Douluo see you

Chapter 434: Evacuate Douluo Star

After bidding farewell to Rong Nianbing, Cheng Ying returned to the demiplane as quickly as possible, and closed the connection between the demiplane and the god world, as well as all the entrances and exits of the demiplane, with only the coordinates of the entrances and exits.

In an instant, God Shura suddenly discovered that he had lost contact with all the places of inheritance. This shock was not trivial. God Shura was furious and used to build a portal into the half plane on the spot.

This is the authority of the demiplane owner. The place where the portal has been constructed will be recorded by the demiplane, and the portal can be opened there at any time in the future.

But the god Shura was surprised to find that the portal he constructed had failed, and even the one that had been set up in the God Realm was realistic!

"Asshole! Who is so courageous!" God Shura roared angrily, such a large half plane is extremely precious to him.

"Oh, isn't this Xiu Luo Mianxia? Is there something unhappy about it? Say it to make everyone happy!" Rong Nianbing's voice rang in his ears shortly afterwards.

God Shura snorted coldly, regardless of the funny comparison, if it weren't for this product to cook deliciously, his mouth would be so cheap.

Other gods also came one after another because of his voice. Although there were many gloaters, there were few who dared to be as blatant as Rong Nianbing.

The god Shura swept the crowd, and the sooner he came, the more suspicions could be eliminated. After all, there is no master god-level combat power. It is impossible to think about the level of Shupros. The god Shura never thought that it was a mortal. may.

No way, in the eyes of God, mortals are ants. How could ants steal their own things?

As a result, the suspect was locked in the God Realm. God Shura really wanted to take the opportunity to rectify Rong Nianbing. Unfortunately, he was the first to come, and there was no time to commit the crime. It is impossible to suspect him.

What he didn't know was that the person who really stole his half plane had opened a huge portal on Douluo Continent.

Chengying initiated a nationwide mobilization order throughout Tulip, ordering all Tulip residents to evacuate to the Luolin City resettlement site without rushing the price and ignoring all economic losses.

Although many emerging capitalists expressed dissatisfaction with this, they were all suppressed for the first time. In such a doomsday, most people are still willing to trust the country.

In other words, in the end of the super volcanic eruption, it is not believed that the country has a dead end.

All of them went to the nearest hospital in the order of their ID numbers to receive nano-machine injections. The Soul Master transformation operation was temporarily only performed by the military.

For a time, the tulip is like a stabbed ant nest, which operates efficiently. In the last days, the original two empires saw the gap between themselves and the tulip.

The ability to mobilize to the village, even to everyone, is beyond their imagination. If Cheng Ying wants to meet someone, even if he lives in the most remote village, he will definitely be able to do so within 24 hours. Appeared in front of Chengying.

The evacuation operation was relatively smooth due to the existence of railways and highways. Most people chose trains to check their luggage, and a few with better conditions brought their luggage forward.

The looting in the doomsday is almost impossible to avoid. Many shops have been ransacked. This is the root of human inferiority. It cannot be avoided but can only be contained.

Fortunately, there is a city management law enforcement brigade. This group of brawny men carrying six-barreled Vulcan cannon keeps most of the criminals a clear head. They are stunned by that thing. Even if they are injected with nanomachines, Get rid of half-life.

Now is the end. Volcanic ash is falling from the sky like snow. The wound is extremely easy to be infected. When medical conditions are scarce, being a criminal is definitely the most likely to be abandoned.

Under this high pressure, the evacuation was carried out in an orderly manner. Private cars lined up on the highway. When they really moved, everyone discovered that the Duke’s cars had already entered tens of millions. This is still not counting military vehicles. And the case of construction machinery.

Enough means of delivery means that more things can be transported. Those who cannot be transported will have to be buried in volcanic ash for nothing. After a super volcano erupts, within a month, the volcanic ash will exceed 50 cm. Structured houses will be crushed directly, even those with reinforced concrete structures will suffer severe damage.

If it weren't for a set of gas masks now manned, and the new humans injected with nanomachines are basically not afraid of volcanic ash, just the smoke and dust inhaled, I don't know how many lives will be killed.

In fact, in the two empires, it is unknown how many people died in pain because of inhaling a large amount of volcanic ash.

Tiny dust cannot be filtered out by the nasal cavity. The lungs are like a huge piece of activated carbon. With every breath, a large amount of volcanic ash is deposited in the lungs and mixed with the water in the lungs.

Ancient Rome used volcanic ash as cement. It is conceivable that if this kind of thing is inhaled into the lungs and combined with water, what a terrible result would be.

The survival crisis in the apocalypse is far more than that. In addition to the city buried by volcanic ash, engulfed by magma, and destroyed by falling meteorites, in the next five to ten years, Douluo Star will still be in the ice age.

Volcanic ash cannot settle in the atmosphere for a long time, reflecting the sunlight, and the temperature drops sharply. There will be no summer for several years, only severe winter.

Out of humanitarianism, Chengying left a large amount of barley seeds in the warehouse. If someone can find them, they can probably be planted in tropical regions. Of course, if the discoverer chooses to eat the seeds, it is also self-inflicted and has no salvation value.

After five to ten years of the ice age, the large amount of greenhouse gases erupted from the volcano may make Douluo star warm again in a short period of time. The ice age will end quickly, but the surviving humans are still not facing heaven. It is the rapid warming of the earth.

With global warming and rising sea levels, a large number of coastal areas will be submerged, Poseidon Island will become only a sharp one, the area of ​​Douluo will be reduced by at least one third, and heavy rains and typhoons will dominate the entire continent.

At that time, whether humans can light up the fire again is unknown. Anyway, Chengying is ready to go to the moon to build a base, and no one in the gods will go to the moon.

As for being detected by spiritual power, it is even more nonsense. At a distance of more than 300,000 kilometers, let alone the main god, the spiritual power of the god king is not so far.

At this time, Cheng Ying, who was instructing the Technology Development Bureau to transfer the high-energy particle collider, encountered a small trouble. Nowadays, Tulip’s national idol, the queen of singing, Rui Wenwen approached him...

Ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket~

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