Douluo see you

Chapter 527 The moon is used to seal the boss

Facing a supreme god, he is still a supreme god known for his strong fighting power.Chengying didn't dare to relax his vigilance at all, if he was given a chance to recover energy.So if you want to defeat him by relying on Tulip's current ability, I am afraid that your vitality will be greatly injured, and it will even be the end of both sides.

After all, after suffering a loss, God Shura would definitely become vigilant.Want to make him suffer again.The difficulty is great.

The best way at this time is to cut off all his energy sources.Space is undoubtedly a suitable place for battle here.It is difficult for the god Shura to get energy supplement.

But the problem is that the sunlight in this world contains special energy.It can be used to supplement spirit power and other powers. They still don't have the ability to banish the God of Asura into the deep space, far away from the stars.

As long as you are out of the shadow of the planet in the solar system, you can come into contact with sunlight.In this way, it won't take long for the god Shura to recover to his heyday strength.

For tulips, this is obviously intolerable, but people have come up with a way to find a way to the mountain. There is no way to obscure the light of stars in space, but it does not mean that the interior of the planet is not good.

The core of the moon occupies a much smaller proportion than Douluo Xing. After so many animations and baptisms, he has already.Think of the moon as the best place to seal the monsters.

Every time after coming to the moon, tulips actively develop and lively.Within a few years, the geothermal energy of the moon's core was emptied, and the moon's core was almost hollowed out.

In order to prevent the collapse of the moon caused by the urban core, the engineering team also carefully reinforced the inner surface of the moon during the process of mining geothermal energy.Today's moon core has become a clearing, and it is also the best place to seal.

There is almost no special energy here, unless you practice the Five Elements Stew.You can convert most of the energy into the energy you practice, otherwise the fighting energy will be used less here.

God Shura feels bad now, and his energy cannot be recovered at all.And there is no sun.Although he didn't know that the inside of the planet would be weightless, his mental power could only detect rocks when he explored outwards.

With his strength, if he is simply trapped underground, and penetrates all the way, it is not impossible to reach the ground.But it's just underground, here is the core of the planet, with nearly a thousand kilometers of rock formations outside.Wanting to fight all the way from here by strength is simply a dream.Even in the case of a complete victory, he has to use his own power to dig out the tunnel.After all, it can only be consumed here, not supplemented.

It was really cool to go down with a bloody shot.But he may only be able to penetrate dozens of kilometers of rocks, but his energy has been exhausted. Isn't it because he is trapped alive, and now he doesn't even have the energy of his heyday.The core of the planet is almost like a target.

The most uncomfortable thing is that he is not a god of spatial attributes.He has the ability to tear space and escape, but it can only be dozens of kilometers at a time.

With such a thick rock formation, he would definitely be stuck in the rock when he teleported out.That kind of situation is not simply being squeezed by rocks. In the spatial position, he will superimpose the delay and those rocks where he is teleporting will appear directly in his body.That situation is very bad even for God.

"It seems that I guessed right, you really can't restore energy in this kind of place." Chengying's holographic projection suddenly appeared in front of God Shura.

God Shura, who was already in a bad mood, looked over with a sword.But how can a piece of light cut off?The holographic projection has nothing to do, and I still look at him with a smile.

"Thanks to the fact that you didn't make any effort, and exhausted your energy, otherwise, you haven't had such a good chance to catch you." Chengying was telling the truth, the supreme god in his heyday, he didn't want to provoke him.

"Huh! It's the remnant of Tulip!" At this time, God Shura would be really stupid if he couldn't guess who did it.

"Guess whatever you want, but I advise you to give up resistance and catch it with all your hands, otherwise you will suffer."

Cheng Ying's words made the god Shura's eyes move instead.The meaning of suffering is undoubtedly that there will be an attack on him.He thought it might be a powerful spirit ability.

In his current state, if Tulip can get one or two god-level existences, maybe it can really hurt him.But if that ability is used, it will inevitably contain the energy he needs.

The core of the moon is a closed space, and when it is filled with that kind of energy, one can gradually recover some state.At that time, as long as you pretend to be beaten, you will endure for a while, waiting for your energy to return to its heyday.Destroy the remnants of this tulip.

It's just that Chengying didn't know what he was thinking, with a sly and cruel smile on his face, Xin said, wanting to restore energy through my space is really whimsical.

Tulips are not known for their energy attacks!In the earliest days, they used kinetic energy weapons.Now it is probably renamed as Quality Weapon.

Wanting to obtain energy that can replenish divine power from mechanical energy is simply wishful thinking.When the god Shura was about to regain his strength with two blows.

Suddenly I felt my hairs stand up.Numerous dense muzzles suddenly appeared on the inner surface of the moon.The muzzle was spread all over a hemispherical area.

The reason why the other half did not is also very simple, for fear of accidentally injuring friendly forces.After all, in order not to give the god Shura a little chance to recover his strength.These heavy artillery are not shielded.There was no protection from soul power at all, all were defended by armor.If it is hit continuously by its own shells, it is very easy to damage.

In an instant, God Shura felt that thousands of shells were shooting at him.This is a vacuum environment, and it is the field of weightlessness.The shells will be launched in a straight line, both the accuracy and the range are greatly increased, and the power of the shells will not be reduced by the distance.

So that he couldn't avoid those shells that were more than ten times the speed of sound.I can only rely on my intuition.Evacuate in the direction you think is safest.

But he still suffered a few hits, bounced in the air like a three-dimensional pinball.It is extremely embarrassing to look at it. Although the hit area is healing at a high speed, it still looks bloody. Even if it is overspeeding regeneration, this ability requires energy consumption. God Shura has an ominous premonition that he is afraid that he is really real. It's going to be consumed alive here.

Ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket~

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