Douluo see you

Chapter 635: Battle Armor

The original purpose of the construction of the Great Wall in the North was to withstand the invasion of tulips. Now it has become the front line against the Thorns Flower Legion. Only this time, the Star Luo Empire, which has been on a defensive posture, has chosen to go north, which is really letting people go. Elusive.

"The defeated generals dare to take the initiative to die! The Surveillance Troops attack! Kill them!" The commander of the southern defense line of the Thorny Flower Legion showed a disdainful smile. In his opinion, the Star Luo Empire was far less threatening than the Heaven Dou Empire.

Civilization that relies on individual strength will eventually be eliminated. An emperor like Dai Huanyu who drives history backwards will look down even more. At this time, facing the counterattack of the Xingluo Empire, he is not nervous at all, and even a cat plays with a mouse. Illusion.

Faced with different enemies, the strategy is naturally different. The Watcher Troop is a troop formed specifically for the Star Luo Empire to deal with enemies with strong individual strength. The Thorns Flower Legion also dispatched strong fighters.

All members of the Surveillance Force are equipped with elite mechas, and are led by many powerful pilots. Everyone who drives their top mechas is a powerful man who can deal with Extreme Douluo. Together, they can even cut. Killing the gods is a master specifically aimed at Dai Huanyu.

It is difficult for a single master to annihilate the large army, but if the opponent is unable to check and balance the opponent, it will undoubtedly cause a devastating blow to morale. This is also the reason for the different distribution of forces between the north and south lines of the Thorns Flower Legion.

At this time, five mechas with the title of angels rose into the air at the same time, launching a stormy attack on Dai Huanyu, who took the lead.

The pilots of the five mechas had fought against Dai Huanyu. Knowing that he was powerful, they did not insist on it. Instead, they adopted the attack method of wandering shooting. The purpose was only to contain Dai Huanyu.

It’s just that they noticed that Dai Huanyu’s speed has become faster. This is unusual. In the past, they relied on the high speed of the mecha. Unless Dai Huanyu used the time domain, they couldn’t catch them at all. But this time, the other party was only By flying, they surpassed their speed.

And it was not a little bit beyond that. When they looked carefully, they discovered that Dai Huanyu had two more armors, two foot armors. At this time, the armor of the footsteps was spraying a hot plasma jet, which was for Dai Huanyu’s flight. Provide reaction force.

"Disperse the formation! With ground fire support, I still don’t believe he can catch up to five at once!" The floating angels in the five mechas changed their tactics, and when the five were dispersed, Dai Huanyu could only chase one. At that time, the fire coverage area of ​​the ground troops that was being chased was safe.

"Do you think that you can escape this way?" Dai Huanyu's breath soared by 30%. At the same time, the clothes on his back were shattered, and a pair of metallic wings stretched out at the position of his shoulder blades.

"External spirit bone? No! Is it a spirit guide? He has refined the spirit guide and his martial spirit together! Is he a lunatic?" The floating angel being chased exclaimed in exclaim, because of Dai Huanyu's momentum It continues to skyrocket.

The tiger’s wings are scary enough, but it’s more than that. Dai Huanyu has integrated more armors and martial souls together. Breastplates, arm armors, battle skirts, leg armors, helmets, the whole person looks like a Saint Seiya. Yes, the pressure has also risen, and I rushed to the level of the main god. Although there is still a gap, it is a qualitative leap from before.

The flying speed was so fast that the mecha couldn't react. Seeing that the floating angel being chased was about to fall, the ground turret was injured by accident, and a luminous cannon was facing the two entangled directions.

Fortunately, the light cannons were just two floating cannons that annihilated the floating angel, and the rest all blasted on Dai Huanyu, blasting him out.

Originally, such an attack was enough to seriously hurt Dai Huanyu, but the light cannon dissipated, and Dai Huanyu in the same place was unscathed, except that the armor on his body was slightly damaged. These weak damages are being repaired quickly, and the power gap is greatly improved. Looks like, the role played by this armor on his body can be seen.

The battle between soldiers and kings against kings quickly came to an end. The Star Luo Empire had an absolute advantage, because most people put on similar armors. Although many people only had one or two pieces, they also had great combat effectiveness. Great improvement.

The army that could have suppressed the Star Luo Empire was now defeated one-sidedly. Without doing anything, the line of defense would collapse in the blink of an eye.

The five angels also understood the seriousness of the matter. Under the urging of the commander, the five people bite the bullet and gathered again. They also attracted most of Dai Huanyu's attention.

Although it was easy to deal with them by himself, if they were allowed to target ordinary masters, there would still be losses, and under his watch, these five guys actually did something that made him laugh.

Roughly describe the process is...

I will form the head!I will make up the body!I will form the arm!...

The bells and whistles, like the Transformers changes, the five mechas turned out to be a bigger one.It's incredible.

"I'm very curious, like you, who is in charge of controlling the mecha?" Dai Huanyu is also very curious. The most difficult thing for these five angel-level mecha divisions is not their mechas, but their driving skills. With the mecha alone, their strength can't be compared to Extreme Douluo.

After the fit, the flexible operation will be greatly reduced, and the volume will increase, but in this kind of battle, the volume increase is the most insignificant.

"You control it!"

Five layers of overlapping voices are transmitted from the speakers, and Dai Huanyu’s expression is weird. This is a way to synchronize consciousness. This can indeed improve driving skills to a certain extent, but these five people are male and female, and their personalities are also It's different. I am afraid that the sequelae will not be small. Not to mention the horror of becoming schizophrenia. Experience the feeling of being the opposite sex firsthand. After the end, sexual orientation may have problems.

It seemed that it was angry because of Dai Huanyu's problem. The combined mech launched a fierce attack, and even fought against Dai Huanyu in the field of close combat. It seems that the combination did play some role.

"The speed and strength have been improved, and the reaction speed has been faster. It is a very good improvement. It can also use special energy weapons. It is indeed much better than before. I will give you a fair evaluation!

Dai Huanyu's words caused the mecha's stormy attacks to stop for a moment, that is, the flaw of this moment, was caught by Dai Huanyu, and the power core of the mecha was caught.

"My assessment is that it's fancy!"

Click, the core of the mecha was torn apart in Dai Huanyu's hands.

Ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket~

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