Douluo see you

Chapter 531 Space Technology Experiment Notes

The main engine of Natural Selection is ignited, and controllable nuclear fusion has become a relatively mature technology after years of technology accumulation. Although true non-working fluid propulsion is still far away, interstellar navigation is no longer a problem.

The propellant of the natural selection is high-energy particles with an acceleration track close to the speed of light.There are two symmetrical high-energy particle accelerators inside the spacecraft, which can save working fluid to the greatest extent.

According to the law of conservation of momentum, it is not difficult to see that the faster the material is propelled, the greater the acceleration of the spacecraft.

If it is an ordinary spacecraft, it is difficult to achieve interstellar navigation even if it saves propulsion fluids. The reason is simple. Traditional rockets need to carry more fuel if they want to carry more things. However, the fuel itself It also has weight and wants to transport these fuels.It must carry more fuel.

However, the newly loaded fuel still has weight, thus forming a vicious circle.The mass of material that a huge rocket can carry may only be a little bit pitiful.Most of the fuel power is used to carry other fuels.

In this way, it is difficult for a rocket propelled by a working medium to achieve interplanetary navigation. If you want to fly that far, the total amount of fuel that needs to be carried is simply terrible.

That kind of cost, I am afraid it is just to transport one person to Proxima, and the resources consumed can ruin a civilization.

In another world, the black technology is different. In another world, space technology is flooded, and those who travel through don’t have a space ring, so I’m embarrassed to talk to good people... ashamed...

As for the filming, they started their business by manufacturing storage equipment, and this kind of thing is naturally not lacking.

Since then, the problem was solved, and the vicious circle no longer existed, because there was no need to have a headache to transport fuel. In theory, he even made a large amount of chemical fuel and could fly to Proxima with the chemical fuel rocket.

The propellant and fuel carried on the Natural Selection can even propel it into a thousand light years.

Light years are the distance that light travels in a vacuum for one year, and Douluo’s sun is only about four light years away from Proxima Centauri.

With this energy reserve, sailing to Mars is more than enough.

In addition to the energy system and thrusters, an interstellar spacecraft also needs many devices, life support systems, gravity simulation devices, these are not to mention.The navigation system is also essential.Navigating among the stars is even more difficult than above the sea.

Only the stars in the sky can be used as a reference for the spacecraft, and when the distance is far away, these stars are extremely small.If you want to judge your position, you must accurately calculate the changes in the position of these stars in the sky.

In order to overcome all kinds of difficulties, this spacecraft was delayed for nearly ten years before it was finally built.And this time, Chengying is going to go to Mars with the ship in person.

His purpose is to leave a portal on Mars, and next time he doesn't need to drive the spacecraft so hard to run back and forth.You can send it through the office.

But there is one thing that he can't figure out, and that is what is the frame of reference for the coordinates of the space transmission.You know, no matter which planet in the solar system, they are all rotating and revolving.

So here comes the problem. You left the coordinates here. The next time you come here, the planet under your feet may have rotated on its own, or it has revolved and left its original position.The teleportation should have appeared in space in the past.But the actual location is where you left the coordinates.

Even if we don't talk about the rotation and revolution of planets, the entire solar system is still in motion.Considering this, the space coordinates should appear somewhere unknown in the universe.

From this perspective, all space capabilities have major problems.If you have to forcefully explain this phenomenon.It can also be said that the space coordinate is the position in a certain inertial system, which can barely explain why it is.The coordinates left on the surface of the planet will not suddenly go into space.

However, the so-called practice is the only criterion for testing truth.In order to prevent him from leaving the space coordinates on one occasion and then accidentally teleporting to space, Chengying did a series of relatively rigorous experiments.

Designing an experiment is actually not difficult.The purpose of practice is to explore the performance of space coordinates in different inertial systems. When designing experiments, it is enough to create an inertial system artificially. You can't stop the rotation and revolution of the earth.But a train traveling in a straight line at a constant speed can easily control its speed and even stop it directly.

The experiment is carried out on a section of railway that is close to a straight line. First, the space coordinates are set up at the tail of the train to keep the train moving in a straight line at a constant speed.

Then jump out of the car and start transmitting.

The result is very amazing!After jumping off the train, the location of the transmission is not above the rail behind the train, but directly inside the train.

This seems to prove that the space coordinates are indeed moving with the inertial system.The train moving in a straight line at a constant speed is regarded as an inertial system by the space coordinates.

But this is only the first step of the experiment, repeat the experiment a second time.This time the space coordinates are at the front of the car, allowing the train to travel in a straight line at a constant speed.Arrange the space coordinates, and then the train brakes suddenly and transmits again.

If the space coordinates are set on the inertial system, the position where the transmission appears is away from the railroad track in front of the following car, and the position of this coordinate will continue to move in that direction at the constant speed of the train.

But the result is that the location where the transmission occurs is on the locomotive where the transmission coordinates were originally arranged.This violates the previous conjecture, and there are only two possibilities left, one is space coordinates, which is actually a substance.Be left in something.

Another possibility is even more terrifying, that is, the spatial coordinates are actually a kind of ideal setting.Only the person who arranged the spatial coordinates will be teleported to the location he wants to go.

It seems that the practice of the third part proves whether the spatial coordinates are physical or unintentional.

Now that the possibility of the inertial system has been ruled out, then time does not need a straight railway.Only a small lunar vehicle that can travel on the surface of the moon is enough.

First leave the coordinates on the trolley.Then let the car drive between the replenishment stations on the surface of the moon.Replace a part every time you pass by a Buji station, and perform a transmission to confirm the location of the transmission.

It is a philosophical question to drive until every part on the car is replaced with a brand new one.But now it seems to have affected reality.

The results of this experiment will also determine the development direction of space technology.

Ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket~

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