Douluo see you

Chapter 505: A Strong Return

A blue-haired young man walked out of the crowd, without a weapon in his hand, but Luo Gang did not dare to act rashly, looking at the young man with solemn expression...

The shadow behind...

Chengying can now easily see whoever he wants to see.Whoever wants to be invisible, he can't see it anyway.

Therefore, the blue-haired youth has no idea that he is the person behind.Only Luo Gang could see it, this one was already the strongest on the mainland.

The blue-haired youth thought that he was frightened by him and smiled unexpectedly.

"It seems that you are lucky and got the key to the treasure, but I think you should be very clear that there are some things that guys of your level can't touch.

Obediently hand over the key props of this ruin.I might consider spare you.After this time, I will give you a little benefit."His tone is very arrogant, backed by a powerful empire, facing such a straggler, his confidence is naturally full.

Luo Gang was still hesitating, and saw Chengying nodded to him and said, "Promise him, don't worry, it's very stable! Give him the nanomachine and teach him how to use it.

When it goes down for a while, the EVA will run wild and attack indiscriminately. Even the person who injected the nanomachine will be no exception, but he will not attack you, because the nanomachine you injected is specially made, and your task is to take advantage of this. opportunity.Climb on his back.Enter the insertion plug to control his actions."

The so-called characteristics of nanomachinery are of course nonsense.These nanomachines weren't made by him personally, so let's talk about the characteristics.

It's just that he can directly control the EVA, and he has the final say on who to attack.There is no way to break this lie.


After being instructed, Luo Gang was also relieved and continued to play his role: "I tell you the key, can you guarantee that we will leave alive?"

"Do you think you have a choice?" The blue-haired youth sneered.

"Let my staff beat them first, otherwise I won't be able to tell you how to get into the core zone anyway." Luo Gang's tone was firm, like a tough guy who was not afraid of death.

He can be so tough, of course not because of how brave he is. Without silver, he is not afraid of dropping shit~

He was so confident because Chengying stood in front of the blue-haired youth, dug a piece of nose, and blew it directly on his face, but he didn't notice anything.

Being able to bounce the booger into his face without letting him find out, he can naturally send the bullet into his skull.The blue-haired boy looks arrogant, but in fact his life is no longer his own.

Luo Gang's attitude made the blue-haired young man very upset. He was a generation of arrogant figures at all. At this time, he was so dangerous by this wild man.

But he still knows the priorities after all.It's true that there is no need to get any benefits from this little guy here.

"It's just a bunch of rubbish, what can I do?" He waved his hand and asked the soldiers to clear a path to let the trash fish leave.

"Okay, it's okay now! They have gone far, but if you really regret it, we can kill them again and kill them."

Luo Gang nodded, and threw a bottle of silver potion: "It is this thing that injects him, you can control the machine in this base." As he said, he turned and raised his hand, and the elevator door opened, revealing a nearly 50 square meter inside. Giant elevator room.

Obviously this kind of ability is not something that Wuhun can do. Even if there is a technological Wuhun, it must be matched with this base to control it.This kind of ultra-small probability event can basically be regarded as non-existent.

The blue-haired young man was so courageous that he chose to inject himself.He had heard about the nanomachinery industry, and the mass injection when the tulip was gone was also caused.The attention of spies from various countries.As a high-level person, it is common for him to get this information.

After the injection, I realized that the whole world was different.The flow of data around him poured into his brain even though he could.After dealing with it, he gave a cold snort, and walked into the elevator with his men.


The elevator shuts down and begins to descend. The metal elevator forms an electromagnetic shield, which shields external electromagnetic wave signals.At the same time, the thick soil layer also shields the detection of mental power.

So they didn't know that in the process of their descent, a fierce battle had taken place on the surface.It was not a battle between the relic guard and the adventurer, but a crushing slaughter.

Hundreds of airships obscured the sky, casting large shadows, and ground troops followed suit.With 3000 tanks, an entire tank division came to kill here.

On a large-scale frontal battlefield, the bells and whistles of mechas will not show any advantage in the battle against tanks of the same cost.Even the same amount of steel is difficult to beat the torrent of tanks.

A textbook-style air-ground coordinated operation.The airship dropped a lot of bombs.Cooperate with fighter jets and bombers to bomb the ground.

In the Caohe, a large number of inland river gunboat pairs.Long-range fire support on the battlefield.The roar is endless.The coaxial machine gun roared the tracer bullets and dragged out bright trajectories to guide the trajectory of the artillery.

The two empires and the Wuhun Temple were originally not regular troops, but adventurers.Their individual combat capability is stronger than that of the regular army, but their coordinated combat capability is much worse. The greater the number of battles.The weaker the strength that can be displayed.Even in the battle, there will be mutual constraints and unable to exert all their strength.

It was just a round of bombing, and the ground troops had not followed up, and they were already in chaos.On the battlefield, chaos often means death.

When the tanks rushed to the front of the battlefield, there was nothing to stop them from the torrent of steel.The American Continent United Army... won the first battle and wiped out the enemy's special operations division, and its own losses were minimal.

Surrounded and occupied the Tulip A386 Research Institute, this place will be used as a bridgehead for them to recover the entire territory of the Tulip in the future.And this one-sided battle also left a strong mark in history.

The battle for the A386 Research Institute is the beginning of the ten-year tulip battle, and it also opened up the history of Douluo.The prelude to the most tragic war.

According to post-war statistics, soldiers who died directly on the battlefield.Just over three million.The battle once caused the people's livelihood and economy of the mainland to completely collapse, and this war also laid the groundwork for the future of the mainland.

In the same way, this troubled time is also an opportunity in future history to declare the emergence of the Knights of Rodría, which is unique.

It's just that Luo Gang and others who are underground at this time cannot know what an important historical turning point the surface is going through.

Ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket~

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