Douluo see you

Chapter 285 Assassination of Xuedi?

Chengying’s perception of killing intent is of a rather poor type. Although he has experienced several large-scale battles since his journey, his life is unknown, but he is basically commanded by a large army. There are few opportunities to fight with people personally. Haven't exercised sensitivity to killing intent.

Outside the lathe, a flash of killing intent did not make Cheng Ying notice, Xuedi frowned slightly, she felt the killing intent, but the source of the killing intent was weak, so she didn't care too much.

Human beings are very irrational creatures, because some inexplicable reasons will produce killing intent.

For example, seeing someone who has money and buys something that he can't afford can lead to murderous intent towards that person. This is quite unreasonable to the relatively pure-hearted Snow Girl clan.

Therefore, Xuedi thought he was jealous of seeing that their car was better.


"According to a reliable report, the Duke of Tulip plans to accept a new wife. According to our analysis of his personality and behavior pattern, he is very fond of his partner and is still a virgin so far." All of the members are sluggish.

Weak raised his hand and asked: "How did the intelligence of the Duke Tulip or the virgin come out? Have our intelligence personnel penetrated the Duke Tulip's harem?"

"Ahem, no, in fact, Duke Tulip has no use for the harem. He has always lived with his disciple." The intelligence analyst showed a slightly strange expression.

"This can only prove that Duke Tulip is a pervert who likes young boys!"

Intelligence analyst: "..."

"You can speak up!"

"You continue!"

"Ahem! Closer to home, Duke Tulip has always maintained a virgin body because of his partner's size problem. This is the conclusion reached by our two senior bricks.

These two peripheral members are well versed in all kinds of places, and they are experienced in how to distinguish between virgins and virgins. You can tell if the sow is everywhere at a glance."

"Um... can you find out where the two peripheral members are? We might be a little bit busy asking them to help..."

"Uh... The two are now being held in the Soto City Detention Center for indecent assault and non-adult Xiang Fengsu Niang. They probably won't be able to get out for a short time...

Bastard!Don't keep interrupting!All in all, there are indications that the Duke of Tulip attaches great importance to his partner, and the loss of his partner will be a great blow to him and an important part of the follow-up action.

And your target is the wife of the one-room wife of Duke Tulip Sinna. She is currently unclear about her identity, but by judging her words and deeds, Duke Tulip respects her and is not a tool for venting.

You have to find a way to kill her!Make the Duke Tulip frantic with anger, understand?"Speaking, the Ping An analyst pinned Xuedi's photo on the planning panel with a tack. With her long white hair and delicate face, it is not surprising that anyone would like her.

"I think the Duke Tulip really deserves to die now!" This sentence has been widely recognized by the assassination team. Bao's mistress has such a look, this person deserves to die!But these are still virgins, I'm afraid there is something unspeakable about that.

"Because we haven't gotten her identity information yet, let's call her Xue Xue. Xue's cultivation base is unknown, but on the mainland, there has not been any rumors about her. There is a high probability that her cultivation base is below the soul sage."

This is well understood. In Douluo I’s period, there were not so many soul masters, and it was generally difficult to break through the fortieth level. It’s not difficult to see that the village where Tang San was born could be named the holy soul village. Saint is already quite powerful in this era, and it is almost impossible to exist without its legend.

On the contrary, people who don't have any well-known, generally don't have a high cultivation base.

"That..." A member of the assassination team raised his hand weakly to ask questions, and almost made the intelligence analyst breathless. Seeing that these people are risking their lives to perform tasks, he still Try to be as pleasant as possible:

"Talk to me if you have any questions!"

"I want to say that Duke Tulip and his partner are titled Douluo, but there is no legend before they show their strength!"


"Come here! Drag out this guy who can only lift the bar! Feed Stalin!" [Dog name]

"In short, the goal of the action has been determined.

Xue Xue goes to a cold drink shop every morning to taste all the characteristic cold drinks in the shop. During this time, she has no entourage, which is the best time for you to start.

I counted the order of Xue Xue to the cold drink shop these days, and concluded that her choice tends to expand outward along a spiral route from the Ducal Palace.

So her next goal is likely to be between these three stores, and the three stores are not far away. Your task is to lie in wait for the notification."

"Yes!" Except for the one who was dragged out, the members of the assassination team agreed in unison, and shouted in unison: "Reaper, it's coming!"


After Snow Emperor came to the human world, he adapted much faster than Ice Emperor, probably because of the relationship he had been here before. The only thing that made her feel a little peculiar was that she could buy things with paper.

Not long ago, she saw a person who used Martial Spirit to forge fake voucher was arrested. The voucher in her hand was obviously just printed by Chengying.

Xuedi didn't understand the magic of turning paper into money, and didn't want to study it, because recently, she was indeed obsessed with cold drinks, just like the intelligence analyst surveyed.

This strange-smelling snowflake fascinated Xuedi, and he also discovered a new way to manipulate snow.

It turns out that in addition to controlling the flight of snowflakes, controlling the temperature of the snow, controlling the freezing and melting of the snow, you can also control the taste of the snow... for short, ice cream.

The reason why Xuedi went to every cold drink shop was because she found that it was not difficult to control the taste of snow, so as long as the ice cream she had eaten, she could use cream and water to change it directly...

Naturally, Xuedi wants to taste every flavor, so that you can change whatever cold drink you want, which is very convenient.

Cheng Ying's comment on this is that Xuedi has become more and more of a certain temperament in his previous life.

In the Stargenha cold drink shop, Xuedi is seemingly unsuspectingly tasting this very curious ice cream no matter what, the shape of the poop makes her unable to take it, although the owner is already in front of her I tried it, but many customers still have a deep psychological shadow about it.

At the same time, observers disguised as shopping mall tourists also confirmed the whereabouts of Xuedi, and played a lantern at the window to prepare for action.

Ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket~

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