Douluo see you

Chapter 740: Civilization Barriers

"See you for a long time in Douluo ()"

The goddess of life looked at the intact Best Dragon dragon in astonishment, showing a shocked expression, even the gluttony that was lying on the dragon-shaped cake, stopped her mouth movements.

"Why are you okay! This is impossible!" The Goddess of Life cried out.

The villain's words "impossible" often mean their defeat, and this time there is obviously no exception.

"It seems that your knowledge of the containment items is very limited! Did you lose part of your memory in the last doomsday? Should I help you recall it?" Chengying did not rush to kill.

"The first contained object of the β-1 Foundation, its characteristics. Enter the image information of the designated target for the project. The project will print the target in the form of a cake at the speed of an inferior 3D printer, and print the size of the object. , Is determined by the detail level of the input image.

After printing, the destruction, destruction, and decomposition of the cake will not affect the target.

If and only if a humanoid creature that meets the standard sends the cake part into the esophagus, the part of the cake corresponding to the target body will be erased, so it is named the mouth of the obliteration."

Chengying's words completely suppressed the goddess of life. If she had a trace of luck just now, she would be desperate now.

"How could you know the existence of the Mouth of Obliteration! How could you cross the barriers of civilization and bring the information of the previous civilization intact!" The goddess of life's face was already close to panic. When watching the Best Dragon, it was more like watching With an indescribable existence.

"Civilization barriers? What is that?" Chengying thinks that the goddess of life should know something. Now the gods are extremely weak, even if they are resurrected, they can be cleaned up. Chengying doesn't mind taking this opportunity to use the gods. A little news.

"Don't you know?" The Goddess of Life was stunned for a while, but she quickly "would like to understand". People often can't think too much. The Goddess of Life just thinks too much, so she mistakes Chengying for something impossible. The powerful presence of the name.

If Cheng Ying is really that strong, it is very likely that the civilization barriers will not be effective on him at all, or the impact on him will be minimal, or even to the extent that he can perceive it.

Excessive brain supplementation made the Goddess of Life decisively give up all struggles, and seriously explained to Chengying:

"The civilization barrier is a phenomenon unique to our world. This phenomenon originates from periodic extinction disasters. So far, no known civilization can survive such a disaster. This is the civilization barrier.

Because of its own particularity, the God Realm is independent of space, and hiding in the God Realm can escape the catastrophe of civilization extinction, but civilization barriers still exist.

He will erase almost all the information about the previous civilization, whether it is recorded on objects or kept in memory, almost all the knowledge, technology, culture, and customs of the previous civilization will be removed from the memory. erase.

So about this civilized relic, we only know his usage and that he came from the last season of civilization, and the rest of the memory has been erased."

Cheng Ying heard that, his face was cloudy and uncertain, the disaster was clearly aimed at civilization, and the purpose was to exterminate civilization. This is too bad, even in the gods, it can't be avoided.

Suddenly, Chengying's eyes lit up. He remembered the notes he had just read, and suddenly grasped the point: "Knowledge and culture will be erased from memory, what about the words?"

When the goddess of life heard the words, she was also taken aback. She has been accustomed to using Chinese characters, but she has never thought about this problem carefully. Thinking about it now, the problem is big!They have used Chinese characters since ancient times. In the era of Douluo, are humans still using Chinese characters?This is obviously unreasonable!

And Cheng Ying thought of another question: "No wonder everyone in the God Realm is like the soil buns from the country. They don't know any technology, and they don't even have scientific concepts.

It turned out to be because of civilization barriers. Scientific concepts are also an important part of civilization.

"We have never noticed the problem of words! So many civilized words are all the same!" The Goddess of Life almost screamed.

Chengying's expression was not very good, although he was mentally prepared for the fact that he was a character in the book, but such obvious evidence before him still made it difficult for him to calm down.

"Calm down, things may not be as bad as I thought. I may have just traveled through time. What I live in is actually a pure technological civilization that was extinct on this planet. The writer who wrote the Douluo Continent is actually a prophet... …" Chengying comforted herself in her heart, but such a false conjecture really couldn't comfort him.

"Go to the prophet... If he is a prophet, I will kill him tonight!"

Just when Chengying was upset, a sonorous collision sounded, and behind it was the roar of God Shura: "Bold! Dragon God, you still dare to come to the gods to go wild, life, quickly use that to suppress him!"

Cheng Ying: "???"

He turned his head and looked at the Shura God who was still cutting his back in vain, as if looking at a silly X.

"Why are you fat?" Cheng Ying stretched out his dragon's claws like a little chicken, and lifted up the god Shura, who had been resurrected many times and had become a dog.

The goddess of life awkwardly covered her face: "Sorry, I made you laugh. When we are resurrected, they will not remember what happened just now."

Chengying understands that this kind of resurrection is actually more like an archive. You save a file regularly. In case of death, you will be resurrected from the archive point. After the resurrection, naturally there will be no memories of the period before the resurrection. It is impossible to save a file while fighting.

From a certain point of view, this can’t be called resurrection, at least it’s not exactly resurrection. Similar things can be done with today’s tulips. For example, if someone dies, you can clone a person who is almost exactly the same. Into the memory, inject the memories he archived into the mind of a new clone, and then replace all his belongings on the clone.

For the clone, his subjective feeling is that as soon as his eyes are closed and opened, he is resurrected, but for the ontology, he is truly dead.

The meaning of this kind of resurrection lies more in preserving the person's position in society. It is meaningful to people he knows, such as relatives and friends, but it is meaningless to the dead him.

Because of ethical issues, this technology has not been popularized, but Chengying estimates that with the advancement of national concepts, this technology will one day be used.

[To be continued]

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