Douluo: Spirit Research Diary

Chapter 188 Golden Holy Dragon

"Not enough!"

"Yu Xiaogang's blood contains a huge amount of light characteristic factors, but the purity and quantity of the dragon blood are not enough!"

Ye Lingling took out a porcelain bottle, her expression was calm, and no emotion could be heard.

"Hmm!" Han Tao nodded slightly:

"The Golden Holy Dragon is formed by the fusion of the martial spirits of Yu Xiaogang, Flanders, and Liu Erlong. I think..."

"It is Liu Erlong's blood and martial spirit that make up for the difference in the dragon bloodline!"

"I just don't know what role Flanders played in it?"

"Flying Horn?" Han Tao tapped his fingers lightly, and his thoughts surged.

It can be felt that Flanders' blood occupies a large proportion and is the "core element" of the Golden Holy Dragon!

"To reproduce the complete form of the Golden Holy Dragon, the blood of two other soul masters may be needed."

Ye Lingling's voice gradually became lighter, because she felt that this condition might be too harsh

Han Tao said "Hmm".

"Flanders is easy to deal with. He is still in the prison of the Tiandou Empire. It only takes a small amount of money to operate."

After saying goodbye, he left the institute.

Tiandou Empire, prison.

The prison is surrounded by closed rocks and is only about two meters high. From the appearance, it doesn't look like a prison at all, but like a yard.

It's normal to think about it. After all, this is Douluo Continent, the world of soul masters.

No matter how high the prison is, it can't stop those soul masters who can fly.


The two guards crossed their weapons and stopped Han Tao.

He took out the package, took out the "Prince Token" given by Xue Qinghe, and signaled to the guard.

"I came to see Dean Flanders at the request of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

The guard heard it and immediately said: "Please follow me!"

Under the guidance of the guard, Han Tao found the prison where Dean Flanders was imprisoned.

Hearing the sound of a long string of keys being fiddled with, Flanders looked up and looked at the person who came:

"You are."

He used his mental power to sweep over Flanders' body, frowning:

"The martial soul was abolished, and the meridians were destroyed."

"But fortunately, the bloodline was preserved intact."

Han Tao leaned close to the guard's ear and whispered:

"This apprentice of Dean Flanders killed His Royal Highness Prince Xue Beng, which made my eldest brother very sad!"

"So he ordered me to come here and teach him a lesson!"

Han Tao's tone was solemn: "Also, remember to keep this matter confidential!"

The guard nodded: "Received!"

It is impossible to keep it confidential. Everything that happened here will definitely be passed to the ears of Xue Qinghe and Emperor Xue Ye, so Han Tao's confidentiality is mainly to prevent the people from Shrek Academy from knowing it.

Take out the knife and porcelain bottle from the package and start to extract Flanders' blood immediately.

Flanders' martial soul and soul power were abolished, but he retained the physique level of a soul saint, and he immediately began to struggle.

"Don't move!" Han Tao used his soul power to barely subdue him.

Cat-Owl is a high-level martial soul with a 0.7 growth base, even if his soul power level once reached Soul Saint.

But in terms of physical data, it is not much higher than Han Tao.

"Han Tao, it's you!"

Obviously, Flanders recognized his identity.

Originally, Han Tao wanted to use illusions to simulate the appearance of "Qin Ming" or other people to extract Flanders' blood.

But after careful consideration, he still felt it was inappropriate and chose to give up.

"Ye Lingling has already asked for the blood of Yu Tianheng and Yu Xiaogang, so."

"On the Douluo Continent, there are already some soul masters who know that they have a demand for soul master blood!"

Assuming that Dean Flanders was rescued by others, even if he was told the wrong identity, he could still deduce his identity by comparing the "blood demand".

"Exposing a small part"

"Don't really treat Tang San and Yu Xiaogang as idiots!"

Flender's fingers trembled, questioning: "I have never offended you, why do you do this?"

Han Tao spread his hands and smiled: "Your martial soul is useless, and your soul power is also useless."

"I draw your blood to help you find another possibility!"

Flender was puzzled: "What possibility?"

"With blood as the foundation, the path of breaking the limit of the body!"

Then, a lot of precious medicinal materials were taken out of the package, which can help soul masters replenish blood to a certain extent

"You still have such good intentions?"

Flender looked doubtful, but there was no choice at the moment, so he had to take these medicinal materials and eat them without hesitation.

"Pah!" Han Tao slapped the table.

"Eat in order!"

Tang San's Xuantian Baolu and Yang Wudi's pharmacology both have appropriate blood-replenishing prescriptions. Han Tao wrote the contents on paper and handed them to Dean Flender.

Then, Han Tao asked the guard: "Are you a soul master?"

The guard shook his head.

He took out two gold soul coins, handed them to the guard, and said: "In the future, I will come here once a month, thank you for your help!"

Flanders' face twitched slightly when he heard this, but at the moment, "I am the fish at the mercy of others", he had no capital to resist.

The world of Douluo Continent is so cruel. If the guard is a soul master, Han Tao cannot just give him two gold soul coins, but must pay him according to his level.


"I will come again next month!"

Han Tao waved his hand and left the prison of Tiandou Empire under the guidance of the guard.

"How is it?"

Han Tao asked Ye Lingling again.

There are three bloods in front of him, Flanders, Yu Xiaogang, and Yu Tianheng.

Liu Erlong has no idea where to start, so he will use Yu Tianheng's blood for now, since they are from the same clan anyway.

"The blood of the cat-owl is very meaningful!"

"The fusion of two different bloods is also the hub for the fusion of the dragon blood and the aura of light. Without the cat-owl, the golden iron triangle cannot build a martial soul fusion."

Cat-owl, not an owl!

Ye Lingling's expression was firm, and she mixed the three bloods together according to different ratios.

"Golden Holy Dragon Blood."

Since it was the first attempt, the concentration and fusion of the constructed Golden Holy Dragon Blood were very poor.

But even so, this is the blood of the Golden Holy Dragon. If Yu Xiaogang really gets it, maybe his martial soul will really evolve.

Ye Lingling stretched out her green fingers and twisted the hair beside her ears: "The light aura in Yu Xiaogang's blood is very strong!"

"The intensity is far beyond imagination, suppressing the generation of dragon bloodline"

"To be honest, with this intensity of light, there shouldn't be such a useless martial soul."

Han Tao nodded: "I can feel it!"

"He is useless, don't blame others!"

"If Yu Xiaogang chooses dragon bloodline for the first two soul rings, his martial soul will most likely transform into a golden holy dragon. Although century-old dragon soul beasts are relatively rare, it is still possible to get it with the power of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family."

The Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Sect has fixed soul skills and reference answers to choose from.

But Yu Xiaogang believes in his own judgment and has to prove his "theory", which makes Luo Sanpao look weird.

"Or. If the first two soul rings choose light attributes, there is also a high probability that it will transform into other top-level martial souls of light!"

Ye Lingling was full of smiles: "This is a bit embarrassing for the master"

"According to its level, can it understand blood? Can it understand light attributes?"

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