Douluo see you

Chapter 419

On the ground, Tang Chen and the others clearly saw the explosion in the sky. Although they had not personally experienced such an explosion, they still got a description from their teacher.

That is the result of the mixture of the cloud-herder's flammable mist of blood and air, similar to a dust explosion and a cloud explosion bomb.

The only good news is that this kind of self-detonation attack requires oxygen consumption. It is impossible to achieve continuous strikes in the same position in a short time, and their shields are likely to be able to bear it.

"We can't pin our hopes on the stupidity of the enemy, as long as they walk the blood wide enough at one time, it is possible to blow up our shield!" Dugu Bo dispelled everyone's fluke.

"Huh! The highest defense is offense! We just blast them in the air.

Without the water vapor in the clouds to neutralize, if we explode one, it may cause continuous martyrdom!Chaotianxiang set the sight on the cloud shepherd.

"Wait... is offense the best defense? Fourth Junior Sister! Don't bomb those who dive! Change the shells! Everyone takes out the silver iodide reserves that the teacher gave us." Tang Chen hurriedly shouted.

Originally, these silver iodide were used to expose the early household registration photos, but there are still many improvements that have been made before the photographic technology is used up, and everyone has a large amount of storage space in the storage space.

This kind of thing that was not needed in a short period of time was quickly found by everyone, and other people didn't know. Therefore, Dugu Bo seemed to have thought of something, and couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

"So much silver iodide... Are you going to... artificial rain!"

"That's right! It's artificial rainfall! As long as silver iodide is heated, it will form extremely fine silver iodide particles in the air.

1g of silver iodide can form tens of trillions of particles.These particles will move into the cloud with the airflow, producing trillions to tens of billions of ice crystals in the cold cloud.

As long as we hit them into the clouds, a large amount of water vapor can condense, forming rainstorms and even hail, and even electromagnetic guns are not used, as long as ordinary rockets and artillery can be used!"

"Why do we need rain? The cloud bomb can't be wiped out by rain!" Yu Xikong didn't understand Tang Chen's intention.

Dugu Bo smiled and explained: "Our original purpose was not to defend against the cloud shepherds who attacked by suicide bombers! We are going to destroy the ammunition depot they attacked!

These cloud shepherds can continuously bomb us by taking advantage of the terrain to condense the water in the sky and turn them into ice balls, using the potential energy of gravity to strike us.

But what if we let all clouds rain spontaneously?When water vapor turns into ice and water, there is no way to remain in the air, and rain or even small hail will not put pressure on our shield.

By then, the clouds will clear and the mist will dissipate. Even if the suicidal cloud shepherds blow up our shields, without the cloud cover, what can the remaining cloud shepherds have to deal with us?"

"Damn! You guys who play tactics, your hearts are dirty!" Although Chao Tianxiang said so, she pointed her muzzle at the clouds and fired several tons of silver iodide up at a time.

The others dismantled the rockets on the mecha, replaced the charge in it with silver iodide, and launched it at high speed against the clouds.

The huge size of the cloud shepherd was almost insensitive to shells with a caliber of less than two hundred millimeters, and the rockets did not attract their attention.

No cloud shepherd knew that those seemingly inconspicuous rockets would kill them.

With a loud explosion, hundreds of fireworks exploded in the sky. The originally stable cloud layer suddenly thunderclouds. The unlucky cloud shepherd in the cloud layer was hit by the thick and high-pressure thunder of the water tank and was instantly roasted. Become coke.

"Energetic! I didn't expect to be able to attract thunder!" Meng Shu, who was blocking the cloud shepherd, also heard everyone's plan from the team channel, and couldn't help but applaud.

In the end, he was swallowed by the cloud shepherd. Fortunately, the outer armor of the mecha was almost indestructible. The cloud shepherd's sharp teeth and digestive juice had no effect on him, and he escaped from his stomach.

The cloud shepherd commander in the sky vaguely realized that something was wrong, the sudden thunderstorm exceeded his expectations of the weather, and they, who were the cloud shepherd, should know the changes in the clouds well.

Right now, the clouds they arranged should have no possibility of rain, and it should be exceptionally stable. The sudden formation of a thunderstorm was so strange that he couldn't understand it.

And then, something more incomprehensible appeared. The clouds suddenly began to rain, and the originally dense clouds were rapidly becoming thinner, which was beyond the normal laws of clouds.

The commander hurriedly ordered the tribe to control the clouds and prevent the rain from continuing, but the feedback from the tribe was that the clouds had reached the critical point of rain, and even if they used their soul power to interfere, they could only retain very little and only enough to block them. The clouds of the body.

The rainstorm washed the devastated holy city and washed away the smoke and dust of the explosion. It was after the storm that Yuyu clarified.

"Hey! It's done!" Tang Chen sneered, watching the nine-headed cloud shepherd who finally broke through the line of defense and rushed to the shield, and couldn't help feeling sorry for them.

In their race, they must be the heroes of the race, but their sacrifice is destined to be meaningless.

I saw the nine-headed cloud shepherd spewing out a large amount of red blood mist at the same time, covering the area of ​​several thousand meters, and then spraying a flame with the last energy, igniting this terrifying cloud explosive bomb.

Even in the holy city, one could clearly see the mushroom cloud rising high outside the city, and when the shield stretched out, everyone only saw that the surrounding area of ​​the shield turned into a blazing white like the sun.

The lavender shield can no longer see his original color, only a strip of cracks spread on the shield, and the power of the explosion surpassed the critical value of the shield. After only supporting for five seconds, the powerful shield broke.

But he also helped everyone withstand the first strongest shock wave, and what followed was a terrifying high temperature flame, but everyone was not worried about it. Although the high temperature is terrible, their mechas are all coated with heat insulation. Yes, there is also an internal air circulation system to ensure that no hot air burns the driver. If the air conditioner is turned on, they can even blow cool breeze.

As for the Guardian railgun, it does receive damage from high temperatures, but this thing is too big, at most part of the outer armor is melted, and the main armor belt is absolutely intact.

With this full-flavored design, not to mention the melting of the outer armor, even if the body is penetrated, it can still operate. At the beginning of the design of Dugu Bo, the purpose was to be strong and durable.

Sure enough, under the burning of the high temperature and flames, the Guardian railgun was only burned black. Under Chao Tianxiang's operation, the railgun turned a few times like stretched, and the melted armor was broken away. In contrast, , The shepherd who lost the protection of the cloud layer fell into desperation.

Ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket~

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