Douluo see you

The 542nd chapter 1 pick 10,000

Mi Lin is not a fool, so he did not propose a heads-up or a wheel fight, and now is not the era when personal force can determine everything.The strongest before the war like the previous one singled out.The victory or defeat of the heads-up basically determines the victory or defeat of the battle, and this situation is difficult to occur.

It is also impossible for him to find the ten strongest opponents at random, like what was written in the past, and fight a round of rounds of war. If he wins, he can force the opponent to retreat.

Decades ago, this approach could be because the combat effectiveness of ordinary soldiers was too weak.The decisive battle of the top powerhouse can determine the outcome of the battle.

If the ten strongest men can't beat the opposing person in a wheel battle, then this strong man can completely rely on his own army to be distracted by a sneak attack. In the era of cold weapon wars, the military spirit can be decisive for the victory or defeat of a battle. effect.

No matter how many ordinary people piled up, it would be difficult to kill a strong man who only wanted to sneak attack and not fight directly.In this way, only I hit you, but you can't hit me, just like the situation when artillery first appeared.

The lethality of artillery at that time was limited. At most one or two people would be killed in one shot. After a battle, there were only a dozen people killed by one artillery, but the kind of people who stood there waiting to be harvested by death The feeling is extremely scary.

The top powerhouse played a role similar to artillery in the original war.But the times are developing and progressing, and now it is difficult for the top powerhouses to play such a powerful role.

Even ordinary infantry has long-range weapon range weapons, and even energy weapon configuration, luxurious thorn flower army, and even individual protection shields.

Even if the top powerhouse doesn't take it seriously.It is also very difficult to kill a soldier with the individual shield turned on, and how many times can a person take seriously?

As long as you try to swing a punch with all your strength, you will know that it takes a few times to make your arms numb. Even if you don’t use power, few people can punch 100 times in a row without feeling weak. The physical strength of the top strong Better, but their attacks consume more on themselves.

This is just facing the infantry. When thunderstorm tanks, tidal fighters, and air-sky motherships appear on the battlefield, the deterrence of this supreme combat power is even weaker. In the melee, they may even take themselves in.

But now, what Mi Lin has to do is to show his strength and tell the world that the era when the strong can decide the outcome of war is back.

Only by breaking the tradition left by the tulip, that is, breaking the cognition that the power of the collective can surpass the strength of the individual strong, will it be possible to make his name more prominent in history than the tulip.

It is just the beginning to pick 10,000. The three-nation coalition forces add up to nearly 300,000, and 10,000 is precisely the bottom line of each country.

Bringing together 10,000 of the most elite troops and top powerhouses, if you can't beat one person.So even if they can really kill him in the battle, what price will they have to pay?30,000, 50,000, or 100,000.How much logistical supplies and well-equipped equipment have to be paid.

The reinforcements of the two countries came to protect the Star Luo Empire, but their purpose was only to watch the meat in their bowls.The current Star Luo Empire was an old red bull, who was being spotted by a tiger and a lion at the same time.

In order to compete for this prey, the tiger and the lion would fight.But at this time, if a hungry wolf comes, and the eye-catching one wants to divide the prey, the tiger and lion will not allow it.

But if they find this hungry wolf is extremely fierce.Even if they dared to die, they would bite a piece of meat from them. Instead of attacking him, the tiger and lion would try their best to win him over, even giving up part of their prey.

And the number of 10,000 seems to be the limit that can identify whether this hungry wolf is fierce.It is also the psychological bottom line that the rulers of various countries can bear.

If the technology develops to the current level, there will still be people who have the courage to be brave.Then they also have to consider their own fate, in case someone pulls their face down before using this disgraceful means of assassination, whether their respective palaces and ruling governments can defend against such a surprise attack.

In the noisy and drum noise, the conclusions discussed by the various countries came out very quickly.They agreed to send a strong man to a duel with Quebec, but they also made a request. The battlefield was within a hundred miles of Xingluo City.If you leave this area, you lose.

Otherwise, some people fly very fast, or get props with teleportation ability.Moving at high speeds can also make it impossible for tens of thousands of people to catch it.

Mi Lin didn't hesitate, nodded and agreed, "Are you ready?"

After that, he walked toward the battlefield in the respect of the Rodria knights.

What he has to face is a large crowd of people crowded together.It's not that 10,000 people can be deployed just by saying goodbye. If the formation of troops is not good, these 10,000 people will not increase their strength, but will hinder each other, and no one can play.

But there are obviously masters in this area among the three armies. Ten thousand people are arranged into five round formations. In each position, there are two weaker Title Douluo guarding and a stronger Title Douluo responsible for the attack.

The rest of the soldiers activated the joint defense, ready to shoot in the shield.The armored forces are like ancient cavalry, turning into a torrent of steel, shuttled between five circular formations.

The formation in the sky is similar to that on the ground, and the interspersed are the mechas driven by tidal fighters and powerful men above the average strength of the Soul Saint.

In fact, the three armed forces did not do very kindly in this regard. They said that they were singled out, but they did not carry any special weapons, but they carried a large number of war weapons.

But this was also to test Quib's strength. Right now, these 10,000 people were already strong enough, and they could probably find out Quib's bottom.

"Is that you?" Mi Lin walked towards the army step by step, without taking off, walking calmly, so small compared to tens of thousands of troops.But in terms of momentum, he did not lose to the tens of thousands of strong men alone.

You must know that the lowest of these tens of thousands of people must have the cultivation base of the four rings, and even link their soul power through the Linked Soul Guidance Device, but there is no way to suppress Kuiba alone in the momentum. This is simply Incredible.

No referee announced, but there is no doubt that the battle has already begun.The Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms appeared to be very cautious. They only took a tentative offensive. On the contrary, Quiba paid no attention to the attacks of the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms, and strode towards the army.

Whether it was a physical attack or an energy attack, it fell on him as if there was nothing, and could not stop him from moving forward.

Ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket~

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