Douluo see you

Chapter 681: Evil God Bula Xiu

The pink sludge exudes an enticing and criminal entanglement. Just commenting will make people confused, let alone being covered by sludge. People who are not strong enough have fallen into a dream at this time and cannot extricate themselves. Assimilate into the same substance.

Rhodi’s evil god Bulaxiu, although set up to be the queen of the harem king, is ultimately an evil god. Her power may be gentle caress for ghosts and gods, but for the fragile spirit of mankind, It is a deadly poison.

The pink entanglement cannibalize the reason of the guard soldiers, causing them to fall into a confused illusion, and this is just a prelude, just the breath released by the evil god Fula Xiu before his debut.

The pink mud covered the ground and turned it into a swamp. The six ghosts and gods were also covered by the mud, but they were not physical, but they were tightly wrapped in the mud, like a knight who was caught by a tentacle monster.

I have to say that Roddy seems to know a little bit about this aspect. The six ghosts and gods are bound by the mud in various shameful gestures, which plainly makes the tragic atmosphere just now a little more inconsistent. Probably, he sacrificed all of himself. Behind the soul, they can see this scene, and they will be able to stare at death...probably...

As a vital fortress city, Camelback City is naturally guarded by masters. When the nearest Titled Douluo arrived, he saw this breathtaking scene. He who had seen him in the big world, also Almost failed to control the rush of heat in the nasal cavity and fell into a subconscious dullness.

And this subconscious sluggishness is undoubtedly fatal. A large amount of soul power is injected into the mud of the magic circle, and more laborers sacrifice their soul power in exchange for the true arrival of the evil god Bula Xiu.

The sludge was covered in a swamp. An ancient giant beast like a shark opened its big mouth and jumped up. The petite girl stood on the back of the giant beast, controlling the giant beast, and controlling the six in front of her. A ghost and god swallowed, along with the one that was swallowed, there was also the titled Douluo that had fallen into sluggishness.

The mouth of the giant beast seemed to be connected to another dimension. After swallowing the Title Douluo, it disappeared in the swamp without even Hepao. The other six ghosts and gods disappeared together. Obviously, theirs The Tao incarnation has already encountered an accident, and it will probably be trained by the evil god Bura so that only Ababa Ababa will be put back into the body.


The battlefield was emptied in an instant, and the laborers quickly placed the explosives carried from the arsenal in the mountain. The laborers who were familiar with mine explosions chose the best blasting point by intuition. In a loud noise, the mountain collapsed, revealing the huge inside. Hollow.

A 70-meter-high giant soldier, with his arms tied by a metal tower crane, was hung from the mountain in a crucified posture. This is a rare biological giant soldier. It is precisely because of this. He does not need a skilled pilot to drive him, only genetic matching is required, and he can be controlled by nerves.

As we all know, only high school students can drive the eva, and the fitter among the laborers is only seventeen years old. The laborer equipped with the wheel eye fired a rope gun and hit the back of the giant soldier's neck. I fell on the insertion bolt on the back of the giant soldier's neck, and after piercing his finger, the blood let the cab open a gap for him.

Squeaking ~ crunching ~

The tower crane that bound the arms of the giant soldier was twisted and deformed under the tremendous force of the re-awakened giant soldier, and finally broke, making a harsh metal rubbing sound, and finally collapsed completely with the giant soldier's feet down to the ground.

The seventy-meter-high giant walked toward the eastern city wall. His horrible body shape made him easily collapsing the mountain. He stepped on the city wall and left huge footprints on the reinforced concrete floor.

The demigods garrisoned in Camelback City were late, and they saw the defeated city guards and the giant soldiers raging on the battlefield under the pursuit of the labor rebels.

"Call the Stormwind Legion! Call the Stormwind Legion! The Camelback City is disrupted, and the Titan soldiers are stolen. Request the Stormwind Legion to send troops to suppress!"

Even a demigod, facing the giant army and the writing round eyes army, was somewhat powerless, the first time he chose to call the Northern Storm Corps stationed fifty miles away to attack and help suppress the rebel army.

It’s just that he underestimated the strength of the rebel army and overestimated the quality of the city guard. Camelback City relied on natural dangers, and only defended without attacking to ensure safety. Therefore, except for a few masters, ordinary soldiers were only from the Star Luo Empire. The second-line corps is limited in its strengths than the local garrison, and it is hard to see if it fought downwind. Once it fell into a bitter battle, its shortcomings became apparent.

Since the rebel army was originally the labor in the city, the battle entered the most tragic street fighting from the beginning. Compared with the familiar terrain, knowing every hidden passage on the wall, and possessing the rebel army with the writing wheel, the defenders of Camelback City fell into An extremely passive environment.

The narrow inside of the city wall made it difficult for the Linked Soul Guidance Device to be deployed. A few masters were also restrained by the laborers who obtained the kaleidoscope. They experienced countless pains and tribulations at the bottom. In contrast, it was the easiest to awaken the Shalunyan during the battle. , There will be people who are awakening one after another due to dying, the death of their comrades in battle, etc., just like everyone will explode. Killing any rebel army must pay a price.

Coupled with the kaleidoscope's abilities, even the owner did not know it before awakening, which also made the garrison passive in intelligence.

Part of the laborers who were inoculated with dark power broke the iron hoops bound to their necks, allowing the dark power to erode their brains, summoning ghosts and gods, and providing boosts to teammates.

The weaker ones can increase the strength of their own people, weaken the enemy's defenses, or attach armor to their own people. The stronger ones can call ice to freeze the enemy, and call the plague spirit to tear the enemy to pieces.What's more, it can summon Netherfire and attach it to teammates' weapons, so that ordinary sticks have the terrifying power of a plasma saber.

Even if the Stormwind Legion had dispatched soldiers to provide assistance for the first time, it was too late. As the so-called defeat, the moment when the giant soldiers fell into the hands of the insurgents, the outcome of the battle was determined.

The demigod was blocked by the giant soldiers, and above the tower, the blood-stained eighteen-star flag rose slowly, replacing the white tiger flag of the Star Luo Empire, proving that this impenetrable city has changed its owner. .

Storm Legion soldiers approached the city, but Camelback City had already activated the Soul Guidance Defense. The shield constructed from thousands of self-rechargeable energy amethysts was comparable to the combined defense of a thousand Extreme Douluos, even the most elite in the North. The Stormtroopers can't help him in a short time.

[To be continued]

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