Douluo see you

Chapter 245: The Truth About the Stagnant Technology in Mainland China

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Chengying found that the script had been completely out of his control, but it was more interesting, so he suspended the progress of the other three assassins to watch the performance between Mark and the connector.

Mark took out a wrinkled piece of paper from his pocket and read from top to bottom:

"Fifteen years ago, in the three provinces of the Xingluo Empire, there was no harvest, and the people rose up and defeated the imperial army. The leaders of the peasant army were organized to assassinate the leaders at all levels.

Seventeen years ago, the alchemist Roland claimed that charcoal, sulfur and saltpeter can be used to synthesize explosives that can be used by ordinary people. It is far better than soul-guided bombs. It was the organization that assassinated Roland and kept all insiders closed forever. mouth.

Fifty-one years ago, Zhuge Ban invented the Ten Bolt Crossbow. The three-ringed spirit masters were unable to defend against the continuous shooting of crossbow arrows. They organized the first time to behead Zhuge Ban and burned all of his drawings, which will burn the organ city that has been circulating for hundreds of years .

One hundred and three years ago, the mainland's population expanded rapidly, and land annexation was serious. The rule of the two empires was at stake. The organization was organized to maintain the rule of the soul master, secretly support the evil soul master, murder and refine the soul, reduce the population, thereby alleviating the population expansion. Domination pressure.

In order to avoid future troubles, organize and initiate the war between the two empires, split the complete empire into more than ten kingdoms, fight endlessly, reduce the population, and at the same time, when the population reaches the warning line, secretly organize the evil spirit master to carry out the massacre, let the living People have lost the heart to resist. What I said was done by the organization, right?"

In the moon reading space, Cheng Ying and Bingdi, who were driving from the perspective of God, were shocked to close their legs...Bah!Not from ear to ear.

"Fuck? Is this special? This group of people has something. I said why the Star Luo Empire could stand for ten thousand years. Some people have already seen the dynasty cycle and used regular slaughter to control the population. What a fuck No humanity!" Chengying now wants to print his soles on the front face of the leader of the organization. That guy is no longer a villain or villain that can be described, he is a pervert at all!

"Hehe, human beings are really not a good thing, uh... I didn't mention the human beings in your previous life." The Ice Emperor was halfway through, scratching his head in embarrassment.

"It's okay, the humans in my previous life are also not good birds, but after Minzhi is turned on, it is not as easy to fool around as Douluo Continent.

By the way, I suddenly found an important problem, I told you the plot!On the Douluo Continent, there hasn't been much technological progress in ten thousand years. Have you seen the development of our territory, do you think this is normal?"

Chengying’s words caused Bingdi to fall into contemplation. With the development of Chengying’s territory, there was a technology development bureau, even if he left his hands, the territory could continue to have new technological breakthroughs.

Extending the time scale to 10,000 years, I am afraid that even the moon in the sky will be dug out by them, resulting in a colonial spacecraft.

It was like the situation where science and technology almost stood still for ten thousand years, making Ice Emperor suspect that it was not human beings who ruled the mainland, but a group of great apes.

"People in Douluo Continent, even if there is a gap in IQ with people in your previous life, it will not be so different. If the future history is really what you said, I am afraid that the culprit..." Bingdi looked To the frozen connector.

"Yes! I also suspect that normal civilization should not stand still, but if there has been such a fanatical organization that believes in spiritual master supremacy in secret for ten thousand years.

Assassinating scientists and insurgents, slaughtering civilians on a regular basis, and maintaining systemic governance, it is really possible to keep technology in place and maintain the rule of the soul master.

You noticed it too!It is not difficult for the soul guide to develop a type that ordinary people can use. In fact, the protagonist in the second part can do it alone.

I suspect that the Sun Moon Continent also has a similar program organization, otherwise the Soul Guidance Device will not only serve the Soul Master, and it has also set a ridiculous level one to nine."

The Ice Emperor nodded in agreement: "I think it's also probably because of this organization. When you say this, I suddenly feel that it is not that impossible to let the spirit beasts destroy humans."

"Uh..." Chengying was a bit embarrassed. The scene before him really made him unable to refute. The most ugly side of mankind, Hong Guoguo, was exposed in front of the two, making him unable to speak.

"Okay~ Don't be so bitter! Even if it's just because of you, I won't have the idea of ​​slaughtering humans anymore!" As he said, Bingdi rubbed his head against Chengying's arm. To show comfort.

The sudden frankness caught Cheng Ying off guard, and his expression was a little unnatural to change the subject, forcibly sublimating the subject:

"I originally thought that the people in Douluo Continent were too stupid. They hadn't made any progress in ten thousand years. Now it seems that they are not stupid at all. In fact, they are too smart.

The progress of civilization requires not just a few smart people, but countless stupid people who devote themselves to exploration and discovery. Let's continue the process!Let's see if Mark will really break with the organization."


"Mark, don't you think you know too much?" The connector's expression fell cold.

"Actually, there are not a lot of people in the organization who know this! After all, if you have the intention of doing so many important things, most people can investigate it." Mark said calmly.

"Yes, a secret that a small person like me knows is really not a secret in the organization, so do you think the organization is doing it wrong?"

"No, there is nothing wrong, you just fight for your own interests, everyone is fighting, mortals can't compete with us, nothing more.

I am in this state and it is no longer suitable to work for the organization. I want to apply for retirement and send my brothers’ pensions. I will take my share and go to the east coast, far away from the tulip duchy and wait for death."

"Your mental state is indeed not suitable for continuing to work for the organization. The organization will not accept a spiritualist supremacist who is not strong enough in faith, so your retirement application will be approved."

The connector said coldly, playing with the ears that were cut off from his hands: "It's a pity, you just made a great contribution. If you continue to stay in the organization, you may soon be able to climb to the top position."

"It's no longer interesting to continue climbing. I just want to retire and enjoy my old age. I deceive myself and tell myself that the blood is organized by the organization and has nothing to do with me. Then I can enjoy the privileges of the soul master with peace of mind." Mark cherished the photo. Keep it on your chest.

At this moment, a slight metal collision sounded, and then Mark's left chest exploded, and the photo was also exploded to pieces.

"Sorry, this is the organization's retirement benefits."


Half-dreaming and half-awake, Mark opened his eyes in the dark. In front of him was a man wearing a mask. He saw Mark waking up and chuckled: "Do you want to understand the meaning of life? Do you want to be alive?"

Ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket~

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