Douluo see you

Chapter 1,714 The Dangerous situation of the leader

The God of Space wants to create a fake ID card. At his level, you must first understand what a chip is not an easy task. Although the spirit of the gods is strong, the observation ability of the micro -world is limited. Essence

The chip used by the identity document of Huo Yuhao. The nano -level has been reached, and the optical microscope can no longer be observed. If you want to observe the lines of this level, you need to use the tunnel penetration effect of the electron.

In the case of sufficient advancement of the scanning sample, the current will cross the energy barriers through the energy barrier tunnel, that is, when the circuit is not connected, the extremely low voltage has formed a circuit.

And this requires the distance between the probe and the sample. This distance has a slight change, and the strength of the current will change huge changes. Therefore, this phenomenon can be observed to observe the extremely small distance difference.

By scanning on the surface of the sample, the data of the current is recorded, and the model can be drawn according to the strength of the current, and the image can be calculated.

This is the principle of scanning tunnel microscopy, which can be used to observe the atomic -level units. Of course, the success rate of this stuff is quite worrying. Even professional products, the probability of scanning the image that can observe the image will not be particularly high.

With professional equipment, the probability of observation of the chip to obtain images requires luck. The god of space is scanned by his own mental strength, and you can easily copy the same thing. The difficulty can be imagined. He is really a human meat light carving machine!

Of course, if he uses the effect of a wishing machine with the power of faith, theoretically can directly make other people's ID cards. The copying is exactly the same as the real effect, and the consumption will not be greatly consumed in that case.

But if he wants to use the power of faith to create an identity document that can be used in accordance with his appearance, it will be large. After all, it belongs to his own ID and internal records. Essence

This is not the most critical. The information recorded is not the biggest trouble. The biggest trouble is that these information is recorded in the government official, and many of these films are paper files and content that is not stored in the Internet. If you want to modify this part, the power of belief that needs to be consumed is too great.

According to the rules in reality, the consumption of the power of faith is relatively small is the power of increasing their skills. The operation of the principle of knowing the principle is to know the principle, creating substances out of thin air. I do n’t know the principle, create material out of thin air, because if you do this, the power of faith will consume considerable part to make up for the logical loopholes of the existence of the items created out of thin air. Of course Things, such as stabbing all spears and shields that can defend everything. Playing almost the power of infinite faith cannot be created.

It is precisely because I feel that the power of the belief consumption of ID card consumption out of thin air is too huge that the god of the space does not choose to do this. After making a fake certificate according to the structure of the identity document, he tried to run again The entrance of the city is trying to mix as a normal resident.

There is no doubt that his operation has failed again. He did not have the chip in the perfect re -engraving document, so he still couldn't scan anything.

And this time he chose again, disappearing in place, and his disappearance was captured again, and the surrounding monitoring records also discovered that someone suddenly appeared.

Huo Yuhao is in urgent collection of data, and compares how to verify how to find the god of space from the vast land.

He even frequently moved the opportunity to collect data for himself in this way. Various types of detectors were arranged to the city's surrounding detection of the city.

The god of space also learned lessons after sneaking into failure this time. The identity documents of this world are very weird, and it is very difficult to imitate.

In this case, the easiest way is to use ready -made, that is, kill a person, and then become his appearance, and use his documents.

It ’s just that at most that you can mix into the city, it is easy to expose again. In order not to be sneaked into the face for a longer time, the god of space starts to continue observation after choosing a goal this time.

He who will move instantly without the need to pass the inspection station at the city entrance. In theory, it can be directly moved in the place where no one in the city can see.

I didn't realize the god of the space of the monitoring camera, and did not avoid the consciousness of this stuff. Just thinking that no one could see it. As a result, the surveillance camera was shot.

Huo Yuhao did not hit the snake and continued to record the data. At present, there are certain results on the observation of space fluctuations. There are already many features that can observe space fluctuations in the existing equipment. However, the observation distance of these devices The accuracy is very limited, not very suitable for use on the battlefield.

Huo Yuhao now needs to be installed on the satellite. You can find space fluctuations through the old far away, and instantly lock the position of the wave source and find the location of the god of space.

Although this does not restrain the instant movement, it can quickly find the opponent that appears instantly as possible, and give the other party a fatal blow as soon as possible. It can be said that Huo Yuhao can temporarily think of the best way to deal with the god of space.

In contrast, the god of space has no concept at all. I also thought that I was hidden very well. I did not see it from beginning to end. I moved instantly and did not find my true colors.

During this time, he has always been tracked in space, and he has learned about his day's life and behavior habits behind his goals.

With in -depth observations, he found that the lives of people in this world are very interesting. It is very different from the life he knows the mortal.

The person he followed should be a farmer or a landlord, saying that he is a farmer because the person needs to work in the farmland in person. It is said that he is the landlord because the amount of land cultivated by this person is too much, and there are thousands of acres. This is a landlord in most feudal eras.

It seems that it is the spring plowing season. Every day, you can see this suspected farmer, driving a weird agricultural machinery, leaving the field from the city to his field from the city, and then seeding quickly in the field with his weird machinery.

He is also very strange, not grain, but a tall grass that grows very fast, like bamboo.

After being sowed, it can grow in a few days, and then it will be harvested. The next time is like cutting leeks, and it will be harvested every other time.

