Douluo see you

Chapter 465: Douluo after the disaster


Cheng Ying had just stepped out of the door of space on the Douluo Continent, and immediately blasted down with a space-based weapon. Fortunately, he was ready long ago and used four energy amethysts to set up the strongest personal shield. .

The space-based weapon smashed two energy amethysts as soon as it was fired, making Chengying couldn't help but be speechless.

"It really gives you a face!"

Chengying had long guessed that these bastards would block the exit and bomb him. On Douluo, there are only two coordinates on the demiplane, one is the entrance of the Slaughter City, and the other is the evacuation point in the center of the duke, leaving the coordinates. The point consumption is very large, and Chengying can't leave a lot.

I was spotted by a space station in the sky as soon as I came out, and it came down ruthlessly. Fortunately, the shield of the shadow was strong enough, and only two crystals were broken in one shot.

"Walk around! Faster! The space station is a group with strong tracking ability designed by myself! The second wave of attacks will arrive in a while!"

Cheng Ying dragged the ice emperor and flew out from the big pit and flew towards the Star Dou Great Forest. This time they did not take out the Tidal Fighter. The larger the target, the easier it was to be attacked.

Cheng Ying knows very well that the missile launch base left by the Duke Ling is capable of precise guidance.

The remaining defensive troops were able to resist the invasion of the two empires and the soul master empire, but the Watcher Space Station was taken away by an organization conspiracy, and the ground defense was not reliable.

Not surrender?Not surrendering is a shot!Not everyone is determined to die for Tulips. Cheng Ying is sure that there must be a missile launch base that has been mastered by the organization. In addition, the other party has teleportation technology and implements decapitation tactics, which is likely to ensure the function of the launch base. Complete. Even if the missiles are limited, they are good enough for a while. Chengying doesn't want to eat his own nuclear warheads.

In fact, it was not only the Soul Master Empire under the control of the mysterious organization that took action, but the two great empires also took action. Although the volcanic ash made Douluo star dim and the people were not living, it could not stop the ruler from organizing people to carve up the rich heritage of tulips. .

The tulip heritage near the Barak Kingdom was divided between the Soul Master Empire and the Spirit Hall, which meant it fell into the hands of the organization.

In the south, the east of Caohe was divided by the Xingluo Second Empire, and the west was divided by the Heaven Dou Empire.

Although the Soul Master Empire had mastered the strategic weapons Watcher space station, the two empires also received several nuclear bombs and hydrogen bombs. In addition, the Soul Master Empire had a small territory, and it suddenly fell into a deadlock.

Both sides are training agents and spies, trying to seize control of the space station and the right to launch nuclear missiles, but for a time no one dared to launch nuclear weapons first. The only thing that everyone recognized was to prevent the return of tulips. Even Xue Ye, who initially supported Chengying, expressed acquiescence.

Tulips are too strong!The entire continent under the pressure of a province can't breathe. At this time, they must not be allowed to return. Otherwise, there is nothing to check and balance them!


It was precisely in anticipation of this situation that Chengying did not use the flying vehicle to reduce his goals. The weapons were all designed by himself, so he knew better than anyone else what the weaknesses were.

He even knows the guidance principle of each type of missile, and can make corresponding interference to prevent the missile from hitting the correct target.

Sure enough, the nuclear missiles used by the three major forces were launched within an hour. They were too afraid of the tulip. Even if the tulip only came back to two people, they all guarded like aliens, for fear of two. Personally destroy them.

Facing the three missiles painted with three different ridiculous flags, Chengying laughed.

All three are laser-guided. This is the least threatening to him. He just used the ability of optical invisibility to turn the three missiles into headless flies, which eventually exploded in the air, adding to the already dirty volcanic ash. A little radioactive dust.

The two people behind the stealth are not detectable by satellite remote sensing. Even if the Watchman wanted to attack, she became blind at this time. A blast would only provoke the hostility of the two empires. That would be the worst result. The organization is absolute. Not allowed.

On the other side, Chengying has come to the sky above the Star Dou Forest. The environment here is much higher than other places on the mainland. At least there is no volcanic ash everywhere. The trees absorb and filter a large amount of volcanic ash, which reserves a pure land for the Star Dou Forest. .

However, trees also have their limits. They cannot absorb volcanic ash without limit. Their stomata will also be blocked. You must know that in addition to photosynthesis, plants also need to breathe. Blocked or contaminated stomata will also make them unable to Breathe, and finally die completely.

Starting from the periphery of the Star Dou Great Forest, a large area of ​​the forest began to wither. Soul beasts and ordinary beasts had to migrate inside. Unlike humans, soul beasts gathered in large numbers and could live in peace. If there were more, they would kill each other.

At that time, the number of soul beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest will inevitably drop drastically. The Ten Thousand Demon Kings are already utterly devastated. The plant soul beasts are not like animals that can move at will. They are now trapped in the volcanic ash and have difficulty breathing. , Will die soon.

It is impossible to expect soul beasts to transplant them back. Plant-type soul beasts are a great supplement to most soul beasts. It is not bad if they are not eaten during the transplantation process. You can also count on them to handle them gently, even if not. Eat, transplant it, I’m afraid it’s not dead.

Di Tian is also extremely annoyed now. Although Rui Beast finally chose to stay in the Star Dou Great Forest, facts have proved that the power of destiny is not omnipotent. It may be an exaggeration to say that man can conquer the sky, but he is incompetent, and the luck is useless.

Although Ditian is a beast god in name, he cannot control every soul beast. The Star Dou Forest is so big, Rui Wenwen also told him the truth of the food chain.

Since the energy transfer efficiency of each layer in the biological chain is only about 10%, the higher the level of predators, the more producers need to feed, which is why one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers.

The shrinking of the forest means the reduction of producers, and it is inevitable that soul beasts will be starved to death, plus management chaos, more soul beasts will die.

Even with Rui Wenwen, a rare wise man assisted by the soul beast, Di Tian is still in a state of despair.

At this time, Ditian heard a continuous and violent roar from a distance. It was crazy. A volcanic eruption was enough to kill you. If you do it a few more times, I'm afraid it's not the sky!

Rui Wenwen also had a worried look on her face. Compared to Di Tian, ​​she knew what had happened, so she was even more worried. If there was a nuclear war, the soul beast would really have no way to survive!Just at this moment, the familiar voice came into her ears.

"Wenwen! How are you doing recently?"

Ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket~

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