Douluo see you

Chapter 710 Network Mapping of Soul Ring

Cheng Ying estimates that the God Realm can recognize this thing in all likelihood. If you want to come to the spirit ring to have this function, in the long history, someone should have used it and then be observed by the God Realm.

"Hurry up!"

Now that it has been "decompressed to the desktop", Chengying no longer wastes time. The range covered by the pitch-black beam of light is indeed very large, and each character is indeed small enough, but no matter how big it is, it can’t hit the Earth and Moon system, and no matter how small the character is. Small but molecular clusters.

Shrouded in the spiritual power of Chengying, the characters inside are quickly translated into usable information, and transferred to the matrix network formed by the human brain computing array.

A huge amount of information impacts the Internet, and most of the people connected to the Internet feel a slight trance, except for those who are drowsy. Almost all the information contained in a living body is larger than Cheng Ying imagined.

It's not just that the order of each atom in the body of Winter is so simple, the spirit ring even records the entire history of the Dark Golden Direclaw Bear race from the last era to the present.

There is also a large amount of common sense from the last era, a few cutting-edge technologies, and even all the memories of the Dark Golden Direclaw Bear that granted access to the spirit ring in the last era.

If you have to make an analogy, with this information, Chengying can completely restore the continents of the previous era at the information level. If some vague operations and deductions are made, it can even be about 50,000 years. Most of the people's every move has recovered.

Of course, that was supplemented and deduced, and the true information completeness was only close to one percent, but that was exaggerated enough.

"This is not easy!" The amount of information is so large that it affects the operation of the matrix network to a certain extent. If all the information is forcibly accepted, it is likely that the mental strength of all members of Tulip will be reduced by about one percent.

After a short hesitation, Chengying chose to receive all the information. Everything that happened in the last epoch was extremely precious to him. By now, he can no longer focus his country's focus on fighting the gods. .

With years of accumulation and industry's ultra-high productivity for this individual, the balance of victory and defeat has already begun to tilt towards the tulip. If it hadn't taken into account what civilization relics the God Realm might have, he might have already started with the God Realm.

It’s ridiculous to say that Chengying has been hostile not because the God Realm regards him as an enemy, but because he has always wanted to eradicate the shadow of the God Realm that is shrouded in Douluo Continent. Before, he fabricated a imaginary demon god Tang San. , Just to delay time, now that the delay is almost the same, he starts to want to take the initiative.


The huge amount of information is regular in the matrix network. Under the influx of this information, the originally empty cyberspace has undergone strange changes. A continent that is the size of Douluo's entire land has emerged in nothingness.

The semi-circular firmament envelopes the continent, forming a real world in a round sky. In reality, such a world is impossible, but in the virtual world, everything is based on information. How is the information set? What kind of existence will appear.

"Warning! Abnormal redundant data was found, and the cause of the failure is being investigated."



Continuous warnings sounded at all levels of nodes, and the mental power of the whole people was further reduced at this time, from a reduction of only one percent from the original to an increase of nearly three percent.

"Nodes at all levels start manual detection mode! Ready to accept a large amount of data injection!" The warning in the online world did not make Chengying panic. He calmly ordered and turned off the decompression of the spirit ring. The dark light beam disappeared, and he Through the brainwave intensifier, it is connected with the many incarnations of the moon, forming an equally large spiritual network.

"Awareness backup is complete!"

"Ready to enter the matrix network!"

Chengying's method of dealing with the troubles in the network is quite simple and rude. It personally enters the network and then kills the troublemaker or the trouble itself.

As the so-called violence cannot solve the problem, it can solve the people who create the problem.

After the lunar brain was steadily operating, Cheng Ying found that his thinking structure had undergone a qualitative change. In a sense, his thinking mode was different from that of traditional humans. The most obvious one was his view on time and memory.

He indeed understands why time is an illusion of human beings. After the speed of thinking reaches an incredible level, the speed of time becomes absolute for him, that is, no matter how long it takes, he will not Boring, time is just a kind of data in his eyes, and this concept of time allows his consciousness to carry almost unlimited time.

In the immersive experience, being trapped forever is the most dangerous and no threat to him. As for defeating him head-on, it is even more impossible. The battle in the network is the battle of computing power, and he calculates alone. Li is almost on top of the entire matrix, even if there is any powerful virus, he will die instantly when encountering him.


"It's so deserted, it looks like she's in deep sleep!" Chengying's figure appeared in the online world. It was a deserted city. Because of the need to consume a lot of computing power, most people fell into deep sleep. The lively virtual city is now like a ghost town.

Chengying's consciousness quickly expanded, and a stream of digital streams flowed between the high-rise buildings full of cyberpunk styles, feeding back information about the world to Chengying.

"The problem doesn't seem to be in this layer." Everything is normal in the mental network. Obviously, the problem lies deeper.

The mental network is just like our thinking. This bustling city and the Internet users who are always sensible are only the surface of the thinking. There are more chaotic content in the deeper layer of the spiritual network, where the user's subconscious law is formed, and there is no randomness. The thinking of purpose flooded there, making it chaotic.

In that kind of place, it is difficult to construct a logically rigorous creation, so there is always a blank.

In order to explore the source of the problem, Cheng Ying continued to deepen her consciousness, become more immersed and gradually reach the subconscious level.

Then he saw an astonishing scene. In the original chaotic space, there was an extra large floating island, just like a city in the sky.

The floating island is a continent that seems to have been cut from the planet. On the continent where the sky is round, there is a civilization that is completely different from that of Douluo. It is not only different but also more prosperous. The foreign-style architecture makes the expression of the shadow very subtle. The information originating from the spirit ring seems to be in the subconscious layer of the matrix network, forming a pan-continental projection of the last era.

[To be continued]

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