Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 147 Dragon Bloodline

High-level plants can completely improve the cultivation talent of soul masters, and this type of high-level plants has a unified name, "immortal grass"!

High-level plants have such mysterious effects, so what about animals? Do some animals in Douluo Continent also have some way to change the cultivation talent of soul masters?

[Dragonization] secret method pried open a door.

"The mental network is really a bug-level ability."

Han Tao couldn't help but sigh.

The Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Sect, the most precious secret method of the top three sects, was so easily snooped by himself.

More importantly, Yu Tianheng was unaware from beginning to end.


"It has the effect of increasing the basic physique of soul masters. This seems to be the limitation of Ning Rongrong?"

Thinking of this, Han Tao turned his attention away from the conversation between Yu Xiaogang and Bibi Dong and found the real owner under the venue.

He waved his hand casually, signaling her to "come here!"

Ning Rongrong ran to Han Tao like a child who had not grown up.

"What's wrong?"

The soul bone skill of "Illusionary Space" was built invisibly in the air, transmitting the secret method of [Dragon Transformation] bit by bit.

Han Tao looked at her and said, "This should be what you need most!"

Rongrong didn't understand and began to read the information transmitted by Han Tao.

"The secret method of Dragon Transformation can enhance the body?"

A shallow mark appeared on the corner of her cheek, and her slender fingers covered her red lips: "You actually remembered this all the time?"

Han Tao raised his eyebrows: "Of course!"

Before this, Han Tao was also limited by the exhaustion of his mental power. If it weren't for Ye Lingling's "gaze", he might not have persisted until now.

After Ning Rongrong repeatedly checked the Dragon Transformation, she was a little hesitant: "But."

"According to the secret method, Dragon Transformation is only applicable to dragon blood."

Han Tao responded: "Yes!"

"The same is true for Haotian Jiujue. It is only applicable to Haotian Hammer. Other martial souls can't learn it at all!"

The secret methods of the top three sects are usually bound to martial souls.

Haotian Jiujue can only be used by Haotian Hammer, and Dragon Transformation can only be used by dragon martial souls.

Anyone can learn the distraction control method, but it is useless.

In the world view of Douluo Continent, skills that do not improve combat power are not worth learning at all.

Ning Rongrong smiled and said, "So, my father directly released the first five levels."

"Slightly more advanced academies and forces have mastered the distraction control method, but the one who really promoted this secret method is the Seven Treasures Glazed Tower Martial Soul!"

The secret method binds the martial soul, which is the recognized choice of all the top three sects.

"Even if other soul masters obtain the secret method inherited by the sect through interrogation, theft, and robbery, they will not be able to use it because of the incompatibility of the martial soul."

"In this way, it is fundamentally isolated from the prying of other forces."

Ning Rongrong seemed particularly confident.

As if she had discovered some truth, she spoke with a solemn oath.

Han Tao smiled and nodded: "You are right, but not entirely!"

Using himself as an example, he began to introduce:

"For example, I have also learned the distraction control method now, and the benefits are quite significant!"

Ning Rongrong snorted: "You are an exception!"

"One in a million exceptions!"

Her eyes were shining, like the reflection of thousands of stars, staring at his cheek: "Not every soul master can master illusions, and they can master two illusions at the same time!"

Faced with her flattery, Han Tao couldn't help but feel happy.

A rare smile appeared on his face.

"Thank you for your compliments!"

This leisurely mood will make a researcher immersed in endless vanity and shake his firm will.

Han Tao calmed down and began to narrate.

"It is indeed the case now!"

"But in the future, when Feng Xiaotian develops the flow of combat soul power, the distraction control method will become an indispensable skill for soul masters!"

Controlling the flow of soul power, body movements, and soul ring skills at the same time, it is definitely impossible without the distraction control method.

Ning Rongrong was stunned for a moment.

"The flow of soul power in combat state?"

She knew that Feng Xiaotian was studying a certain theory, but she was not sure about his research direction.

So far, this was the first time she heard of this term.

"Well, let him study this part first."

"The distraction control method has such significant benefits, so dragon transformation may also bring us gains."

Under Han Tao's guidance, Ning Rongrong returned her focus to the [Dragon Transformation] she had just received.

After thinking for a moment, she said:

"Dragon transformation requires dragon blood."

"Why do you need dragon blood? Is it because of some factors in the blood? Can soul rings and soul bones be used as substitutes?"

"Or can we use the blood of the outside world as a condition for dragon transformation?"

Ning Rongrong listed dozens of possibilities one by one.

But these unverified possibilities can only be regarded as guesses.

Han Tao's face was a little heavy, and his tone gradually stiffened.

"Perhaps, we need to find some mice."

Any experiment has corresponding risks, and no results can appear for no reason.

Pioneers, especially those who are pioneering a theory, often face the crisis of approaching death, and need individuals, soul masters, to bear the cost of theoretical exploration.

Without guinea pigs, Han Tao needs to use himself as a guinea pig.

If you do it over and over again, you will inevitably end up dead.

"Fortunately, I have money!" His heart warmed slightly.

At the critical moment, it is money that can warm people's hearts the most.

"Is it really cruel?" Ning Rongrong complained.

Han Tao was suddenly shocked and couldn't believe it: "Ning Rongrong, you have changed, and started to pretend to be a lady?"

"No, no!" Her expression froze.

She casually laughed "Haha" and turned her head away, trying to escape the current social death situation.

"How about this, let you explore this theory?"

"No way"

"I'm still studying the microstructure of soul power. Even if you want to find cattle and horses, you have to find someone else to use"

Han Tao nodded: "Yes!"

He weighed the other members of the Qibao team.

Ning Tian, ​​no no!

If he is handed over to him, he will only study theories such as dragon desires, and will not involve physical strength.

Ye Lingling, this name, entered Han Tao's choice list

"Nine Heart Begonia!"

"The strongest healing martial soul in Douluo Continent, naturally suitable for physical transformation!"

Inducing the dragon blood of the outside world and performing dragon transformation is a highly feasible path.

However, things are far from as simple as imagined.

High-level dragon blood is extremely exclusive and infectious. Injecting these blood into the body will form a two-way rejection reaction.

It will cause long-term and continuous damage to the soul master's body.

In most cases, this kind of damage is irreversible.

"Treatment is equal to fault tolerance!"

"Treatment is the premise for the universalization of the dragon transformation secret method."

"If this theory is exposed, the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Sect will kill the Nine Heart Begonia soul master at all costs."

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