Douluo see you

Chapter 868 0

Upset did not deliberately arrange the schedule, but as the competition continued. Some of his optimistic players are still right.

In these competitions, the most intriguing thing is to fight between the East and Xiong Jun.

In theory, the ratio of Biji, who has just broken through the title, can never be the opponent of Xiong Jun, but the world is unique, and she still has a hopes.

Human cultivation is much stronger than the soul. If she can break through the title of Douuo, the fastest completion of their strength and accumulation, maybe there is a good hope.

However, even the probability of winning is also very embarrassed. Xiong Jun should be a strong in the many soul beasts.

Without practical use of superco, there are probably only the emperor can regulate him!

In the previous game, he didn't even show a second time, all enemies were all hit under his claws.

As the referee announced the game, Xiong Jun once again exposed the body, into the huge bear body into 100 meters, and extended the claws to the eastern.

Before facing Bear Jun, in order to escape this attack, think about a lot of routines. It seems that the speed of attack is not fast, it should be very good to avoid.

It can only be felt when she really faces attacks, before the contestants are really not in the holiday, they are really unhappy.

It seems that the claws are very slow, but they caught them, the space around them is imprisoned by the soul, and they can hide, they can only rely on defense hard.

The previously developed plans were discarded, and the proportion of a large amount of cloves were released in the East, forming a silkworm cocoons, and shrouded her.

With the fall of Xiong Jun attack, the dark gold sharp paw is also in contact with silkworm cocoons.

The ratio is like a strongly populated table tennis. I wrapped around the bend and fell toward the ground, and slammed a big pit on the ground.

The huge smoke, let Xiong Jun are vigilant, and mixed up for so long, he is also known to have a smoke!

After his opponent was smashed, it was the old high-grade mood on the ground. Of course, some people may be a wood-shaped or Tani, which varies from person to person.

The ratio is the only hurt so much smoke. This also proves that she has experienced buffering when she landed, and she didn't really eat all hurts.

Sure enough, the silkworm cocoon cracks, revealing the ratio of the ratio, although she looks like a wolf, there is no dry blood. But after all don't lose.

Just a moment, she wrapped herself in addition to the residency. The silkworm cocoon is connected to the paw of Xiongjun with a tenacious spider silk.

This scene just is like a child is playing with hobs. Sladably smashed the ball, but there was a rope plug. Even if you have a layer of buffering on the ground. Most of the impact has the paws of Xiong Jun to bear.

The ratio of the ranks in the east, this time I joked her! A Xiong Jun's looks like casual, but it can be greatly consumed, which can see it from it.

Bisong, in this opportunity, release a lot of spider silk. Two people fighting are complex jungle terrain. Original giant is tall and tall, even Bear Jun, does not necessarily have the highest trees here.

A spider is wrapped around the trunk of these trees, thousands of silk. Just like the real spider in the net network, pull up a huge translucent net in the half air.

A spider is flying in the arrangement, even if it is used to use psychotropic scan, it is difficult to find out. Even if you can find thousands of spider silk, who can you pay attention?

Xiong Jun also noticed the surrounding spider, but there was no panic, his attribute is gold, the best at the sharp blade attack. For these thousands of wire, there is nothing that is more restrained by the Billy Blade.

Xiong Jun raised his hand, five to dark golden claws flew out from his fingertips.

But soon, he found that his judgment was mistaken. The opponent's spider silk is more tough than him. If there is only one or two, it can be easily cut, after the number, they will stick to their own attacks .

Although it will be deformable, it does not break. And more and more. As the impact of the attack is lowered, more wires will be wound. Let the attack can't break.

This is not the most acceptable place for these wires. Xiong Jun is in the process of attacking the process. It is also a process of transformation into an elastic potential, and when his attack speed is reduced to zero, it will naturally turn into the process of stereotropic potential energy into kinetic energy.

Simplely said that his attack was rebounded. In the face of the same force as yourself, he can only wavily waving the paw again. Attempt to offset it.

Just these spiderings are being controlled by the East, where will he make him so much? Two attacks over the control of the cloves and did not collide together.

Although Xiong Jun is cumbersome, the speed is not slow, and it is necessary to hit his body.

Bibi is very clear about where his disadvantages are, and Qiongjun has this level of almost invincible attack and defense. She just broke through the title, and Douro's lack of powerful skills can be broken.

In other words, only the bear jun's own attack can only break his own defense. Because of this, the ratio is designed such a method to deal with him.

Xiong Jun will soon find that this natural will not rashly attack. But he did not attack and did not mean that it was stopped than the East's offensive. It was just the opposite to the East's attack on the beginning.

Zhu Si's network covers the scope of the square. The attacker that was deleted was not stopped, but continued to cut the tapenta.

The process of being detailed again, the process of converting kinetic energy into an elastic potential, when the speed of the attack is reduced to zero again. In the process of reverse this process, the attack will rebound back.

Through a direction with a tapered tape to control the attack, Xiong Jun released two attacks, all of which made it in the sharp blade of Bibi, rebounded in a limited space, encircling Xiong Jun, and he played for a moment. Wolf.

"In my thousands of silk, as long as you can't destroy all the silk, your attack will be rebound, I can't hurt you, but you can!"


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