Douluo see you

Chapter 264 Great Dragon! Times have changed!

The cloud shepherd's internal density is extremely small, just like the earliest Zeppelin airship. The cannonball passes through the cloud shepherd's forehead, stalls and rolls in its body, plus the second explosion caused by the explosives in the cannonball.

The pursuer immediately uttered a heart-piercing scream, thanks to the network-like nerve center of the shepherd. Even if the shell penetrated his brain-like organ, it did not directly kill him, but it caused him great pain. .

Roaring angrily, he slashed his claws towards Number One. In his opinion, although the armor on Number One is weak, the only thing worthy of fear is the tubes that can fire cannonballs.

It’s just that he obviously underestimated the degree of Chengying’s intentions. As a huge source of soul power, how could it be possible that No. 1 is only equipped with armor protection, only to see that the whole body of No. 1 flashes with blue fluorescence, and blue lines appear on its armor. Between the gaps, his sense of science fiction immediately rose to a level.

The defensive soul guides on the body resonate with each other, forming a layer of ellipsoidal shield, guarding No.1, because there is enough volume to install the shield, although the level of the shield can only be regarded as the eighth soul guide The weapon, but its defensive power is even better than the ninth-level soul guide.

The chaser's angry physical attack was completely ineffective, and all the high-temperature flames that were jetted were blocked by the shield, but on the contrary, No.1 came to the spirit, full of firepower.

Although many weapons have not been proficient, his attacks frequently lose their targets, but the oncoming metal storm instantly beats the pursuers into blood and blood, and the sky is full of blood mixed with pieces of meat, and the clouds on the sky They are all dyed red, if it is not because of the high altitude, they can easily see their fighting on the ground.

In fact, someone was watching this scene with an astronomical telescope hidden on their balcony. Don't ask why they hid the telescope on the balcony. Anyway, it was definitely not used to spy on the opposite lady and change clothes.

"Tsk tsk! This firepower is still a bit insufficient! I didn't even get rid of the chicken on the opposite side in the first time. It seems that he has to prepare a drone that is convenient for taking off and landing on him. It's a bit difficult!" Cheng Ying muttered. , The breakthrough of semiconductor materials will not be long.

Soon he could skip many technological steps and directly enter the era of integrated circuits. At that time, the so-called yes, in the eyes of Douluo people, it was no different from magic!

In the sky, the battle almost came to an end. Number One swallowed the blood of the pursuer and then drove away. As for the four younger brothers following him, they fled, facing the threat of heavy artillery, they didn’t even dare to put one more fart. .

One now just wants to say to his former kinsman: "Dalong, the times have changed!" Those who have weapons and don't use them are fools.

"The mobile heavy firepower platform is basically done, and then our biggest firepower disadvantage to the shepherd will be solved. Since you want war, I will give you war."

Chengying licked her lips and picked up a document on the table.

"On July 13, hail from unidentified forces was hit across the Duke's territory. The hail was about the size of an adult's fist, causing large tracts of farmland to collapse and reduce production. There are currently no casualties."

"Old antiques, you don't even judge where you should attack. You deserve to be submerged in the old paper pile of history! Farmland is no longer the lifeline of a territory!" Chengying looked at the railways, stations, and factories that had not been attacked. A confident smile appeared on his face.

The results of the analysis of the skin materials of the Muyunzhe by the Technology Development Bureau have come out and can be replicated by the cancer cell method.

The so-called cancer cell method is to stimulate biological cells to become cancerous, so as to obtain biological tissue cells that can be cultured on a large scale. Then, through corresponding environmental stimulation, the cancer cells can be differentiated, and then a lightweight material armor similar to the scales of the cloud can be obtained. It is filled with helium gas, the defense is comparable to steel, and a lighter batch. The first-generation floating warship is ready to be put into trial production.

Compared to the war that only a few people know about, the Duke's confinement is quite calm, and there is even a sense of singing and dancing, at least on Rui Wenwen's side.

After so many days of shooting, their soul shadows finally came to an end. The whole soul shadow features Rui Wenwen and her 233 team as the protagonists, and the Duke Tulip personally plays the villain.

It can be said to be full of gimmicks, and only the open cultural atmosphere of the Tulip Duke will allow the lord to play the role of the villain in the shadow of the soul.

After Chengying's remake of Iron Man was released, there were endless follow-ups. Some people created Iron Man stage plays, but because there was no special effects, there was no Duang!The feeling of encountering unprecedented coldness.

Several other ghosts filming local hero stories, although they used the influence of the local IP, but because of the embarrassing dubbing, the bad splitting, and even the picture shake, the photographer's embarrassing low-level mistakes in the lens also caused a bad reputation. .

This, on the contrary, lowered the audience's expectations of Soul Shadow, allowing the subsequent works that have learned lessons to be evaluated as fairly watchable. Of course, more people are still looking forward to the Duke of Tulip being able to direct the movie himself again.

Although I didn’t wait for the new movie directed by the Duke himself, it didn’t matter if he played the villain after waiting for a movie with Lord Duke. Under the influence of Meng Shu's subtle influence, many people have accepted that the villain can also be very attractive. set.

Therefore, the expectation value for this movie is still very high. The release of Soul Shadow also made Rui Wenwen very nervous, and even personally brought her friends to the door of Soul Cinema to participate in the premiere event to stir up the atmosphere.

Of course, if they could see the full stack of vouchers at the ticket window, they would probably be relieved a lot. Nowadays, the citizens are very used to using vouchers.

The overall prosperity of the economy has made everyone rich. Gold coins and silver coins are becoming more and more inconvenient to carry. Since gold coins and vouchers can be bought, why bother with them. Dead gold coins.

In this way, the currency reform is proceeding quietly, and the Tulip Central Bank will soon surface in the near future. This capital monster that has ruled for thousands of years is showing his fangs little by little. .

The people who stuffed the voucher into the ticket window and exchanged it for the Soul Shadow Ticket were not aware of this.

Chengying is very clear that deception and suppression will always bring about subversion and resistance. The real art of ruling is not to hide information to deceive the people, but to make them public, entertain the people, and then fool the people. For example, if you find a foreigner The celestial body, even if it is hidden away, will be discovered.

Then why not take this opportunity to film the 51st district, and film the ghost shadow of the alien body?Indeed, everyone knows that there are aliens in the 51st area, but except for children, who would believe it?

When Cheng Ying thinks of these things, he feels very horrified. It is like the 1999 alien invasion that has been spread into various urban legends. Is it also a national entertainment to cover up the truth?

Ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket~

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