Douluo see you

Chapter 732: The future determines the past

"See you for a long time in Douluo ()" Find the latest chapter!

Chengying quickly found the crux. Normally, the past determines the future, but for Chengying in the spiritual world, what happened in reality is the past.

Everything done in the spiritual world needs to be in line with the established facts of the outside world before it can really happen, otherwise it will be vanished due to various coincidences.

This is just a conjecture of Chengying, but it is not difficult to verify, because in the spiritual world, he is almost omnipotent.

Feeling the piece of Best metal in the center of the earth, Cheng Ying knew that if there was really an unhidden piece of Best metal there, he would have discovered it when his spiritual power enveloped the world.

This is in contradiction with reality. If the conjecture is true, then someone will definitely take this piece of Best metal away.

The easiest way to avoid this contradiction is to hide Best Metal. With his current ability, it is easy to create an absolutely hidden shielding field. It is very simple to fool yourself in reality.

"But using absolute shielding seems to be too troublesome. In reality, even if I know the location, I can't find containment under absolute shielding. Then use high-strength relative shielding! The strength is the limit of physics.

In order to make it easier for me to find him in reality, I set a password for this shield. The basis of entering the password is exactly the same as my mental frequency, so that no one can take him away in advance!"

Chengying felt that he was like the protagonist in the novels he had read, who reserved the hole cards for his reincarnation, but he could only prepare more fully after his "rebirth".

"It's done, the password is 114514!" Anyway, the premise of entering the password is the same as his mental fluctuations. The effect of the password is only to fool the past self. It doesn't matter how simple the password is.

After doing this, his consciousness shifted to reality, sensing the location of the center of the earth, and muttering the code silently in his heart. The next moment, a seal was actually unlocked by him, and a piece of pitch-black metal suddenly appeared in his perception. Captured by his powerful mental power.

"Interesting!" Chengying excitedly metalized the manipulation Best into nano-scale thin wires, walking from the center of the earth to the surface.

As a containment object, he is somewhat stronger than Qijue Sword, simply competing for sturdiness. Qijue Sword absorbs energy to the destruction of the universe, and is no better than Best Metal.

His characteristics dictate that he is indestructible and absolutely sturdy, so no means can be used to destroy him. Before science has developed to the point where the information of the universe can be manipulated arbitrarily, it will never be possible to create something better than it by any conventional means. A solid presence.

The contents are so unreasonable, and Chengying seems to have acquired a certain ability to bring the contents from the spiritual world to reality, which is even more exaggerated than opening.

If he designs a containment object that is absolutely invincible and masters all rules, and then designs him to be bound to himself, wouldn't it be invincible?

This idea was so tempting that after thinking of this idea, he immediately took action. It was not too difficult for him to design a containment object that was close to omniscience and omnipotence.

No creativity, it designed the containment into six gems and a glove...

Master space, time, reality, spirit, soul, power, and collect six gems and infinite gloves.Go to get the ability of omniscience and all-power.

If creativity is not good, can't it be plagiarized?After Chengying had designed this set of things, he would learn how to learn the best metal method and sealed them in the center of the earth.

In reality, he tried to open the seal again, but this time he failed. After reading the password, nothing happened.

"The Infinite Glove was taken away?" Chengying frowned: "No, maybe it was destroyed, or the containment object I created by myself cannot be brought into reality?

It makes sense to think so,

Cheng Ying was not sure why he couldn't bring out the Infinite Gloves. Perhaps it was because the containment objects he created himself could not be taken away, or it might be because the Infinite Gloves were getting stronger and it was too strong to foul.

After thinking about it, he realized a water cup in his hand. The characteristics are also very simple. This water cup can be refilled indefinitely. Pour any drink in and drink it all. If you say a word in Chinese to refill the cup, the cup will be filled again.

This contained item is basically the safest and weakest α-level. If even this kind of thing cannot be brought back to reality, it should not be a problem of strength.

Cheng Ying repeated the previous technique, sealing the water cup at the core of the planet, returning to reality and found that it was still empty, and the containment objects he created could not appear in reality.

Consciousness returned to the spiritual network, Cheng Ying frowned slightly, and the containment objects he created could not be brought to reality. This also meant that he could only use the containment objects that the Foundation had contained, which was optional and safe. The containment items are much less, and the effect of plug-in is much worse.

And he had to just in case, the Infinite Glove did not appear in his hand, probably because it was taken away by someone else, and if it was so, he would undoubtedly create an omnipotent enemy for himself, which is never allowed. Yes, even if it's unlikely to happen.

Thinking of this, Chengying wiped out the Infinite Gloves by himself. After finishing this, he suddenly froze for a while, and wiped the Infinite Gloves by himself. Does it mean that the future self cannot get the Infinite Gloves because he wiped him off. apart from?

This is a very interesting paradox. Chengying is not sure whether he will erase the Infinite Gloves in the future, so whether he can get the Infinite Gloves in reality is also unknown. He is not sure whether it is this that he cannot get the Infinite Gloves in reality. The reason is that he did not intend to try.

The price of failure is too great. He doesn't want to create an omniscient and omnipotent enemy for himself. That kind of opponent, no matter how strong and technologically advanced you are, it is impossible to defeat. He would rather use limited containment materials than take this risk. .

"The Foundation now has too few useful containment items." Cheng Ying flipped through the containment manuals. What kind of memory shredder, like a memory shredder, can clear the memory of the target shredded paper around the shredder.

For example, if a 7 is written on the paper, and then it is shredded, the people around will forget the number 7. When counting, it will be 12345689, completely forgetting the existence of 7.

This thing is indeed very lethal, but it has no effect on the machine. Nearly half of Chengying’s mind is the mechanized mind provided by the moon’s brain. He himself can be immune to this kind of memory erasure. The limitations of using this kind of thing to deal with his own enemies are really limited. too big.

But just to deal with the God Realm, Best Metal is enough.

[To be continued]

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