Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 15 The Prospects of Micromanagement

Where there is a sleeping dragon, there must be a phoenix within a hundred steps.

"Young men are strong, and their bodies are like mountains and rivers with a straight spine"

"What are you humming?" Ning Rongrong's gloating was interrupted.

"No whispering!"

After the elder guarding the hall locked Ning Tian in the small dark room, he returned to the test site and started the next assessment.

Han Tao thought that Ning Tian, ​​the sleeping dragon, had performed well enough, but he didn't expect that there would be more explosive performance. After all, he underestimated everyone in the world.

"Assistant soul master, why do you need to increase the buffs for your teammates? You need to increase the buffs for your teammates because your teammates are not strong enough!"

Ning Rongrong even listed actual cases.

"As long as I bring Grandpa Jian and Grandpa Gu, I can win the battle even if I do nothing."

The elder guarding the hall was silent for a moment, and didn't know how to refute for a while.

"But, Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo will become stronger with the assistance of the sect master?"

He asked Ning Rongrong again.

Afterwards, Han Tao heard an even more explosive answer.

"Daddy gave Grandpa Sword and Grandpa Bone a boost, not to give them special effects, so that they are more conspicuous, and the presence of auxiliary soul masters can be reduced, so that the enemy will not attack them." Ning Rongrong said seriously, perhaps in her cognition, the answer is like this. After all, who dares to attack her first when sparring with the members of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect? Aren't they afraid of trouble from the two great gods? The expression of the guarding elder was very speechless. After giving Ning Rongrong a score of 26, he took her to the small black room. "Still the same?" Ning Rongrong muttered on her little face, without resistance or shouting, and walked into the small black room quietly. "Is it very unexpected?" A member next to him talked to Han Tao again, and Han Tao looked at him and nodded involuntarily. "If you fail the exam, you will be locked up in the small black room. This is the sect rule and no one can violate it."

"However, the Titled Douluo of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect has the authority to summon the sect disciples. This is also the sect rule."

"If you have the power, please use the Sword Douluo or Bone Douluo of our Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, and they can naturally bail you out of the small black room."

Is that so.

"So, this so-called small black room punishment is useless to them, the Dragon and the Phoenix?"

"On the contrary, it is us ordinary disciples who are in trouble?"

Han Tao's doubts were answered in the affirmative, but what Han Tao did not expect was that this disciple looked at the problem much more clearly than himself.

"The sect master actually knows, but at the same time the sect master tacitly agrees that when you are weak and powerless, the sect's rules are not a constraint, but a protection for the weak."

"If you have the strength of a Soul Douluo, if you have a key mission, or if you have the status of the sect master's daughter, you can ignore this rule. If not, then study according to the rules and pass the assessment with dignity."

Hearing the new answer, Han Tao's face became formal, and he looked seriously at this unknown sect disciple.

"I haven't asked for your name yet?"

He casually arched his hands and smiled.

"I am Xuefeng!"

After reporting his name, he walked forward to face the elder guarding the hall and began his own assessment.

"60 points, passed!"

Soon, Xuefeng's score was reported by the elder guarding the hall, causing an uproar among the members below.

"Finally, someone has passed. It's really not easy!"

"This time, Brother Xuefeng was able to pass, thanks to the efforts of the elders guarding the hall!"

Han Tao couldn't help but twitch his mouth after hearing this. Indeed, the elders guarding the hall were responsible for the entire assessment. Xuefeng's score was exactly 60, which seemed to be a lot of effort from the elders guarding the hall.

"Xuefeng, surnamed Xue, seems to be related to the royal family of the Tiandou Empire."

The surname Xue is not simple. At present, except for the royal family of the Tiandou Empire, there are few ordinary families with the surname Xue, and they are in the place of Qibao Liuli Sect.

It didn't take long for Han Tao to hear his name.

Following the rules, Han Tao walked forward and faced the elders guarding the hall.

"Han Tao, you have been in the sect for half a year. Today I will test what you have learned. If you fail to meet the relevant requirements, don't blame the elders for being ruthless."

"Tell me, what are the main directions you have studied in the past six months."

The auxiliary study book list covers a very wide range, so ordinary sect disciples will choose some fields to study.

"[Control Field] branch, the main research book is "Muscles, Strength, and External Actions." Han Tao chose a book that mainly talks about observing the changes in human muscles and speculating the transmission of force in the human body, which will form corresponding actions, attacks, and defenses. This is a very practical category. If Han Tao can feel the changes in the enemy's body, he can calculate the enemy's next move based on the formula in the book, so as to dodge and counter in advance. Hearing Han Tao's choice, the elder guarding the hall nodded in approval and asked. "When a soul master runs, how do the muscles and strength in the body work?" After thinking for a while, Han Tao answered slowly and word by word:

"When a soul master is running, the arm muscles and waist and abdominal muscles are used for balance. I won't go into details. The leg muscles are composed of soleus and peroneus brevis. The force ratio is 7:4:4:3, and the force is transmitted over time. Different force ratios are presented at different times. The following is a force analysis curve."

"The force of one leg drives the body forward, and the legs are staggered to complete a cycle. The visible muscle changes are"

The elder guarding the hall gave Han Tao a score of 61. Obviously, Han Tao's qualification this time did not use his efforts.

In fact, Han Tao still has a lot to say.

Because after mastering the muscle rules, there is too much room for operation.

For example, when a soul master is running, the muscles of one leg are transmitted to the trunk. At the moment when the old force is exhausted and the new force is not yet generated, only a small force is needed to destroy the balance of the soul master's body and make him fall.

For example, when Tang San is practicing the chaotic cloak hammer method, the time when the hammer hits and collides is also the beginning of the next round of chaotic cloaks. At this time, if a little seasoning is added to the hammer's return force to make the feedback force deviate, you can imagine what will happen.

Therefore, this theory has an infinitely high upper limit under the domain, and its strength depends entirely on the soul master.

"This is the control of microscopic power, and it is also an offensive means for auxiliary soul masters."

If Han Tao has the soul power level of Ning Rongrong in the original work, cultivates the distraction control method to the extreme, and fully understands and masters the "gain micro-manipulation", he can easily kill the Shrek team by participating in the National Elite Soul Master Competition at this level, even if he is alone, even if he is just an auxiliary soul master.

"Make it disordered when the power is initiated, and deflect it when the power ends."

This is quite terrifying, because you are not sure whether the power will attack your teammates under the micro-manipulation of others.

And the defensive actions of teammates are suddenly disordered, and they will face a life-and-death crisis just once.

Suddenness and abnormality are the essence of microscopic power.

It's like the feeling of a child practicing table tennis when facing a spin ball for the first time.

Other soul masters, if they want to deal with this kind of power micro-manipulation, must conduct "anti-interference training" of auxiliary soul skills.

Only then will they have the opportunity and possibility to make a slight counterattack against the power of this dimension.

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