Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 185 Dai Mubai dies

The Star Luo Empire maintains a rather cruel heritage.

The winner gets everything, the loser gets nothing.

And Dai Mubai has failed. He has no right and no reason to order himself!

Zhu Zhuqing's expression showed cruelty: "You are a loser!"

"If you die in the hands of Haotian Douluo, the Xingluo royal family will not care, and no one will avenge you!"

Dai Mubai looked gloomy and lowered his head: "Did I lose?"

"Losers get nothing!"

Looking up at the giant hammer that is gradually falling, everything in the past flashes like a fleeting sight.

"Yes. If I had worked harder at that time, would the result have been different?"

"What would have happened if Zhu Zhuqing had seen me working hard to make progress?"

"Unfortunately, it's too late"

On the verge of death, Dai Mubai's eyes were longing and he whispered.

"The left leg bone of Chasing the Wind that moves forward rapidly and the right arm soul bone of the bursting and burning flame."


The Haotian Hammer arrived as scheduled, and under the heavy hammer, the bricks and rubble turned into powder.

"No!" the master shouted repeatedly.

But Tang Hao ignored his obstruction, and Dai Mubai disappeared under the Clear Sky Hammer!

Dai Mubai's body did not turn into dust like bricks and tiles, because Titled Douluo did not have such powerful destructive power. After all, this was the Douluo Continent. Even a hundred-level god could only destroy the city gate with a full blow.


When Tang San saw this, he hurriedly backed up and fell into the master's arms.

Unbelievable, he murmured: "Boss Dai is dead!"

"I think so!" Tang Hao's tone was arrogant and arrogant: "If he can withstand this Clear Sky Hammer, I can be merciful and let him go!"

Yu Xiaogang was heartbroken!

He didn't dare to accuse Tang Hao, but he could manipulate his students just like Qin Ming.

Pointing at Zhu Zhuqing's nose, he asked angrily: "Why don't you summon the martial spirit? Why don't you want to save him?"

"If you are willing to save him and summon the martial soul to merge into the Netherworld White Tiger, Dai Mubai will not die!"

Tang San responded: "Yes!"

"Boss Dai's death is all because of you!"

Oscar and Ma Hongjun did not argue, they followed the will of Yu Xiaogang and Tang San, regardless of the truth, and looked at her with disgust.

"Ha!" Tang Hao laughed contemptuously.

Facing the accusations from everyone, Zhu Zhuqing looked fragile: "What do you want me to do?"

"Tang Hao is a titled Douluo, can he win with me?"

"Do you have to be buried with me and Dai Mubai to be satisfied?"

There was even a hint of crying in her tone.

Shrek's situation immediately attracted the attention of the Star Luo Royal Academy.

Davis and Zhu Zhuyun stepped forward and looked at Dai Mubai, who had fallen to the ground. They were filled with joy, but pretended to be heartbroken: "Dai Mubai, my poor brother!"

Then, the two looked at each other, and a certain tacit understanding emerged spontaneously.

"Don't worry, I will definitely avenge you!"

Tang Hao: "Hmm?"

Davis looked at him squarely: "Your Highness, Haotian Crown, killed the royal family of the Star Luo Empire. Your Highness, Prince Dai Mubai, must give the empire an explanation!"

"Don't pretend to be a good guy here!" Tang Hao's voice was filled with anger.

The Clear Sky Hammer condensed in the palm of the hand, and the majestic power was aroused in the body, ready to go.

His father was held accountable, Tang San showed dissatisfaction, his eyes darkened: "Dai Mubai once told me about the tradition of the Star Luo Empire, losers are abandoned sons, even if they die in the wilderness, they will not be held accountable too much! "

This is indeed the case. The competition for the prince of the Star Luo Empire failed, and the empire turned a blind eye to it.

Zhu Zhuyun sneered: "So, you asked your father to kill him?"

Oscar and Ma Hongjun were stunned.

Looking at Tang San with a slightly questioning look.

"Look what I'm going to do?" Tang San looked uncertain: "What's the benefit of killing Boss Dai?"

Yu Xiaogang immediately expressed his position: "I believe Tang San, he will not do such a thing, besides, not long ago, Tang Hao almost killed me!"

Bibi Dong protected Yu Xiaogang, but did not protect Dai Mubai, but waited for everything to happen.

Han Tao also waited patiently for the development of the matter.

"Ye Lingling, go on!" He took out two buns and threw them over.

Baozi is a food-based soul master recruited by the Qibao Glazed Sect. He makes ingredients that can restore soul power.

"Now, use Concentration!"

Ye Lingling said "hmm".

Then, Han Tao forcibly activated his spirit and catalyzed his purple devil pupil to the "mustard seed" state!

The "Illusion Space" is opened, and Han Tao tries to read Davis's mind.

"In the face of Haotian Douluo's attack, complete the fusion of the Netherworld White Tiger's martial souls, form a contrast with Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, and prove the unity of the two to Emperor Xingluo."

Davis and Zhu Zhuyun are not ordinary characters.

There is a deep meaning behind the outrageous behavior.

"Good guy!" Han Tao was also stunned.

"Tacit understanding and unity are very important in the eyes of Emperor Xingluo!"

Because the fusion of martial souls in the perfect form can increase the strength of the Netherworld White Tiger to the god level.

Emperor Xingluo did not understand the fusion theory of "bloodline and soul power", so he thought one-sidedly:

If you want to achieve perfect martial soul fusion skills, you can only rely on "unity and tacit understanding."

As for investigating Tang Hao's fault?

As long as Davis and Zhu Zhuyun were not ill, they would not have such thoughts.

All the touching performances are just a show, showing "unity" to Emperor Xingluo!

Han Tao turned his attention away from Davis.

The purple light in the pupils was like a ghost that penetrated the soul, once again invading Tang San's thinking.

"Blue Silver Grass"

"How should Bluesilver Grass recover?"

Although the current situation is very critical, Boss Dai has just died.

But Tang San's thoughts were not sad because of him, or in other words, "Boss Dai" was not important to Tang San at all.

Tang San's thoughts always stayed on his own martial spirit.


Thoughts flickered in disillusionment, and finally, a certain picture was frozen:

Han Tao intercepted the Eight Spider Spear Toxin, then took out the remains of the Snow-colored Swan Kiss from the package and fused it with the Soul Bone Toxin.

"Snowy Swan Kiss"

"Immortal grass!" Tang San suddenly woke up.

There was unconcealable joy in his eyes: "Immortal grass, fairy grass will definitely be able to heal my martial spirit!"

With the linkage of random memories, Tang San began to search for the "Pharmacopoeia" in Xuantian Baolu, and the knowledge about fairy grass appeared in front of Han Tao again.

"Characteristics of various types of jelly", "how to take individual jelly", "how to take combined jelly" are all presented before your eyes.

"Oh, it's quite complete?" Han Tao smiled.

The content on Xuantian Baolu and the Encyclopedia of Immortal Grass described by Yang Wudi have overlapping parts and expanded areas. After mutual confirmation and study, one can gain a deeper understanding of Immortal Grass.


"This doesn't make any sense?"

Getting the right knowledge at the wrong time will only leave you with regrets.

The fairy grass has been eaten, and the remaining two plants, "Fire Apricot Jiaoshu" and "Octagonal Black Ice Grass", are full of poison under the influence of "Snow-Colored Swan Kiss". Just looking at them is a death penalty!

Han Tao sighed: "Hey!"

Not every exploration will yield results and benefits, and it is not frustrating to learn some worthless content.

Fingers tapped lightly on the table.

It seems that some possibility has come to mind: "Crystal Blood Dragon Ginseng"

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