Douluo see you

Chapter 360 Good machine? Bad machine!

The principle of the new wide-width loom is not difficult. In addition, it also includes a new line of defense equipment, which can be driven by water power, saving labor costs.

For this miraculous creation, the masses still looked at it with a miracle-like mentality, but as the Count of Pompeii said, the clear principle of machinery was gradually understood by them, and they realized that it was not a miracle. It is something that can be made with hands.

Count Pompeii’s explanation was nuanced, so that everyone present could understand it as much as possible. Not everyone needs to know how to make a loom. The important thing is to let them generate the guidance of their ancestors, the ability of technology, It can change their difficult life.

Beliefs are accumulated bit by bit, even the Illuminati religion, only through the dark age brought about by disasters, did they spread their doctrines.


Simply speaking, the impact on the masses is limited. When the rotating flywheel drives the loom to make a reciprocating motion to produce compact and wide cloths, everyone can't help but cheer.

Those who have a good mind have already started to write down the structure of this loom in their minds, and are ready to go back and build one themselves.

The first sermon of Scientology came to an end soon, but it was obvious that the effect of this sermon was extremely significant, compared to the ultimate care of heaven after death.

Who doesn't want to live better when they are alive, and if they can, who is willing to entrust their beautiful fantasy to the illusory after death?

After this sermon, the Count of Pompeii spread scientific beliefs widely and established the first hydro-textile factory in his territory, importing raw materials from other people's territories and then exporting goods.

In this dark age, although cloth is a necessity, the transaction volume is actually not very large, because after the arrival of the devil, the entire continent has become a warlord separatist form, sprouted from capital, and regressed to feudal lordship.

The small-scale peasant economy is gradually recovering, and the self-sufficient production model is catching up and becoming the mainstream of the times again. If it is just ordinary cloth, the benefits that can be generated in this case are very small, and even the transportation costs can not be earned.

But if it’s machine-spun cloth, it’s a different story. Wider cloth makes it more convenient whether it is cut into clothing or used for other purposes. In the past, you must be careful when you want to make clothes. It is not only unsightly, but also extremely test the craftsmanship of the garment maker. As the fabric becomes wider, there is naturally no such trouble.

The second is the cost. The hydraulic loom reduces the labor cost to the greatest extent, and the possible technical loss or technical retrogression in other territories makes the cost more competitive.


Looking at the weaving factory running hot by the river, Tang Chen shook his head: "It's really naive! He started singing the machine so soon."

"Why, is there any problem with this?" Yu Xikong was the latest to get started, and he basically missed the social education that Chengying had practiced, showing a look of doubt.

"They are now singing the machine, it is because productivity is too low, any industry that can increase productivity is worthy of pursuit." Chaotianxiang answered Yu Xikong's doubts:

"But machines will also bring many unforeseen consequences. Because of the retrogression of technology and social structure, the manual workshops that have emerged on this continent have closed on a large scale, so the people who will be impacted by the rise of machines have actually disappeared early. Up.

Otherwise, you can imagine what kind of disaster this kind of machine that can work without sleep as long as it is placed by the river is a disaster for the female weaver workers in the textile factory.

Factory owners have more efficient machines, so they certainly don’t need so many people. What about the extra people?Are you raising it for nothing?Some kind capitalists may support a period of time, but most of them will choose to lay off employees.

The textile women's trade union who lost their job and lacked the skills lost their source of livelihood and had to engage in more laborious occupations, even starving to death on the streets.

At that time, they would no longer sing about the machine, but scolded it, and even wished to smash all the machines in the world. Teachers generally call such people...the tears of the times."

Yu Xikong showed a shocked expression on her face. In the Tulip Duke, she saw many benefits brought by the new technology, and subconsciously believed that the progressive machine should be just, as it should be, even if it is a traveler on the mainland. At that time, she didn't even notice the handicraftsmen who lost their source of livelihood because of the powerful productivity of the Tulip Duke.

Apart from other things, the blacksmith on the Douluo Continent was mostly scrapped by the blast furnace ironmaking converter and steelmaking. He could only accept some high-end special metal forging jobs. The blacksmith on the Douluo Continent actually had opinions on the Duke Tulip. It's always quite big.

If it were not for Chengying to recruit traditional blacksmiths on a large scale to conduct research and exploration in materials science after the establishment of the Technology Development Bureau, this contradiction would have become more serious and even the final solution would break out.

"But why is this? It is obvious that a more efficient machine can use less manpower to produce more goods. Isn't this an improvement?" Yu Xikong was puzzled.

"On a technical level, this is undoubtedly progress." Although Chao Tianxiang said so, she shook her head:

"It can be seen that the problem cannot be viewed only from a technical point of view. Combined with social production, you will find that the birth of a new machine is a good thing in theory, and the reason for this good thing to go bad is actually the uneven distribution of social resources and Lag.

From the perspective of supply and demand, the emergence of new machines will inevitably bring down the price of goods, which is good for most people.

However, the price will not drop suddenly because of the increase in commodities. Capitalists will try to maintain the high prices of commodities as much as possible and delay the process of reducing prices as much as possible. Have you heard the story of pouring milk?I was used this story by my mother to put Fudge on a thief boat.

And this is the uneven distribution of social resources. The capitalists are seeking profits, leading to new inventions that have not brought real benefits to the public. During this time, the interests of workers have obviously been violated, and the price of cloth can be reduced. The dividends and similar price cuts in other industries are far from offsetting this loss. This has led to the machine being scolded in turn."

Tang Chen was thinking about this when he started, although his talent in learning things is far worse than that of Dugu Bo, but he has been thinking about a problem, and there will always be some insights of his own.

"Ah...this...then will this affect the development of Scientology!"

Ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket~

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