Douluo see you

Chapter 248: Spiritual Castration

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After the first terrorist attack, the Duke Tulip moved all over.

The border troops were mobilized urgently. Within a day, the border line was covered with barbed wire. The troops on duty patrolled in shifts. Because the source of troops is ordinary people, it is easy to expand the army and cannot fight tough battles, but defending the border is enough.

It's just that they didn't stop a few smugglers, instead they caught a bunch of people who came to steal iron...

Except for the duchy, no country is so rich that it can fence the border with barbed wire.

And this kind of thing can't be done with money, you have to have so much steel production.

I have never seen so much iron before, so many people who stowaways have changed their minds. They have to work to make money. It is impossible to work.It's impossible to work in this life, so I secretly barely managed to live like this.

Of course, this group of people must have been arrested for labor reform. By the way, Chengying sent them a pickaxe in the cell, and told the prison guard that they would allow the prisoner to be in his room.

"Do you think someone will escape from prison because of detention for a month? Even if there is a pickaxe, it will not be able to dig a road to the sewer in a month!" Bingdi complained.

He has nothing to do with this, because his crew is remaking Shawshank’s Redemption. If there is someone with a more "good" brain and really escapes by digging a hole, then it can make people act in their true colors. Up.

Obviously, one month of criminal detention is not enough to give rise to the idea of ​​escape. The pickaxe is also used by the people in the cell to do all kinds of strange things.

In general, the effect of the border blockade is pretty good. Almost no one can bypass the well-organized garrison. What's more, there is already a big way to go, and the tariffs are as low as none. Why would anyone be bored to smuggle? What?

Tariffs are so low in this respect, mainly because the duke does not need to restrict imports very much. With grain and industrial raw materials as the main imported goods, the duke hardly needs to charge high tariffs in order to prevent foreign goods from impacting the domestic market.

When passing through toll gates at the border, everyone has to get off the car and be inspected. In a loudspeaker made of something like a phonograph, they keep shouting that every package must be inspected and every piece must be inspected.

All luggage must pass through a heavy inspection instrument, which is a scanner developed by Chengying. It uses some of the soul-guided black technology, and the effect is barely acceptable. It is easy to see whoever has explosives or something.

As a result, many of the group attackers who did not know the truth were arrested. After being sent for interrogation, they found that they were basically ordinary people.

"Report to Lord Duke, forty-one dangerous individuals preparing for suicide attacks have been arrested, of which 37 are ordinary people with no cultivation skills, and four are one-ring spirit masters." Xu Xing reported the interrogation results to Chengying listen:

"According to our interrogation, the hearts of these ordinary people have been forcibly distorted. They stubbornly believe that the soul master is supreme, and their lives are nothing but grass, and they can easily sacrifice for the supremacy of the soul master. It does not rule out that they have accepted the distortion of the soul. "

Cheng Ying shook his head after hearing this: "Not necessarily, human beings are far crazier than you think. Bring one in and let me see."

When Xu Xing heard this, he clapped his hands, and the two soldiers drove in a crazy man. Even though the man in a black robe was escorted, he still shouted: "Long live the soul master supremacy! Duke Tulip, you soul master's Traitor, running dog of mortals! You must die!"

Chengying scanned the spirit of the man in black with mental power, and found no spiritual hints. No one on this continent has the spiritual ability that can surpass the one who developed the moon reading and the mirror flower. Maybe the other party is not under mental control.

"You said I'm a mortal running dog, then you are not a mortal?" Chengying asked, narrowing his eyes.

Unexpectedly, the man in black is not a lunatic. He understands human words. Seeing Chengying's retort, he sneered: "I am indeed a mortal, but it is my honor to offer everything to the soul master, but you, as the soul master. ! But suppress the soul master everywhere, don't you know that stupid mortals will swallow you, the devil, too!"

"Oh? Do you mean that the ass decides the head?" Chengying asked with great interest. He thought the organization was just a simple brainwashing. Now it seems that the other party is not completely an irrational religious lunatic.

"The butt decides the head?" The man in black thought for a moment, and seemed to understand the meaning of this metaphor: "An interesting metaphor, since you know it, it helps mortals. It's so stupid!"

"Then you, as a mortal, serve the soul master instead, isn't it stupid?"

"Of course not! It is an honor to be a mortal to be a runaway from the soul master! Even if I die, the master soul master will be lucky to my wife and daughter, leaving the soul master's precious blood in my offspring. In!" Chengying, who looked at his death like home, wanted to slap him.

"Damn! When a dog is not as cheap as you!" Chengying cursed, and then gradually calmed down. Although the black-clothed man's thoughts are extreme, it is not unheard of.

Among the ethnic groups that have been assimilated by the Chinese nation, it is not that such thoughts have not appeared. Cheng Ying pondered for a moment. The gap between soul masters and non-soul masters is definitely greater than the gap between the ancient Han and ethnic minorities. Just accept the deformed education, the birth of this concept is justified.

"Take him down and send him to labor reform." Chengying rubbed his eyebrows. The mysterious organization has existed for many years. I am afraid that in the two empires, not only the relationship between the high-level people is intertwined, but also the status of ordinary people. height of.

Even on the Douluo Continent, the position of the soul master is much higher than other professions. It was created by the organization. Although the man in black was extreme just now, the thoughts of ordinary people are actually being subtly moved. That direction affects.

That is, we are poor, and we are oppressed not because there is a soul master standing on top of our heads, but because our blood is not good enough to give birth to a soul master. This concept is fundamentally distorted and deformed, but it is distorted by most people. take for granted.

Even the mortals in the Duke's confinement who turned into wealthy people by relying on their own ability also advocated finding a soul master as a partner to change the blood of their family.

Chengying is not saying that this is bad, but the direct result of this concept is that males in ordinary people will gradually lose their right to mate, and their genes will become less and less in the proportion of offspring. On the surface, this is a race gene. Evolution.

But in fact, this is the spiritual castration of some people, Hong Guoguo, Cheng Ying is quite disgusted with spiritual castration, and the ancient people eat the eunuchs so not to use their heads!

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