Douluo see you

Chapter 503: The Neglected Power

Montoya chose to stay and face the wrath of the natives. He knew that during his administration, the suppression of the natives had forged many enemies, but he bet that he could survive the wrath of the natives.

Because he used to live and eat with the natives, because he refused to evolve because the natives did not have the right to inject nanomachines, because he has been in power for many years and has a clear conscience. Even the methods used are for the two races. The unity is even more because he wants to take them back and take back the land he had promised them.

The indigenous people were angry. They smashed the doors of shops, ransacked those shops that were not even qualified to enter, and stepped on the luxury goods that they could only look up to in the past, venting the anger they had accumulated over the years.

They rushed into the ruling government and smashed the seals that had brought them endless humiliation, until they rushed into the ruling room and saw that he was still in a blue uniform, sitting at the table handling documents, they couldn't help but stop. The action in the hand.

They dared to burn, kill, and loot because the tulips were gone and the people they feared were gone.But the majesty of the great ruling is so vivid that they dare not move.

Montoya just stood up calmly and said to them: "The Tulip people have left. Now, you are the only legal heirs to that land."

What impresses people is never a passionate speech, but a tangible benefit, especially in an empire with a complete industrial system...

The expedition fleet began to be formed. In five years, 30 million indigenous people were working overtime in the factories under the severe cold. All industrial areas were all inclined to the military industry.

Everyone knows that this time, they are no longer working for capitalists. This time, they are working for themselves. In order to regain their own land, they burst out with unprecedented enthusiasm. For this reason, they would rather save food than eat and eat. Livestock-like food does more work than livestock.

After five years, a huge and shocking army has finally been formed. Three million young men have received strict military training and are ready to go to the battlefield at any time.

Large ships of the battleship class, like dumplings, are launched into the water at an average rate of one per day. The floating boats are connected to cover the entire sky.

With such preparations for war, war is inevitable. At this time, before Caohe enters the sea, is the 500,000 pioneer troops led by Montoya himself.

One hundred and fifty battleships, two thousand one hundred cruisers and aircraft carriers, three thousand airships of various types, countless warplanes, smashed into the Douluo Continent, and the tulip heritage should belong to them!

At this time, Chengying still doesn’t know how big a moth the aboriginals that he has overlooked have engaged in, a pioneer force of that level, placed a few decades ago, is definitely enough to sweep the entire Douluo continent. Even today, it is an important force that cannot be ignored.

The most important thing is that they have no territory and are not affected by nuclear threats. They are a truly uncontrollable force.

Cheng Ying didn't know, and Luo Gang was even more unlikely to know. He was still leading many casual cultivation and exploration agencies as a good old man to snatch benefits.

In the past, filling gasoline in fire hydrants was just an appetizer. The designers trained by Chengying are best at not playing cards according to common sense. They even do things like installing floor drains in the sky. The purpose is to control indoor hydrogen concentration. As for triggering an explosion.

As a result, all the prepared hydrogen ran into the toilet upstairs. The consequences can be imagined. There was a special patient in the anorectal department...

If you can design everything in your daily life so ghostly, let alone traps...

The casual cultivators who have been chased by the treasure box monsters can't help complaining about it. Who has seen a treasure box monster that can really chase people and bite!

The key is that this looks like an unbelievable treasure chest monster with high combat effectiveness, and it beeps a dog.

The desperate casual practitioners were desperate. In the end, Luo Gang "resolutely and resolutely" said, "Everyone, run away! I'll lead him away!

What are you still doing?Run!Don't let my pains be wasted!"Speaking of pulling the treasure box monster, they ran towards the side corridor, and the rest of the people burst into tears. When they knew that there was nothing to do, they had to disperse and flee. Some consciously loyal, followed Luo Gang as bait.

Everyone has obviously overlooked a problem, and that is the treasure box monster. Although it is a monster, it is indeed a treasure box.The real good stuff is actually hidden in the box.

It's just that it is too difficult to break this box with conventional means. If you want to break this box, you must borrow other organs.

To put it simply, the words of the old man, use magic to defeat magic.Here, we must use organs to defeat organs.

Luo Gang led everyone to escape, and finally ran to a laser corridor.The treasure box monsters took a shortcut and walked around from the other side of the corridor, preparing to block them.

Seeing this, he has turned his attention to the laser transmitter in the corridor.Luo Gang's eyesight was even quicker, and he hit the start button with a slap.

The laser beam cut past, and the treasure chest that had left everyone at a loss before turned into fragments during the laser cutting, and fell out of a small treasure chest inside.

Everyone was fortunate for the rest of their lives, and no one noticed the little treasure chest. It was after Luo Gang's reminder that someone thought of hooking the small treasure chest out of the laser corridor with a stick.

When they opened the box, there were rows of injections inside. They couldn't understand what the injections were. Tulips had a lot of medicines, but they couldn't inject anything into the body.The man-made things of the Institute of Life Sciences, ghosts know what kind of monsters they can turn people into.

However, when everyone dared not try, Luo Gang grabbed the injection and stuck it on his arm. The vacuum syringe directly injected the mercury-like silver medicine into his body.

After a trance, a shocking data stream flashed across Luo Gang's pupils.

"Boss! How are you?" Someone couldn't help but ask. Many people who followed him temporarily regarded it as the boss who could entrust his life.

Luo Gang rubbed his forehead, reached out and pressed his hand on the wall, and with a buzzing sound, the laser corridor was closed.

"That's right, it's nanomachines, and these nanomachines have part of the authority to control this base." If it's just nanomachines, these things can only be regarded as a good harvest.But if it comes with part of the authority of this base.The person who injected this thing was a living access card.On the way to treasure hunt, they will undoubtedly gain an unprecedented advantage.

Ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket~

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