Douluo see you

Chapter 685: Commander of the infected

"Gan! Are you particularly aimed at me!" Chengying scolded his mother. He was trying to protect a group of scientific researchers less than a hundred thousand years old, and was embarrassed by the explosion behind him.

In desperation, Chengying simply threw away the gold-framed glasses, and the two pairs of parallel lines overlapped on the writing wheel.


There was a symphony of gold and iron, and all the walls in front had a square scratch. Cheng Ying grabbed a string of dozens of people, broke through the scratched wall, and walked straight all the way. Easily escape the scope of the explosion.

The string of soul beasts he was holding was so scared that he was so frightened that he heard the continuous explosions and collapses behind him. At this time, he came out alive with a surviving expression.

"Thank you for your help."

"Don't thank you in a hurry, the chaos has just begun, let's look away, don't be bloody!" Cheng Ying gasped and said in a bad mood.

"The self-detonated infantry was obviously premeditated. This rebellion must have been arranged, otherwise, even if it was purely for revenge, he would not be able to blow up the core furnace alone."

The facts are also going to be as expected. As soon as the Guoli Tianjing No. 1 Energy Co., Ltd. exploded, the city guards responded, not to mention the thunderstorm chariot, the medium-sized mecha more than ten meters high. All attacked.

Of course, the first to arrive was the firefighting unit. The high-pressure water jet suppressed the fire remotely, and the ice-based soul guide cooled the factory to reduce the possibility of a second martyrdom.

It's just that the firefighters are treated as they never thought. There is no justice in the war. In order to survive, the rebels of the infected cannot let the slaying end.

Soul Explosion can interfere with the city shield from within, but once it stops, they won't have a chance to kill again.

The hapless firefighters obviously got in the way. They were touched behind by the grassroots infected people and killed them instantly. Obviously, the infected people ransacked the arsenal.

They don't have spirit abilities, but spirit guides can still be used, and they are more powerful than ordinary spirit masters.

In Chengying's view, spar disease is not actually a disease in the true sense. Looking at it from another angle, it is actually an evolution, and the concentration of soul power will only increase.

Those who do not adapt to high concentration of spirit power do not reject spirit power. In fact, their cause is the abnormal accumulation of spirit power in them, that is, the body of the infected person is actually more attractive to spirit power than ordinary people.

Isn't this an attempt of evolution, the Tulip people have evolved into semi-silicon-based creatures, why can't the Douluo people evolve into an alternative race of flesh and soul for half their lives?

It's just that this evolution has not been successful so far. Even so, when they use their spirit power, they can still get a higher boost than normal spirit masters.

On the tallest church tower in Tianjing City, Chengying sat on the eaves with a meaningful expression: "It's going to be messy! The problem facing the Tiandou Empire is no smaller than Xingluo!"

Cheng Ying was actually very fortunate that her base camp had moved to the moon and the spirit power factories were scattered in different worlds without spirit power, so she would not face the dilemma of a sharp increase in spirit power concentration in a short time.

It's just that these problems will be faced sooner or later. Now let's refer to the situation of the Heaven Dou Empire so as to make plans for future development.

Just after he turned his attention to the battlefield, he suddenly noticed a different guy. It was a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl holding a Soul Guidance Blade, not equipped with any long-range weapons, and only wearing a close-fitting body. The power-assisted armor, said to be armor, is just a few thrusters in the joints, which are extremely light, exposing the girl's bright and white thighs and waist to the air.

It seems that this set of equipment has no defensive power, and here is not a game world where the less you wear and the higher the defense, but the girl's strength can't help but Cheng Ying glances more.

On the battlefield, the girl flew with her feet close to the ground, as if she was skating, waving her war blade in her hand chicly, beheading the special warfare soldier wearing a heavy-powered exoskeleton.

The small space is extremely beneficial to her size. In the street fighting, there is no enemy for those professionally trained soldiers, and her mass killings finally attracted the attention of the heavy equipment.

The high wall collapsed, and a mecha more than ten meters high stepped on it, but she swiftly avoided it. The machine gun shots that followed only hit her afterimage.

"Commander! Here comes a big guy! Do you want to be captured?" The girl said to the headset.

"No! Kill it and it's over! Don't be careless! Go to the C13 area in five minutes, there will be your next goal!" The response in the headset also sounded very young.

The actress who secretly observed this scene from a distance was almost choked to death by his own saliva: "Gan! The commander is Nima! Is there a saying that women in the setting are more likely to become qualified people with high concentration of soul power? what!"

When Cheng Ying was there to complain, the girl had already started, the battle blade in her hand burst into blue light, the bright light of the knife shot out from her hand, the half-moon-shaped light blade quickly zoomed in in the air, when it hit the mecha It's about the same size as the opponent!

"I'm going! This trick was actually released with a standard weapon! Can soul power be controlled to this level?" Cheng Ying suspected that the guy could release the same attack even with his fingers, her imperial envoy to soul power Already as instinct, there is no stagnation at all.

Chengying shifted his attention to other areas of the battlefield. During the fight, in addition to the ordinary infected, there were several other similar girls. Some of them used bows and arrows, some used long spears, and some used shields.

But their weapons are not the key. Even if they don't use weapons, they can condense their soul power into a weapon form, which can be manipulated freely like an arm.

"Huh? They seem to have something like a collar on their necks, will they still glow? It seems to be something like a suppressor. Probably they themselves can't fully control their abilities. After all, if soul power erodes the brain, it will Affects the spirit from the physical level.

But maybe a bomb is stuffed in the collar. After all, this is a customary method for humans to control their own existence!"Chengying maliciously speculated about the other party's commander. He swears to God that this is definitely not because of jealousy. He is simply opposed to using girls as tools! Really!

Under the influence of the high concentration of spirit power, some women did appear unusual mutations, possessing the ability to control spirit power beyond ordinary people, and under their guidance, the city guards suffered a heavy blow.

Tianjing City, which is located inland, is very unlikely to encounter a frontal attack, so even if it has a lot of troops, most of it is a place where the garrison is thick and retreats in the face of onslaught.

[To be continued]

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