Douluo see you

Chapter 836, politicians

"Douro's live for a long time ()"

The cloud gas is abundant, because the volume is too large, has been derived from self-absorption of soul growth, and if he is going to continue to grow, it will undoubtedly trigger a civilian disaster.

In this context, the first three countries at the same time gathered in the Three Kingdoms border, discussing the formation of continental coalitions.

Dai Huai, Snow Night, Emperor, and Three At the same time attend the meeting.

"The symbiotic absorption speed has a rise in the absorption speed of the soul. In the past, the soul of the continent is likely to be absorbed by it. At that time, the symbiotic body will not be enemy, this time invited two countries, not just come to help Flat, but also help yourself. "The national teacher of the snow is endless.

"Oh! Leap here is here, the symbiotic soul beast empire is all, but it is a common creature, even if it varies because of the mystery of the sea, it is also a limit, it is impossible to expand."

The emperor ridiculously said: "Don't say threatening all the mainland, I am afraid that even if you only have a fight, it is not necessarily, and we will pull it in, nothing more than losing too big."

Dai Huanyu also nodded: "If the sky can't come out sincere, I will not agree to send troops. Don't say that the sky is the biggest opponent in Xingro."

Snowy night that has not been spokeally shakes: "Do you still see a situation? You must take troops, and the clouds have a disaster, which is enough to hurt the bones.

If the sky is alone, I am afraid I can't stop your arbitrary soldiers! In this case, why is I bang? It is not better to send troops to attack, so it is dead, you can take off the water, you say who I will fight? "

"Roll! The monster is yourself! Selling him is your family affairs! Why do you want us to shoot!" The emperor took the case, the threat of snow night is too useful.

"Hehe? What? Do you think I am telling you? It's alive for so many old fritters. I will not think that there is reason to speak between the empire! I am from the national attack, you can Where do I? Even if you lost, you caught the body, who can stop the clouds? "Snow Night brugs.

"Emperium, you are not suitable as heads of an empire, you didn't see, Dai Xiong didn't speak a little one? Don't want to die, you only have to set up a coalition army, as for who is going, it is necessary to slow down. "


"Hey! Snow Night guy, I still have fun at it!" In the shadow shake his head, the emperor was completely fried, the empire is so easy to make determined to be determined.

Just like the three body, the deterrent era needed to choose the swordsman, the country as a bloated and dull aggregate, the decision to make self-destruction is almost impossible.

But at this time, it is indeed the best choice, who makes the Tiangou Empire are the strongest empire of the empowerment. It is independent as possible, but it is definitely no problem in one of the people.

As for the contrast, he is not anxious. Before the start of this total life, he can also brush a spicy chicken.

The way to make a cursed warrior for sacrifices, so that the conversion efficiency of energy is a bit low, but it can break a race's upper limit and can try to improve.

For example, use the anti-bacterial furnace to replace the energy of the sacrifice, it should have a good effect. The scientific trees of the dark elf are a bit blamed, and the induction is not necessarily unplugged from above.

Before the Mi Shen fleet found the motherman of the Dark Elf, the attention of the contrast is more in Douro, and the Three Kingdoms has already had a prototype, ready to start the encirclement plan of the cloud gas bodies, but this is obviously a long-term Action, the total volume of the total body is too big, and it is almost impossible to kill it.

The biggest feature of is that life is endless, according to the proposal of Skipping Scientists, even if it is chopped into seventeen or eight pieces, it is impossible to kill it, and this thing does not have a core,

Just want to wear the soul equivalent to 300,000 standard title Douro's soul, talk about how easy, plus this guy is still constantly being swallowed, self-replying, letting it grinds it evencomes a daunting task.

Most importantly, it is now located in the upper hinterland of the mainland. If it is forcibly encircling, it is likely that the whole continent is harmful. It is not good to tear two halves in the mainland sector. .

The first step in the strategy is to guide it to the sea, and the minimum is also talented in the sea coast.

The first step has aroused a major quarrel, and the Tiangou Empire is located in the north, and Tianjing City is located in the south of the Tiangou Empire. It is also difficult to reach the extent of the Soul concentration.

Instead, I want to introduce the clouds in the sea, the route has become a problem, more than 2,000 meters of big guys, what is the results you want to know, no one wants to pass from its own country.

The two major empires meant, let the giants step on the sky in the past, it is best to step on a few industrial heavy towns, but how can the Tiangou Empire agree.

One time I negotiated field, the lip tongue sword, the coalition of the sword was arrogant, and the three national heads were launched by the nuclear bomb, ready to go to the opposite fire.

In the end, the Tiangou Empire bite up to one-half of the roads in their own country, the rest of the two countries, and the result is a junction of the total organs in the three major empire territories. The extremely stupid road map, from Tiandang City toast, when you are about to arrive at the coastline, turn to the southwest, pass through the soul of the Empire, through the Xingro Empire, into the sea from the mainland, live in the mainland 7 The shape is stupid, and I want to hit the wall.

This is something that politicians can do, in order to let the other party who have a loss, you can don't take advantage of it, this route drawing is simply like a brain child.

However, the three empires are specially intended to be performed by the route painted by the picture.

The contrast means that it is too special, it can't see it, so I quit the concern about Douro, he really didn't want to see them in this, just in the side of the Dark Elf, caught one Dark Elf's investigation boat, you can try through this ship, find the dark elf, first packed them before they come to the earth.


In the world, Tony is thinking about how to get the improvement of his 233rd Mark's coat, and the days suffering from anxiety disorder, letting his batts have reached three digits.

"Hey! Tony, has the news of the dark elves, is it going to space?"


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