Douluo see you

Chapter 826 Take the Social Planet

"No! Whatever you have to stop this devil from finding the farta! This powerful existence is never the mother star can resist."

Regardless of whether the riots are exiled, he will have no doubt is a racist. For the continuation of the race, he can even do an unscrupulous means.

"Beat this guy ... it is impossible! No symbiotic can overcome this metamorphosis, and he is afraid that the power of betrayal people can also defeat him, I want to stop him, only ..."

In the frightened expression, the riots controlled his body, turned into a silver giant, just got it, just the spacecraft, I took off the atmosphere, the tail booster fell off, completed the separation with the head spacecraft , The riots are controlled by Drake, and the arm is a huge blade, just want to destroy the spaceship engine, so that the contrast will never reach his planet.

The universe is vast, no spaceship, will not be transferred, even if it is strong, it is difficult to cross the star field.

"Even if you have a strong, there is no spaceship, don't want to reach the mother's star! Hahahaha! Forever in this backward planet!" The riot laughed.

The engine of the spacecraft is already in front of him, the huge blade has run through the engine's shell, even if it is strong, this time does not stop him, the riots know more, so I don't say it. engine.

"Ah! What is gave you confident, think you can destroy the spacecraft engine in my block?" In the fire of the explosion, the inception and the ice emperor were in another space, and there was no effect.

"What?" The riot stunned, he has clearly destroyed the spaceship, why do you have to say this, if he has the ability to stop, why not stop!

"I didn't stop it, of course, because there is no need!" Urnights seem to be able to hear his voice, happy: "I didn't plan to take this vintage spacecraft to your planet.

This kind of lax is not a old antique, and you want to fly to your planet. How many years will you know, wait until the purple potato is finishing, and the lily is cold. "

"What do you mean!" Although the space of the universe could not pass the sound, the thorns of the riots were also conveyed to the mind of the contract.

"It's very simple! That is, I have a better spacecraft, I need it, in fact, it is just a coordinate. You have set the flight trajectory that you have set up. I have calculated the coordinates of your motherstock. In this case, I What is the old ancient look? "

During the speech, the sun suddenly covered, the riots looked up, the whole people were in a sluggish, he saw that a very ten kilometers of warships, in front of them, just shaking the sun, that is, this is this Branda.

"This is impossible! You clearly just learned to use the atomic energy, how could it be possible to make this kind of spacecraft!" The riots have fallen crazy.

There is such a battleship, I am afraid that even the two monsters don't shoot, his mother's stars are hard to make up, all this simply let him crazy.

"I must tell you an unfortunate news, like this battleship, I have a hundred!" The hopes of rushing of the riots.

Don't say these two metamorphosis, a hundred warships of this level, it is a strong fleet in the universe. It is not the race that can be confronted in the entire universe.

They are not how strong the race.

Just how he desperately, there is no meaningfulness, and he has already joined him, flew out the explosion range, and easily returned to the battleship under the guidance of the traction beam.

"Departure! Target! Symburo mother star!"

After a subsection of the contrast, hidden on the hundred fleet behind Mars, launched a jump in the direction of the wormhole.

As the fleet worms, a larger star than the sun is presented in their faces, surrounding the planets around this star, is more huge than the earth, even if the rock planet is also.

Uphoto will push the spirit into a line to release it out, and the range of 48,000 kilometers of radius is in the straight line distance, and it can be turned over thousands of times, and this stellar system is barely is enough.

Even if you can only explore the content on a unburable line, it is already very useful. If the radar is also a circle turned to detect such a wide range.

It quickly contracted the most prosperous planet of life, the next moment, the fleet is collectively flying toward the planet.

It is not worried about the counterattack of the planet, as long as you don't encounter a fleet of the purple potato, in the space war, you can say that no one is worthy, but you can use the space gem to call the soldier, because too high The strength of the gods of the gods, he told too many fleets. Considering that the military's re-employment will be quite difficult. Now that the huge army has not been disarmament, it can be pulled over.

However, before I am pulling, I must go to the goddess to turn a circle and get the people of the gods.

The gods of the parallel world have a collection as a base card, the gods of themselves, may not have something like, or have an exemplary containment, after all, Best metal is in the case of such cheating.


As the fleet is close, the mother of the symbiotic found that the invader, the vast fleet is not hidden, and in the reflection of the sun, even if the ordinary telescope can also look at it.

This horror scene has also caused a total of panic, and the surprised discovery is surprised by mental scans. This planet has a city, and it is very similar to the city, and there is no peristaltic symbiotic body on the street. Instead, some short-small people, their body surface covers a layer of viscous substances, all colors, but more black, only rarely have red or green so bright colors.

This colorful individual, in this race, probably corresponding to the status of murder in humans, after a short observation, the contrast, the shorter humanoid organism is a slave race of the symbiotic body, they were shared The biological row, and becomes their carrier when the symbiotic needs it.

Now, in the panic, it is controlling their slave race. It has not been robbed in the street. It is not much different from human beings. The minority is also subject to the symbiotic body, began to organize the anti-armor, prepare to board the spaceship, fight space The fleet of the middle, but one of the faces are also expressive.


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