Douluo see you

Chapter One Hundred Ninety Seven

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Rong Nianbing first appeared in self-doubt after that time after he followed Dubu Er. After seeing Dubu Er's suture-like body, he unilaterally determined that he was an evil spirit master who did no evil.

Then he wanted to kill him for the people, but in fact, Dubuer was just a poor man who wanted to become stronger and had a bottom line. His experience was even more inspirational than most people.

Such a person is not considered a villain in any case, but if there is no Cheng Ying, he will be killed by himself without knowing what happened.

That is undoubtedly killing innocent people. Rong Nianbing is not a person with a particularly strong sense of justice, but he also has his own principles and views on right and wrong, which allows him to reflect on the "righteous" things he has done. To help mortals, I still simply want to experience the feeling of being a knight and being in awe.

Perhaps he has done a lot of wrong things without investigating the cause of the matter.

On the grassland, cheetahs will prey on antelopes. Rong Nianbing often stands on the field of antelopes, thinking that cheetahs are evil, but if cheetahs don’t eat meat, he will starve to death. Does he deserve to starve to death?

If there is no cheetah, is it really good for the antelope herd?Not necessarily!

As a god, everything he did did not necessarily benefit mortals, and he was even nosy in many cases, but he literally gained strength from the mortal world and became stronger.

Chengying said that they were exploiters, which he did not want to listen to, but after careful thinking, he found that there was nothing to refute. They even claimed to be protectors of mortals and enforcers of justice.

Helping humans to suppress the spirit beasts in Douluo Continent was only the anger caused by the failure of the dragon god’s political struggle, and it was basically to maintain his own rule. For a time, the fairy realm of fairy tales collapsed in his heart, and replaced by dirty Under the dirty exchange of benefits, a group of corrupt people built a place of pleasure for themselves.

"Don't think too much. It is not without reason that sociology is criticized as pseudoscience. I don't understand this thing. I never think there is anything wrong with exploitation. Exploitation is rooted in private ownership. If private ownership exists, exploitation will Existence cannot be eliminated and there is no need to eliminate it.

What's wrong is that as an exploiter, he pretends to be the protector of the exploited and takes this view for granted.Even they themselves began to believe.Cheng Ying patted Rong Nianbing's shoulder:

"Free will should not be limited by any existence. No one is a god, and no one is so great that they are qualified to decide who should live. It's fine to let it go.

I have no interest in the God Realm, nor do I want to invade the God Realm. The size of the galaxy and the eternal life within the cone of light are not enough for me to explore, but people in the God Realm do not necessarily think so."

Facing the distant Bingdi and Chengying, Rong Nianbing stretched out his hand, after all, he didn't say anything. He was born in a medieval world of swords and magic, and the most essential thing he came into contact with was nothing but the court struggle between father and son. It is inevitable that you will be confused when you come into contact with the theories of productivity and production relations on the first day of the new year.

After leaving the city lord's mansion, Bingdi asked Cheng Ying in a low voice: "Are the words you told him useful? Would he really betray just because of a few words?"

"Of course it's useless." Chengying chuckled: "No one who can become a god is not a fool. Although those words have a great impact on him, after he understands it, he can still be a comfortable exploiter and cannot betray his own class. "

"Then tell him this. The more he understands it, the more impossible it is to stand with us?" The Ice Emperor complained and looked at Cheng Ying: "It's cool to pretend to be, and I like it very much. It feels like pretending to be coercion, but it's not right to pit yourself in to pretend to be coercive!"

Chengying rubbed her head and said, "Of course I can tell him clearly! So telling him that it is definitely not to make him our enemy.

I let him have a more thorough understanding of class and contradictions, just to make him understand that the ass decides the head. In which class you are in, you should think about the interests of which class and support what you should support.

And he is the only one of all gods who is different from other gods, because... he is a man-made god, a creation of ancient technology!When he wants to understand this, he naturally knows which side he should speak for."

"Cut!" Bingdi curled his lips: "You lords, your hearts are dirty."

"My heart is really dirty, because all the clean places are filled with you!" The unprepared earthy love words made Bingdi's face flush, and he launched a small punch to punch you in the chest, knocking Chengying out two streets and bumping A wall collapsed before stopping.

"Bah, baah!" Chengying spit out the sand in her mouth and looked at the ice emperor who trot over silently: "Remind me next time! This kind of sudden flying will make others very troubled." Chengying pointed at the beating The owner of the shop who broke the wall said:

"Sorry for interrupting your business. The government will send someone to count the repairs to the house and the business losses caused by the price tomorrow."

"It's okay! It's okay! Lord Duke don't care, you won't repair the wall after you crashed it." After saying that, he shouted into the street: "Good news! Good news! Our store has launched a street view deck made by Lord Duke himself. , As long as 998, as long as 998 copper, you can experience a luxurious exclusive street view deck for one hour.

Lord Duke designed it by himself and made it by himself. It is finally completed today. Come and buy it!"Cheng Ying looked at the people who were quickly approaching her, pulling the Ice Emperor and running away.

He found that the business atmosphere in his territory seemed a little too good. There are so many marketing geniuses, so you can't admire them!

The two who finally escaped from the crowds leaned on the wall to catch their breath. They weren't really tired, but just felt more suitable.

"Where are we going next?" Bingdi asked, leaning against Chengying, raising his face.

"Of course I went to find Rui Beast! Although the power of the soul beast may be insignificant in the future friction with the gods, the hair of the soul beast must be an extremely important industrial raw material in the future technological progress. First make a good relationship with the little princess of the Star Dou Great Forest.

What's more, my disciples are now a little stronger than the specifications, and don't want to strengthen their opponents a little bit, let them feel the setbacks, which is not good for growth."

The Bingdi looked speechless: "You have been thinking about the hair of a hundred thousand year old soul beast all day. If I am also a hairy creature, would you also shave my hair? It is clear that silk is much stronger than hair, you It's fine to spin silk yourself!"

"If I could spin silk, I would have evolved into a winged moth!" Cheng Ying is even more angry than the Ice Emperor. It is clear that the green caterpillar can become the [rumor] of the empty seat, how can he not super-evolve?

Ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket~

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