they did not send the magic weapon to the gods, but invested the research and development power to another completely different field, that is, the disposable soul power is crystal.

There are originally on the mainland, and the soul masters are used as one -time inferior bottle. The favorite of the extraordinary people is that they can be used repeatedly, using props for a lifetime, and even after using it by themselves.

However, this kind of thing does not meet the requirements of industrial production and does not meet the requirements of the battlefield. It is okay when a mailbox is okay when a mailbox is okay.

The Soul Empire also discovered this problem, so starting from the two aspects of reducing costs and increasing capacity, one -time soul knot will be developed.

There is no path to biological cultivation that Tulip has gone through the year, relying on a large number of breeding ants soul beasts to extract crystals, but directly go to chemical products to synthesize the storage medium.

Unhappy to be continued

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