This is very similar to the farmer's guy. He will also cooperate with other people. The harvested grass will be sold on the same day, and a bunch of heavy vehicles will be shipped back to the city. Then send it to a weird factory, the god of space has not yet understood what the grass has.

If he knows that the snacks in cities he likes these days, the raw materials are the words he sees, what kind of mentality he will be? After observing his goal this time, he figured out that most of his living habits and common sense of daily life, the god of space also started to this person.

Even if Huo Yuhao was prepared for this, he couldn't hold the sneak attack of the god of space. It was really invincible. The selected land contractor was killed on the spot, and then changed his head by the god of space to replace his identity.

I thought that the sky was seamless, but the god of space was unclear, and everything he was under monitoring.

And this weird assassination also made Huo Yuhao alert. He realized that the fight between the gods and himself was not only on the battlefield, but also in all aspects of social life.

Especially for them, they are extremely dangerous. You must know that with the power of the gods, if they want to assassinate the senior management, they have no resistance at all.

If you want to fight against the assassination of the gods, at least they must have their own personal force. At least they must have the limited -level personal combat effectiveness to resist the assassination of the Lord God. At least I won't be killed at a time, and there is a chance to send alarm.

But where is the fighting power of extreme Daro so easy to achieve? Even if the body of the gods is used to transform the high -level high -level people into the gods, it is impossible to upgrade to the extreme Douro level.

And it is not that any social system can face the situation where the dragons are not headed. For example, the social system of the three empires. If the emperor is assassinated, the entire empire will fall into the turbulence. The brains are hit. What about them? What about the persecution of ordinary mud legs? As long as you can become emperor, these are important?

As long as someone thinks so, after the death of the emperor, the rule of the empire will have problems. In this way, the disaster is not resolved, and the internal chaos will be chaotic, and it may even become a traitor in the human alliance.

In addition, the worse situation may also occur. For example, after the leader was assassinated, it was replaced by the gods after Yirong. This is simply the most terrible possibility. No one among leaders of various countries was replaced.

But the gods began this asymmetric battle. Then human beings are in extreme passive, and even the entire human alliance will be in a hurry.

Huo Yuhao did realize a major danger, and was ready to notify the relevant news to the high -level high -levels of the real world. For the Fighter Republic, this is not a difficult trouble. If someone replaces it, you can solve the problem in front of you.

However, the other three empires are more troublesome. In addition to the Tianhun Empire has implemented the constitutional monarchy, the other two empires are the true emperor system. Although the emperor has gone through the Tuzhi because of the threat of war and the god of the gods, the emperor has gone through the Tuzhi, but the emperor has gone through the Tuzhi, but the emperor has gone through the Tuzhi, but the emperor has gone through the Tuzhi, but the emperor has gone through the Tuzhi, but the emperor has gone through the Tuzhi, but the emperor has gone through the Tuzhi, but the emperor has gone through the Tuzhi, but the emperor has gone through the Tuzhi, but the emperor has gone through the Tuzhi, but the emperor has gone through the Tuzhi, but the emperor has gone through the Tuzhi. This is under the premise that their lives are not threatened. Once they are assassinated, it belongs to the level of my flood after death.

Huo Yuhao is very clear how much the princes and nobles are. As a result of the birth of his illegitimate child, he can prove it. In addition, his mother died in persecution, making him more difficult to trust. Those nobles of the three empires.

If their emperor dies, the guy who is for the emperor's power is afraid that he will become the first group of leaders, with the gods, and try to conquer all human beings, and give themselves a chance to be a dog.

Thinking of this, Huo Yuhao began to consider whether it was to propose like a real country. He made precautions to the three major empires as much as possible. When necessary, he used force to use force.

At the same time, Huo Yuhao was also prepared. Adjusting the political system of the civilization he created, although he did not implement the emperor system, because the virtual people lack the creative ability, he said that the social system built was very serious. After losing his leader, the society will be in great chaos.

Therefore, we must be restructured, put down their own power, and choose their own successor, and it cannot be one, but there are many, in order to succeed in order.

If this system is undoubtedly dying, it will cause a lot of problems. This is like the emperor suddenly set up a lot of inheritance when the emperor was Li Jun. People can turn themselves. Is this not the world's chaos and busy all day?

After all, everyone wants to make the emperor at that time. But now it is not a suitable time to be the leader. You must know that after becoming a leader here, it is necessary to be confused by the national will. In this position, it will inevitably become a nail in the eyes of the gods. The pest in the meat means that it is facing the risk of being assassinated.

Let's do this ... not many people are willing to do it. Although it is refreshing in the world, it may be rushed into the super strong at any time. It is not worth it.

Therefore, in this era, as a human leader, responsibility is greater than rights. There are not many people to compete for the position of this preparatory leader, and no one will try to kill the existing leaders and replace themselves. Instead, they will do everything possible to survive the existing leaders, so as not to face death at any time after being topped.

What Huo Yuhao didn't expect was that he had just arranged this system, passed the resolution, and chose his heirs. The next day, he saw that someone instantly shifted to appear in front of him.

The God of Space has gradually possessed the common sense of this world. After a period of life, I realized that the world was located in the surveillance camera throughout the world. The momentary movement of self -righteousness was clearly seen. The leader of this country.

Unhappy to be continued

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